Originally posted by regal
I wouldn't know where to begin telling you what it is saying
If you can't explain it, you must not understand it, no?
Playing along with it, it seems to be more of a method for programming a person than deprogramming one.
It says that its using hte movie 'the matrix' to 'make parrallels with real life' to de-programme people.
The 'advanced deprograming' starts off with the ususal anti-masonic quotes. Such as the pike quote, "Masonry, like all the religions....uses
symbols...truth must be reveleaed to the initiates', blah blah blah.
And then goes on to say 'this is the NWO'.
Uhmm, excuse me, but thats exactly what the page is doing. Thats exactly what the Matrix movie was all about. Only those who take the correct pill and
accept what we, the englightened ones from another realm, are telling you, can be truly freed from this world' etc etc.
It seems to suggest in the end that International Law is an evil perpetrated by the bad guys, and that materialism is their religion, and that you
must accept God to
be free.
"All men are sinners', the site suggests, and then they tell us that PAC is the "Peoples Awareness Coallition", and they even happily offer to
'reprogramme' us. How nice of them.
It suggests that america has been perverted by people that don't accept god, or that don't respect god's law (or rather, whatever their
intrepretation of it is). They state that all atheists are merely the deluded dupes of the secret anti-god masters of america.
Ironically enough, it ends with a direct quote from a master amoung the Illuminati, "there is none so hopelessly enslaved as he who falsely beleives
he is free'
They have a link to 'his holy church' and that has the 'writings of brother gregory'.
Hmm, one of the articles on the site, "Republic V Democracy", is authored by "LB Bork". Wonder if he is related to the SCOTUS nominee Robert
Apaprently the same person referenced in part of this page:
Where a person is 'outraged' by a letter supposedly written by an hispanic person that wants to take over america (though its clearly written by a
person that has bought into the philosophies and natioanlism presented in the PAC pages masquerading as an 'aztlanist'.
These "I am Not a 'citizen of the United States'"
gringo imbeciles are our greatest ALLIES other than
the corrupt government that they pretend to be
escaping from! These "I am Not a 'citizen of the
United States'" imbeciles are being manufactured at a
tidy profit by our friend L.B. Bork at
I mean, could he be more obvious? It might not be Bork, but clearly it a person that hold him in high regard.
A search on him turns up lots of information that sets the character of whats in the PAC page.
There is apparently a PAC blog too:
[edit on 16-10-2006 by Nygdan]