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Why people will believe anything!!!

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posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 07:02 AM
This article will blow your mind away. Shows how much the big companies and bankers control us on an everyday basis.

You will think twice before buying any products again:

Mod Edit: Title edited to avoid flamebaiting.

[edit on 17-10-2006 by TheBandit795]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:02 PM
Mod Edit: Edited out the comments of the flamebait's victim.

[edit on 17-10-2006 by TheBandit795]

I find this site has a slant that allows America bashing to weak questionable links, but the other way around from what I have seen is shut down quickly.

Shame on ATS and this moderator.

Continue censoring the truth.

In fact calling me "flamebait" is offenseive. Who moderates the moderators?

[edit on 17-10-2006 by sbob]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Did I call you the flamebait???

And didn't you see that I changed the thread title???

When will you realize that I (or any other mod) don't allow the bashing of any country on this planet?? Including the United States??

He was bashing your people... I edited it out. You started bashing him... I edited that out. What's the problem?

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:00 PM
I was not bashing anyone. The title is very much relevant to the thread.

The article is meant to show how big companies can make the Americans belive anything by using tatics like the ones described. How is that bashing????

I say americans because the article talks about americans and american companies specifically.

And I feel its true. When do people actually go out and do some research. If they hear that says this, then it must be true.

For example, something i noticed. Several 'scientific studies' have at different times shown that tea is good for you and then sometimes you see that its bad for you. So how do we know which one is true?

I see in the newspapers on a daily basis that 'scientific studies' shows blah, blah blah. Do we ever question 'wat scientific study? Who conducted the study? where was it conducted?. How would we ever know?

something to really think about.

Maybe they should have laws for scientific studies. These studies should be done in full view of people. People should be able to choose individuals from their cities to oversee these studies. These individuals should be changed on a timely basis. Just my two cents.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 10:06 AM
How come you always post pro muslim(always in a good light) and anti american posts (always in a bad light)?

There is an agenda with your posts. period.

So, I will be there to expose your agenda. Until there is some thinking outside of that agenda.

Hey, I will admit I am pro American, but I still think Geroge Bush is the biggest loser president in my lifetime. And America has many problems. I am able to see defects in my country and religon. You do not and spew hate towards others to deflect for the root problems in your area and religon.

In fact I would think it a good idea that ATS points and avatar area that a persons "pro American" or "pro China" or "anti squirrel" view would be voted on by other members and shown to show how the poster has posted in the past.

I sorry if I offended the moderator.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by sbob
How come you always post pro muslim(always in a good light) and anti american posts (always in a bad light)? There is an agenda with your posts. period.

You want me to be on the fence? This website gives the members liberty to express their opinions. If you disagree with any of my opinions, you are free to debate about it with me. I dont post anti-american posts. I post against US gov. because I seem them as the biggest terrorists. Also, its funny that you mention me being pro muslim. I am a muslim, so obviously Im gonna try and defend my people and my faith. I never defended any terrorists or any terrorist acts.
and I might add, ATS is always filled with anti-muslim posts and hate filled threads so please don't lecture me or my opinions. If you want to debate then feel free to but dont try to use personal attacks to discredit me because it wont work.

Originally posted by sbob
So, I will be there to expose your agenda. Until there is some thinking outside of that agenda.

Go ahead. Lets see what you can expose. Since you cant provide any rational answers to my arguments, the only thing you can do is try to discredit me by personal attacks.

Originally posted by sbob
Hey, I will admit I am pro American, but I still think Geroge Bush is the biggest loser president in my lifetime. And America has many problems. I am able to see defects in my country and religon. You do not and spew hate towards others to deflect for the root problems in your area and religon.

Hey, I also admit I am pro muslim, but I still think Osama is the biggest loser muslim in my lifetime. I can say the same thing, does not prove anything. Stop making baseless accusations towards me. I never spread hatred for anyone. If I am trying to show people the other side of the story then it does not equate to me being anti-american. Instead of pointing fingers and trying to discredit me, how about you provide some valuable arguments to the posts.

From what I see, you have yet to contribute anything useful or meningful to this thread and all you seem to be doing is attacking me personally.

Originally posted by sbob
In fact I would think it a good idea that ATS points and avatar area that a persons "pro American" or "pro China" or "anti squirrel" view would be voted on by other members and shown to show how the poster has posted in the past.

Then why don't you talk to the moderators about it rather than posting here in this thread.

Originally posted by sbob
I sorry if I offended the moderator.

You also offended me by name calling. Regular members have feeling too u know
. But its ok.

And a reminder. Please do not post off-topic remarks and comments. This post was to show how people are duped into buying things. This report was specific to US, so obvioulsy I stated that. That does not make me anti-american.

As for the other threads. Please post there and point to me where I am being anti-american and we can argue there. Until then, refrain from name calling and personal attacks.

[edit on 18-10-2006 by half_minded]

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by half_minded
Shows how much the big companies and bankers control us on an everyday basis.

Please go back and see that I wrote 'control us'. When I say 'us' then obviously I am including myself in it. That makes me anti-american?

Bravo for that amazing discovery.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:04 AM
Wow. I'm not going to get involved with this off-topic debate.

That site is pretty ironic. It claims that people are being mislead by companies. This site itself is misleading.

* Pharmaceuticals restore health

It really depends WHAT pharmaceutical is used, and in relation to what.

* Vaccination brings immunity

Yes, it does bring limited immunity for a limited amount of time. On the other hand some vaccinations have been known to cause the condition, but that is a very rare exception.

* The cure for cancer is just around the corner

...A statement which is neither here nor there.

* Menopause is a disease condition

I've NEVER heard it being called a disease.

* When a child is sick, he needs immediate antibiotics

Depends what the child is sick with.

* When a child has a fever he needs Tylenol

No opinion.

* Hospitals are safe and clean.

...If you grew up where I did, you'd know better.

* America has the best health care in the world.

I thought it did...

* Americans have the best health in the world.

Health or wellbeing?

* Milk is a good source of calcium.

How is that misleading? Milk is the BEST source of calcium.

* You never outgrow your need for milk.

I have NEVER heard this. Ever.

* Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.

I've heard it CONTAINS ascorbic acid.

* Aspirin prevents heart attacks.

I've never heard that it prevents heart attacks. I have on the other hand heard that it HELPS prevent heart attacks.

* Heart drugs improve the heart.

Depends what heart drugs in relation to what improvement.

* Back and neck pain are the only reasons for spinal adjustment.

So what other reason is there?

* No child can get into school without being vaccinated.

I've never heard this...I got through school just fine without ever being vaccinated for anything.

* The FDA thoroughly tests all drugs before they go on the market.

I tend to agree that this is misleading

* Back and neck pain are the only reason for spinal adjustment.

The same claim is made twice. See above.

* Pregnancy is a serious medical condition

I tend to agree that this is misleading. But I am yet to hear someone say "Pregnancy is a serious medical condition"

* Chemotherapy and radiation are effective cures for cancer

I've never heard that Chemotherapy is a CURE.

* When your child is diagnosed with an ear infection, antibiotics should be given immediately 'just in case'

I tend to agree that this is misleading.

* Ear tubes are for the good of the child.

...Your joking, right? You want children to be deaf?

* Estrogen drugs prevent osteoporosis after menopause.

I've never heared that before...but then again, im not an old woman...

* Pediatricians are the most highly trained of all medical specialists.

I've never heared that before.

* The purpose of the health care industry is health.

Somewhat correct. The purpose of Health care is illness. But we already knew that...It does noth have anything to do with anything.

* HIV is the cause of AIDS.

HIV IS the cause of AIDS.

* AZT is the cure.


* Without vaccines, infectious diseases will return

Without vaccines, infectious diseases MAY return

* Fluoride in the city water protects your teeth

Compared to bottled water, yes it does.

* Flu shots prevent the flu.

They do.

* Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being placed on the Mandated Schedule.

They are.

* Doctors are certain that the benefits of vaccines far outweigh any possible risks.

I tend to agree. This is misleading.

* Chronic pain is a natural consequence of aging.

This goes either way. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it is not.

* Soy is your healthiest source of protein.

Never heared of this claim before...Then again I don't eat/drink the stuff.

* Insulin shots cure diabetes.

Ive never heard that insulin shots CURE diabetes.

* After we take out your gall bladder you can eat anything you want

I've never heard that before.

* Allergy medicine will cure allergies.

Yes, I've heard this and it is misleading.

Sorry for the extra long post...I just wanted to make a point.
The site claims people are easily mislead. It then gives examples. Almost ALL of which are misleading.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:30 AM
I didn't see one thing in that article that I personally believe. I prefer to do my own investigation of products or services when the need arises.

As fare as subliminal persuasion is concerned, it is done all over the world and is successful all over the world.

As far as calling my President names and disrespecting him, that is wrong! I may disagree with him on issues or policies but he is the President and should be treated with the respect of his position. Half _Minded, you may not be name calling directly but you have indirectly in your posts about politics and Bush. If you want respect from others or want to point fingers maybe you should look in the mirror and work on yourself first.

Now, back to the subject. I would say Subway's popularity is a perfect example of how advertising can make an awful product popular.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Gear
Wow. I'm not going to get involved with this off-topic debate.

How can a debate be off-topic when it is the original post??

You are not gonna get involved? and you are the one with the lengthiest post.
Im just a little confused with your opening statement.

Not trying to pick on you but, just curious. Why does it show BANNED MEMBER under your name???

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by jbondo
As far as calling my President names and disrespecting him, that is wrong! I may disagree with him on issues or policies but he is the President and should be treated with the respect of his position.

People always throw 'freedom of speech' and 'first amendment' at me. Now I throw it right back at ya. And I say that BUSH is an IGNORANT, INCOMPETENT FOOL. You cannot stop me from saying that because I have the freedom of speech.

Stop being a hypocrite and apply the 'mirror techinque' to yourself.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:45 AM

How can a debate be off-topic when it is the original post??

The other than the first post, most of the posts before mine were about America bashing, Pro-Muslim, biasism, etc. I didn't want to get involved with that.
My post was about the actual topic at hand. Your the one who posted it.

Not trying to pick on you but, just curious. Why does it show BANNED MEMBER under your name???

It's my CT. I appreciate irony.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 12:12 PM
The meta-religion article is a long, tedious rant on, about, and by disgruntled meta-consumers against the "establishment".

With all due respect to the original poster it is just another example of someone searching the net until they find an 'article' that somewhat reflects their own beliefs or misgivings and then posting here in attempt to widen the belief set to wider potential audience.

Unfortunateluy, these 'newsworthy pieces' are rarely from journalist these days - in this case someone who expresses great pride in themself for "just 'graduated' from a junior college' as their sole credential. Just beacaue you can find just about any position taken on any topic among now millions of web sites does not make it any more worthy of our time or discussion. To me, this is equivalent to someone saying something rather mundane to me in casual conversation that I believe so profound that I must run out and tell everyone else.

There are web pages about one god, many gods, no gods, alien gods, firendly gods, evil gods, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

anyway - for all it's worth: IMO some of what the article says is true, some may be true, much is false, and nearly all of it is subject to the personal interpretation of the writer (and thus, consequently the reader) and has little basis in fact to lend credibility to the more magnanimous claims. Perhaps this post/thread/article would have been more appropriately housed in BTS...

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Gear
The other than the first post, most of the posts before mine were about America bashing, Pro-Muslim, biasism, etc. I didn't want to get involved with that.

Huh? Which posts are you talking about? R u even on the same thread????

I dont know what is so unbelievable about this article. Its a very high possibility that big companies pay 'dummy' organizations or maybe even actual credible organizations to post 'scientific studies' in their favour. Explains why sometimes you see contradictory 'scientific' results as i described with an example with tea or coffee. Sometimes they say its good for you, sometimes they say its bad.

Anyway, the point of the article was just to show this theory and discuss it. Just because it does not appeal to your beliefs does not mean you can just crtiticize it as being stupid. Either post some argumentative statements related to the posts or move on.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Gear
The other than the first post, most of the posts before mine were about America bashing, Pro-Muslim, biasism, etc. I didn't want to get involved with that.

Huh? Which posts are you talking about? R u even on the same thread???? How does this post has anything to do with muslims?

I dont know what is so unbelievable about this article. Its a very high possibility that big companies pay 'dummy' organizations or maybe even actual credible organizations to post 'scientific studies' in their favour. Explains why sometimes you see contradictory 'scientific' results as i described with an example with tea or coffee. Sometimes they say its good for you, sometimes they say its bad.

Anyway, the point of the article was just to show this theory and discuss it. Just because it does not appeal to your beliefs does not mean you can just crtiticize it as being stupid. Either post some argumentative statements related to the posts or move on.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by half_minded
How does this post has anything to do with muslims?

OH MY GOD! It has NOTHING to do with Muslims hence WHY I said:

Originally posted by Gear
Wow. I'm not going to get involved with this off-topic debate.

The debate being between you, Sbob, and The Bandit.

Originally posted by half_minded
I dont know what is so unbelievable about this article... Just because it does not appeal to your beliefs does not mean you can just crtiticize it as being stupid.

I at no point stated or implied it was unbelievable.
I never once stated or implied it did not appeal to my beliefs.
I did NOT at any point crtiticized it as being stupid.

Originally posted by half_minded
Either post some argumentative statements related to the posts or move on.

I did. In almost every word in my lengthy post.
You want me to say it again?
The site claims people are easily mislead. It then gives factual examples. Almost ALL of which are misleading.

Listen to companies? You have been mislead.
Listen to this site? You have been mislead.
Basically, if you don't do your own work, It's a catch 22.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Gear
Wow. I'm not going to get involved with this off-topic debate.

A little tip. If you want to stay away from a debate then it helps to not comment on it at all as it tends to confuse the other person. First you say you wanna avoid the off topic debate then you say that posts before u were bush bashing, muslim biased, etc. Why wud u mention them in the first place if you wanna avoid them????? Thats what confused me. Anyway forget it.

As for the actual topic. Its just something to think about and as I said earlier, it makes me wonder as to how much scientific study is actually true. The article is trying to prove a conspiracy theory. I dont know if its true or not but it sure is interesting and worth debating. It could very easily be true in a lot of cases.

As for the list the author gave, I know they are misleading. But maybe thats what the author was trying to prove? Maybe he wanted to just write random stuff and say that this is how companies make you belive.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Some material from the link in the OP:

"Bernay's job was to reframe an issue; to create a desired image that would put a particular product or concept in a desirable light.

Bernays described the public as a 'herd that needed to be led.' And this herdlike thinking makes people "susceptible to leadership." Bernays never deviated from his fundamental axiom to "control the masses without their knowing it."

The best PR happens with the people unaware that they are being manipulated.

Stauber describes Bernays' rationale like this: "the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in a democratic society." (Trust Us..., p 42)

These early mass persuaders postured themselves as performing a moral service for humanity in general - democracy was too good for people; they needed to be told what to think, because they were incapable of rational thought by themselves. "

-- so I ask who is this Bernay person? what is his backgound.
he is goulish and has a low opinion of other human beings and sounds just like the illumaniti we keep talking about around here.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 08:28 AM
Well I'm not so sure about the pharmacuticals. My dad has a very bad condition, heart disease. I tell him it's his own fault for smoking[I know, it sounds shallow] but it's 100% true. I tell him he doesn't need to take so many medications, and that he needs to stop drinking coffee so much, and drink plenty of water and vegatables but he replies he needs them to stay I counter with "that's what they WANT you to believe" and everybody else. In reality I'm not very sure, since I don't have the condition, know about it or take the medication, nor am I qualified but I don't neeed to be qualified to be concerned.

The FDA, like any other org. is questionable. Even if there were another company in place, there is no proof they would go to great lengths to make sure each and everyday approved is "safe"--as one would expect--consumer health is more important than profits alone. No one on gods green earth is sure 100%. On one hand, you have people complaining about regulation, restricting consumer choice. On the other, you have unfortunate customers who experienced terrible side-effects complaining there is not enough regulation, and that we don't know what these companies put in their products which is true. There is no middle ground. The only solution is to know 100% what every product purhcased or administered contains. Sounds ignorant, but I tend to go with the most popular brands...but recently I started doing more research.

[edit on 20-10-2006 by SteveG]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 01:41 PM
a very short answer to the main questions of this topic : THAT'S HUMAN BEING !

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