posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 06:26 PM
"Come in, Agent #075985, come in, HQ?" The agent muttered.
"Yes, we're here" They responded. "I'm hurt, badly, I need help. The Russians have gotten rid of the missiles, they are on their way to St.
Petersburg." #075985 said again. "OK, we'll move onto your position. Give us 5 minutes" HQ spoke back. "Fine, but make it quick" #075985
desperately gasping for air, said as best he could.
The chopper arrived 4 minutes later. He was healed, given arms, a handgun, a new knife, new body armor, and some rations to take along.
#075985, had again, escaped death.
He moved quickly. He found an abandoned car, some foreign model, and drove it as fast he could to St. Petersburg. It had taken almost 3 hours,
and #075985 knew he was definately short on time. As he arrived, he saw the trucks. They were stopped at the dock, and one missile had already been
loaded on.
Jumping on of his car, he leaped behind some barrels and listened into some guards' conversation. "So, where are these headed, again,
Karl?" One said. "I heard it was South Africa, if I remember" The other said, inconfident in his words. "Alright, well, I guess we better get on
the boat or we might get left behind." The other chuckled back.
They left. Silence fell on the city, as dusk was taking over the Earth. #075985 crept onboard the ship, and made his way to the second level. The ship
was big, a huge freighter, a cargo ship definately. He needed a plan. The ship would arrive in Africa in three days, and that is all the time he had.
He pondered his next move. . .