posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:36 PM
Hi there,
I am a newbie to ATS but I have been looking at this site for a while now and decided to join in. I have read many books and seen much video footage
(at other places too) and I feel that I am educated enought to look at things analytically and draw my own conclusions from what I have been presented
with. I am overwhelmed with the evidence and all the things that just do not add up.
I have concluded (like millions of others on this planet) that the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon was an inside job. I am disgusted to think that
a government that passes itself off as a democracy, could murder thousands of it's citizens (and other guests on it's soil) as a way to create panic
in an attempt to boost patriotism and justify 'a war on terror'.
What has this got to do with a 5O year old mother of 3 sons in Sydney, Australia ? My eldest son happens to be a specialist in his field in the
Australian Army and guess where he is going soon ? Baghdad. Yeah that's just bloody great and I personally hold the US and the Australian
governments responsible for this. I am so sick of Australia's PM, Little Johnny Howard (one of Dubya's bumboys) with his sycophantic attitude and
his ability to be lead around like a moron.
I am sickened when I hear about the deaths of US military personnel in the Middle East. (It is a fact that the US has suffered the most casualties) I
am saddened to think that these young men and women have given their lives for a country that betrayed them (and the rest of the world for that
matter) and used them as cannon fodder. Soldiers go to war becasue they are a special breed, they do not question, they do as they are told because
they are disciplined. They have been lied to and hoodwinked (I am also not blind to the fact there are some among the military who are rednecks and
who would be loving it over there...being given a licence to kill as it were).
I am so fearful for the world and my sons, all our sons and daughters. I am ashamed to be part of the human race at this point in my life and I am
quite frankly unable to be shocked anymore by what our governments do. I wonder how they sleep at night, these men and women who fabricate lies and
deceit and then make the decisions to send our troops into bogus wars.
I know I am not alone in my conclusions and that gives me some comfort.
I do not dislike Americans ( I am so glad I do not live there, although Australia is one of your states) but I hate your government, past and present.
It is corrupt and always has been. I do have one question though, if someone can offer a theory or answer?
In the Loose Change video, the narrator talks about two flights beng diverted to an airport in Ohio (the airport has been evac'ed) and the passengers
are taken to a NASA building, there is a discrepancy in the number of passengers. What I want to know is if they took the passengers off the planes
and then substituted the planes with drones or whatever, what did they do with the passengers? Did they shoot them? Drug them and take them to an
underbround base like Dulce or Area 51?
Did they erase their memories, change ther appearances and relocate them ?
Have I missed something here?
I have rambled but there is a need for each and every one of us who feels cheated to say so. When last I looked I was still able to exercise free
speech and every chance I get I spread the word and discredit these malevolent leaders.
it is only a matter of time before it all comes out becasue there is a gorundswell of disatisfaction...soon they will all hear us...and believe