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No Electricity in Hawai ?? 6.3 magnitude earthquake(update 6.6)

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posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 04:23 PM

Art Bell never said it was a nuke, neither did his guest. It was me who first suggested it could have been afffected by the underground nuke from North Korea.

And no, its not an insane Asylum here, just people looking at all possibilities- I hope that is still ok to do here.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:08 AM
What I don't understand is why noone has mentioned that both CNN and Fox news had reporters that got there the very night before the quake for a vacation. Or so they say.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:49 AM
Hey All
Coming from someone who lives in Hawaii (Honolulu actually), it was an earthquake and a plain old earthquake. We have earthquakes regularly (no not this strong) in fact the last felt on Oahu was just 2 months or so ago.
As for conspiracies, this is one time it is just good ole mother earth. We live on an active volcanic chain. Now originally I was worried Hualalai was awakening or worse Mauna Loa but the more I have researched today (thanks to finally having electricity) the more I have realized it was most likely due to slippage from the weight of the volcano on the tectonic plates.

We were lucky yesterday no one was killed, I have never felt something like that and when you consider how much further away I was from the quake. What saved us is the time (7:05 a.m.) on a Sunday morning. There was little traffic, schools and work weren't in session and churches don't start til a bit later.

The biggest problem for most the state is the electrical outtage. If you could try a conspiracy theory on anything that would be all that there is and even then it would be just our local jerks in the Oahu electrical company deciding to wait til night time when everyone was asleep to finally put electricity back on. (My electricity was off from 7:15 am until 11:20 p.m!!!! But of course HECO (the electric company) are taking tons of heat for their response.

Conspiracy???? No Mother Nature????? Yes

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Shar
What I don't understand is why noone has mentioned that both CNN and Fox news had reporters that got there the very night before the quake for a vacation. Or so they say.

I have not heard of any reporters being there the night before. All the reporters I saw responding were our own local reporters being called by the networks. Now I didn't get to see any tv yesterday so maybe I did miss something but usually our local networks would snatch up any mainland reporters for a special reporter and there have been no reports like that going on.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 05:05 AM
Yelp thats all cnn talked about was how they had a reporter there who just got there the night before. The reason she was having a vacation. I said whatever.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 07:55 AM

I remember watching stories of GreenPeace boats ramming French military ships that were in the South Pacific conducting deep water nuclear tests above the faultline that rides the bottom of the Pacific, and up into the San Andreas Faultline via through Mexico.

The first underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later an earthquake occured on the same faultline and killed hundreds in Mexico.

The second underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later an earthquake occured on the same faultline and killed a few dozen people in Mexico.

The third underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later a volcano erupted on the same faultline and resulted in a mudslide and earthquake that nearly demolished a fair sized village or town, in Mexico.


Do you have the dates of the earthquakes along with the dates of the tests? or the link where you found these references?

[edit on 10/17/2006 by a1ex]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 08:05 AM

Conspiracy???? No Mother Nature????? Yes

Yes I truly beleive this one as well until proven wrong.

We as humans give ourselves way too much credit,
mother nature is way ahead of us!

We can't even predict a rainstorm with 100% accuracy for lets say 1 week
without error

Now what Network with lots of money wouldn't pay to have the technology
to predict weather?

If i had the technology ill sell it to faux news I know they will buy it for sure!

And in my opinion predicting weather sounds easier than
controlling seismic waves across the earth's crust, but since
Im not expert, i could be wrong.

[edit on 10/17/2006 by a1ex]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Hawaii is part of the 'Ring of Fire', the most active set of volcanic activity on the planet.

It was not a nuke.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by lokomai

The biggest problem for most the state is the electrical outtage. If you could try a conspiracy theory on anything that would be all that there is and even then it would be just our local jerks in the Oahu electrical company deciding to wait til night time when everyone was asleep to finally put electricity back on. (My electricity was off from 7:15 am until 11:20 p.m!!!! But of course HECO (the electric company) are taking tons of heat for their response.

The Hawaiian electrical utilities work as hard as any other US utility in getting the power back on.
Which is to say, quite hard.

Most earthquake related outages are caused by transmission or distribution level conductors slapping together due to the earth's movement.

Many times the conductors can be pulled apart due to movement, but most times they burn in two due to the short-circuit current generated when conductors do contact one another.

Poles go over as well although towers don't usually fail unless extremely stressed by the intermittent physical load changes placed on them by flailing conductors.

Generating units can go off line for a number of reasons, but the usual cause for widespread electrical outages during an earthquake is lines tripping as related above.

Electric utilities work hard to keep the lights on.
Factor in the lost income due to thousands of customers being off and I think you'll agree that the utility and it's workers work very hard to keep the lights on.

As a matter of interest most - if not all - electric utilities have agreements that they will supply linemen, maintenance and construction personnel in the event that a problem on an adjacent utility has overwhelmed the rebuild capabilites of the utility in question.

My SoCal electric utility supplied personnel to aid Florida Light & Power after a hurricane a few years back.

They also supplied personnel to Kauai after hurricane Iniki.
Our guys spent several weeks over there and they worked their tails off for 12 hours + per day with no days off.

Kinda difficult to enjoy paradise from the top of a utility pole . . . every single day.


posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Largest Earthquake in Hawaii: 04/03/1868, Magnitude 7.9

1823 06 02 - South flank of Kilauea, Hawaii - Magnitude 7.0
1868 03 29 - Ka'u District, Island of Hawaii - Magnitude 7.0
1868 04 03 - Ka'u District, Island of Hawaii - Magnitude 7.9
1871 02 20 - Lanai, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.8
1929 10 06 - Holualoa, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.5
1938 01 23 - Maui, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.8
1951 08 21 - Kona, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.9
1975 11 29 - Kalapana, Hawaii - Magnitude 7.2
1983 11 16 - Kaoiki, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.7
2003 08 27 - Volcano, Hawaii - Magnitude 4.7
2005 07 15 - Hawaii region, Hawaii - Magnitude 5.3
2005 07 17 - Hawaii region, Hawaii - Magnitude 5.2
2006 10 15 - Hawaii region, Hawaii - Magnitude 6.6

Here is a list of major earthquakes in Hawii(thanks USGS). If anyone wants to make a correlation between nukes and earthquakes i just gave you half the information and you will have to furnish the nuclear part. I will be interested in reading what that person finds.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 11:44 AM
It has everything to do with North Korea and Earth. It is all interconnected and we are displacing the harmony and balance of Earth which is a living organism of one when viewed through all of its living parts. There will be more of these catastrophes as long as we continue to war and destroy one another. It's a deep action/reaction.

[edit on 17-10-2006 by UbiquitousInfiniteReality]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Shar
Yelp thats all cnn talked about was how they had a reporter there who just got there the night before. The reason she was having a vacation. I said whatever.

That is very interesting Shar, like I said all of our information was coming out of one radio station that had a back up. And luckily I have some connections who I could contact. Well I can tell you this, she must be having one hell of a vacation. We actually had a Severe Thunderstorm Warning last night (which is not often called for out here). I always feel so bad for tourists that come out here then get hit with nothing but bad weather.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Desert Dawg
The Hawaiian electrical utilities work as hard as any other US utility in getting the power back on.
Which is to say, quite hard.

They also supplied personnel to Kauai after hurricane Iniki.
Our guys spent several weeks over there and they worked their tails off for 12 hours + per day with no days off.

Kinda difficult to enjoy paradise from the top of a utility pole . . . every single day.

As someone who lived on Kauai for 4 years thanks for all your work, Iniki was truly hell on earth for locals and we never would have made it through without the kindness of strangers.

As for the Hawaiian Electric, the biggest concern has been that Oahu was one of the last to get electricity back on. All the other islands came up in a reasonable time. Oahu, with no structural damage still had stuff out as of 3 pm yesterday. True we are much larger then other islands and have many more people who are not doing things like turning off hot water heaters but much of the issue is a combination of how long it took in addition to the fact that many areas on the west side of the island were turned on before the areas which had hospitals and nursing homes.

I know the linesmen work there "akoles" off but whoever was calling the shots didn't seem to be prioritizing.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:34 PM
Regarding the theory that NK somehow caused the Hawaii quakes -

On the laughter scale from one to ten - this one gets a thirty!
I thought that the motto was "Deny Ignorance"?

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by UbiquitousInfiniteReality
It has everything to do with North Korea and Earth. It is all interconnected and we are displacing the harmony and balance of Earth which is a living organism of one when viewed through all of its living parts. There will be more of these catastrophes as long as we continue to war and destroy one another. It's a deep action/reaction.

[edit on 17-10-2006 by UbiquitousInfiniteReality]

It's more like a geo-chemical factory with life on the outside. There's nothing living in the middle. If you want to wax poetic about it, that's cool, it's a neat angle, but a shake is a shake. The US and Russia set off about 300 - 500 nukes and there wasn't 300-500 6.x magnatude earthquakes all around the area. A sub 1kt nuke is NOTHING to a continental plate. It's not even a gnat to a car window.

Now, if this had busted out directly underneath the North Korean test site, I'd have to at least concede that, but it didn't. If it had happened to one of the numerous faults on the North Korean side of the ring of fire, which NK damn near sits on top of, I'd have to concede that as well. However, it was thousands of miles away, and the energy had to skip past a good 300 faults on the way there... 'eh...

There's NOTHING strange about an earthquake at a volcano...

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:37 PM
I just came accross this article and geologest are saying earthquakes happining all over the Asian area were caused by just the test (by NK) alone, could it have shaken the plates and created a ripple effect that I read someone else here post?

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by HUNTER1967
earthquakes happining all over the Asian area were caused by just the test (by NK) alone, could it have shaken the plates and created a ripple effect that I read someone else here post?

For that to happen their would need to be an interconnecting system of faults. What you are proposing would be like saying that if you drop a stone in a puddle in your front yard it would cause ripples in a puddle five miles away. The geology of the Hawaiian Islands would make it even less likely. I would be more concerned if the small earthquakes, and yes this was a small earthquake, were to stop. That would allow the pressures to build up to a possible large earthquake or eruption. If everyone wants to be nervous about an impending destructive earthquake watch the Los Angeles area. The whole place is due to become a pile of rubble any day now. The Seismologists have not been putting out these warnings for the fun of it. That disaster is imminent and its just a matter of seconds to a few years before it occurs. The forces involved are quantifiable and the threshold has been reached. Very soon now we will have a front row seat for what happens when an 8.1 to a 9+ hits a major population area. We will see the results of 6+ foot waves traveling through the ground. If you live in L.A. I don't mean to scare you but someone should.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:23 PM
Thanks Blaine91555 thats interesting about L.A. and makes one wonder what would happen if N.K. boated a nuke over to L.A.'s port, since it says sanctions are an act of war. Would a nuke make the quake start or be even worse? (L.A fall in the ocean?)

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 09:43 PM

North Korea`s nuke test triggered earthquakes: Geologists

Mumbai, Oct 14: Did the nuclear test by North Korea on October 9 trigger earthquakes in the region? Apparently yes, if geologists are to be believed.

The earthquake pattern between October 9 and 13 in East Asia, geologists say, was due to a disturbance in natural stress conditions of the subduction zone extending from Kuril island in the north to Phillipines islands in the south.

They said it was apparent that the nuclear explosion did create stress along the trench. In the last two months, such earthquake "clusters" were not observed in the zone, according to geologists from the department of earth sciences in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) here.

Between October 9 and 11, the Phillippines islands experienced nearly 10 quakes with magnitudes varying from 4.2 to 6.3 on the Richter scale.

Taiwan recorded a 5.6-magnitude quake, while Japan recorded a 5.8-magnitude temblor on October 10. Similarly, Kuril islands experienced a 6-magnitude quake yesterday, they said.

A plot of the epicentres on the tectonic map of East Asia clearly demonstrates the nuclear test released stress along the subduction zone, the geologists pointed out.

A 5.8-magnitude quake shook northern Japan on Tuesday evening, sparking fears that it was a second nuclear test by North Korea but this was proved wrong later.

Geologists are saying this- hmmmm...I think they know a bit more than us, dont you???

While it was not a strike on Hawaii directly, it certainly was the cause of all the earthquakes as of late.


posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by a1ex

I remember watching stories of GreenPeace boats ramming French military ships that were in the South Pacific conducting deep water nuclear tests above the faultline that rides the bottom of the Pacific, and up into the San Andreas Faultline via through Mexico.

The first underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later an earthquake occured on the same faultline and killed hundreds in Mexico.

The second underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later an earthquake occured on the same faultline and killed a few dozen people in Mexico.

The third underwater nuclear explosion happened.

3 days later a volcano erupted on the same faultline and resulted in a mudslide and earthquake that nearly demolished a fair sized village or town, in Mexico.


Do you have the dates of the earthquakes along with the dates of the tests? or the link where you found these references?

I'm going off memory here, it was awhile ago.

I know it was when OJ Simpson's trial was all over all the channels. the news barely covered it.

What i am sure of:

1) the nuclear tests were conducted by the French government.

2) the nuclear tests were deep water detonations east of the great barrier reef and Australia.

3) the nuclear test were conducted in an area near or on the faultline between tatonic plates in the pacific ocean

4) within 72 hours of each nuclear blast, there was seismic activity events in Mexico. an earthquake, an earthquake/mudslide, and a relatively small volcanic eruption.

5) i remember it making the news because a "Greenpeace" boat had either come to close to a french military ship, or had threatened to ram it, i can't remember all the details, but i remember "Greenpeace" being in the story.

i am absolutley sure it happened when the OJ Simpson trial was still on all the channels, perhaps late summer or fall, but i am not sure.

I apologize for the lack of details on my part, but i remember it, and i remember talking to my friends and family about it at the time. I recall talking about it with my parents and brothers at the dinner table after the second or third detonation, and the second or third seismic event in Mexico.

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