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NBC news report on chemtrails!!!

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posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:34 PM
This is not against anyone as this thread has enuff bickering in it. ima fence rider on chemtrails so i have no opinion one way or the other. But i hate to see misquoting stated as fact. This may even lend credibility to your gubmint coverup.

Lonegunman, It was not a lab it was the Dept of Health(gov agency). They stated that "there was no sign of any biological form." The "such as cedar pollen" was added by the reporter. They examined a piece of tissue with a yellow tint. They didnt state what type of tissue it was that they tested(curious as to what it was they tested). Just thought id correct you on that.

Lazarus, back in high school, i helped build the vertilok bins at a pet food plant in turlock, ca. The sticky powder causing your problems is actually blood from the animals brought there. it is powderized and added to the dog food. We were hacking up blood loogees for months after that job. As soon as it gets in your throat and lungs, instant blood mucous. It coated everything and any moisture made it sticky as all heck. It sucked.

selfless, get yourself a camera, very cheap at walmart for a decent digital and document all you see with digi pics and video footage. Most digi cams do video also.

My .02 cents on this thread.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:48 PM
To me this is the perfect conspiracy for people who can't proove/disproove the facts. The only way to ever know is to spend a few million on a jet to follow (somehow) one of these planes and collect samples directly. anything between the sky and ground cannot be corroborated. Contrails can act differently, depending on the weather. I'm not saying chemtrails aren't real, but where's the direct evidence?

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:49 PM
People are missing the point here, spraying can contain whatever they want it to contain. Biologicals have been found in other spray runs and evidence to this effect is available on the web. Mostly metals and metal salts have been found in chemtrails which means they are ingested by humans under the spray area ultimately. Animals and the soil would also absorb the minerals as well as the water supply. If spraying is constant then the ppm's start climbing.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Metals and metal salts have been found in chemtrails.

Can you please supply evidence for this? Or refer to my above post. Sorry I posted at a similar time to you.

[edit on 24-10-2006 by Xeros]

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0

selfless, get yourself a camera, very cheap at walmart for a decent digital and document all you see with digi pics and video footage. Most digi cams do video also.

My .02 cents on this thread.

Well i did take pics and i showed some in the brainstorm thread.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:04 PM
Speaking of the sky. This afternoon when I returned home I noticed some aircraft leaving some kind of trails, nothing to curious, but what was curious to me was off to the right of the sun there was a little white fluff, either a bit of cloud or a dissapated trail. The interesting thing was that there was a splash of rainbow coming through the "cloud" There has been no moisture all day and the color splash actually looked like the aurora borealis.

Does anyone know how this could happen? A rainbow effect on a perfect sunny day? You had to be angled right to see it clearly.

Hi Selfless

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by selfless
Ok everyone, i don't know how to explain what i just saw...

There was a plane that left a chemtrail but the thing is...

It left a BLACK line in the sky all the way to the orizon.... dead black...

I could even see the black line under a small cloud... like the cloud made the line look darker.....

Now i never seen this before.... but there was a black line in the sky... like lieterally dead black i dunno what causes this?

It was not smoke it was mearly the absence of substance.... like nothingness.... just black..... it's a clear blue sky but there was a dark black line all the way to the orizon........

I dunno what to think of this....

Can you post links to pics when u put up a post like this? Ive never seen a plane leaving a black trail unless it had engine problems and id like to see what you saw as im sure others that are reading that post would.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Speaking of the sky. This afternoon when I returned home I noticed some aircraft leaving some kind of trails, nothing to curious, but what was curious to me was off to the right of the sun there was a little white fluff, either a bit of cloud or a dissapated trail. The interesting thing was that there was a splash of rainbow coming through the "cloud" There has been no moisture all day and the color splash actually looked like the aurora borealis.

Does anyone know how this could happen? A rainbow effect on a perfect sunny day? You had to be angled right to see it clearly.

Hi Selfless

It was me thinking about you.
What color was it was it like an oil spill type thing or was it like a natural rainbow?

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0

Can you post links to pics when u put up a post like this? Ive never seen a plane leaving a black trail unless it had engine problems and id like to see what you saw as im sure others that are reading that post would.

I am sorry, i have no pics of what i saw.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Witty on your part LoneGunMan

It was very natural like the real rainbow effect. My mom couldn't see it, but the funny thing is two hours later when my daughter came over I was telling her about it and she had just seen it, two hours later. Now that is an added oddity.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 08:45 PM
Thank you intrested.

That seems like a long time for a rainbow to be hanging about. Trying to kill some time, waiting for an important email.

Hope its what the person I sent it too likes.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:41 PM
Just about a week ago, as I was coming home for the evening, I noticed the trails in the sky as I neared the small midwestern, country town where I live.

When I pulled up in my driveway I could see my kids outside playing and quickly took them into the house.

That night, my youngest daughter began to have respiratory problems and several people in town had to be taken to the hospital.

My other daughter had a different reaction, becoming cranky, argumentative, and moody. I called around town that night to some of the many people that I know and there seemed to be a lot of them experiencing the temperment changes within their own families.

My youngest daughter has been ill ever since.

Now, for some there will never be enough proof to convince them, while for others,...well we know what we think.

But for me, I am the one responsible for protecting my kids. They ARE NOT replaceable and I will not take chances with their health. They have been instructed that the next time they see trails in the sky to keep an eye on them. If they blow away then it's probably o.k. But if they don't blow away or they can see something falling from the sky then they are to get inside at once, close all doors and windows, turn off all ac's if they're on, and put on one of the face masks I hace since purchased. They are to leave those masks on until I tell them differently. These masks are NIOSH approved as an N95 particulate respirator. You can get a box of two for about $3.00.

For myself, I've been experiencing some itchy skin problems since that day last week and phisoderm soap seems to help a little bit.

Here are three links with some very interesting reading. The first one has a picture that pretty much looks like what I saw that day.

Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas

Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails

Bill Seeks to Prohibit Mind Control Weapons and Chemtrails


posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Speaking of the sky. This afternoon when I returned home I noticed some aircraft leaving some kind of trails, nothing to curious, but what was curious to me was off to the right of the sun there was a little white fluff, either a bit of cloud or a dissapated trail. The interesting thing was that there was a splash of rainbow coming through the "cloud" There has been no moisture all day and the color splash actually looked like the aurora borealis.

Does anyone know how this could happen? A rainbow effect on a perfect sunny day? You had to be angled right to see it clearly.

Probably a sundog in a small bit of cirrus or a fragment of contrail. Was it something like this?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Hey! It was exactly like that. A sundog in siruis. Funny.

Well, what could it be, really, now that we can all see a picture. Did you take that?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
What color was it was it like an oil spill type thing or was it like a natural rainbow?

WTF are you talking about?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Hey! It was exactly like that. A sundog in siruis. Funny.

Well, what could it be, really, now that we can all see a picture. Did you take that?

It is what he said it is, a sundog.

It is not a new phenomena.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Originally posted by interestedalways
Hey! It was exactly like that. A sundog in siruis. Funny.

Well, what could it be, really, now that we can all see a picture. Did you take that?

It is what he said it is, a sundog.

It is not a new phenomena.

Why are you such a nasty little person Howie? Do you not have it where it counts to be a man and you feel a need to belittle people? You can say what you want to me you little twerp, mess with the above lady and I may just darken YOUR door.

This will be my first warning on this website but it will be worth it. If you are such a little creep you need to pick on others then maybe you should grow a pair of balls. You have pissed off the WRONG guy you little pencil necked geek. Did you get picked on by real men in school, is that why you come here and need to hide behind your keyboard taking pot-shots at people? Why dont you change yourself and be a real person instead of some smarmy little pantywaste?

[edit on 27-10-2006 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 12:19 AM
You really need to turn the computer off for a while LGM.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Hey! It was exactly like that. A sundog in siruis. Funny.

Well, what could it be, really, now that we can all see a picture. Did you take that?

Yes, I do a lot of photography of clouds and meteorological phenomena. It was taken in my back garden, just after sunrise

Sundogs are most often seen when there's a layer of thin, high, cloud (cirrus) in the vicinity of the sun. You sometimes see one either side of the sun. They can look very strange though if you've never noticed one before. Likewise irridescnet clouds, which do have an 'oily' appearance. However they're all perfectly natural and simply due to refraction of the sun's rays on ice crystals that form these high level clouds. Not dissimilar to rainbows.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 06:53 AM
Essan that was a very pleasant way to explain a sundog. I was more than likely over-reacting to Howards post, but I have never seen anyone that can make a few words seem like they are above someone else. I knew intrestedalways was the last to post, and when I went to "my ATS" and saw Howard had posted after intrested and for some reason I was cocked, locked and ready to rock. I just think intrested is a neat person and deserves respect, not everyone has seen a sundog.

Just wanted to give you credit Essan for being decent.

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