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Urban Legends

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posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 05:19 AM
This Is About Urban Legends, True Or Not? Well, Im Gonna Say It, I Belive Them But Im Someone Who Will Just Forward An Email If It Sais Something Like 'If You Dont Send This To Atleast 10 People You Will Die' So I Really Want To Know If There Is Any Truth In Urban Legends Or If There Just Really Freaky Coincidences/Storys. Sais That There Is A Perfect Explaination For All Of These Things And That They Are Mostly Just Storys, But Some Are Real. Like Do You Know Anyone Who's Ever Tried Bloody Mary? And The Smith Sisters? True?

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 05:26 AM
Hi Hemlock,

You will find much to interest you in Folk Tales & Urban Legends.


posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 08:21 AM
I tried the bloody mary thing never happened and i'm still alive.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 11:27 AM
bit risky?
i worry to much.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 03:41 PM
When my son was about 10 years old, about 4 years ago,
he used to go on the internet, email pals and you know,
just mess about on games etc.

One evening he came from the room where the computer
is (we trust him) and was in a terrible state.

Through blubbering tears, he explained how he'd received
an email urging him to pass the message written to 10 of
his friends or... if he ignored the request, he would begin
to see the ghost of a dead woman screaming in silence at
him from the corner of his eye.

I was furious and told him I'd delete it. He looked shocked
as I went to the computer and sat down. "But dad, look at
what is says will happen" he said.
I smiled and told him a few home truths about what power
the written word has and really has, I know he was a little
young for such a talk, but I felt that this way, it would ease
his concerns about the dumb email.

My son seemed disappointed with my view on the cruelty
of my fellow man, but sometimes it's best just to say it as
you see it.
With a vague glance at the email, I deleted it.
2006... no wailing dead chick in my periphiral vision yet.

Stupid People and technology, a bad cocktail.

[edit on 15-10-2006 by IronMan]

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 04:18 PM
When I was a kid, I tried the Bloody Mary thing.
I was in the bathroom while my parents were asleep upstairs. I lit a candle and set it on the sink and started the "Bloody Mary Summoing Process" or what the hell ever.

The point is, by about the twentieth time I had said, "Bloody Mary!" I was so freaked out I ran out of the bathroom and up to my room where I locked the door.

I was about 11 when this happened, but I learned my lesson. The human mind is a very powerful thing. You might see things that arent really there just because you want to see them.

Im sure there will be the usual idiots around here who think that maybe I really did see something, but they'd be missing the point.

Most Urban Legends are only as real as you want them to be.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 05:01 PM
It never happened to me, I think you either have to be at her house or it's just a myth. I'm pretty sure it's a myth, so don't be scared. Delete all the junk e-mails.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by usaforever
It never happened to me, I think you either have to be at her house or it's just a myth. I'm pretty sure it's a myth, so don't be scared. Delete all the junk e-mails.

At the Ghost Lady's house or at Bloody Mary's?

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 10:23 AM
Mezzanine, you dont know how true you are. i can make things come real by concentrating, its like an EXTREME meditation. i just shut off and think, but when its for personal gain.... it hurts like hell! IronMan hope your sons ok, i heard someone killed themselves because of an urban legend
there ok as long as you can controll them

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:33 AM
the real question is... where does it all link up? conections i mean. does bloody mary link to 9/11? aliens to bloody mary? im starting a MASSIVE mind map and i will try to fit in 42 lol
Where does it link?

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:37 AM
I've tried the "bloody Mary" thing several times. Nothing has ever happened. I never saw anything.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:47 AM
oh. really, um, cool, i guess

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Hemlock
This Is About Urban Legends, True Or Not? Well, Im Gonna Say It, I Belive Them But Im Someone Who Will Just Forward An Email If It Sais Something Like 'If You Dont Send This To Atleast 10 People You Will Die' So I Really Want To Know If There Is Any Truth In Urban Legends Or If There Just Really Freaky Coincidences/Storys. Sais That There Is A Perfect Explaination For All Of These Things And That They Are Mostly Just Storys, But Some Are Real. Like Do You Know Anyone Who's Ever Tried Bloody Mary? And The Smith Sisters? True?

Go with Snopes. They're correct and it's well researched.

Plenty of people have tried the "bloody Mary" thing and are still here to tell about it.

As to the chain letters, they've been going on for a very long time. I had several friends who were terrified of them and I persuaded them to give me their chain letters. I had no horrible luck when I was collecting these... and niether did my friends.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Hemlock
This Is About Urban Legends, True Or Not? Well, Im Gonna Say It, I Belive Them But Im Someone Who Will Just Forward An Email If It Sais Something Like 'If You Dont Send This To Atleast 10 People You Will Die' So I Really Want To Know If There Is Any Truth In Urban Legends Or If There Just Really Freaky Coincidences/Storys. Sais That There Is A Perfect Explaination For All Of These Things And That They Are Mostly Just Storys, But Some Are Real. Like Do You Know Anyone Who's Ever Tried Bloody Mary? And The Smith Sisters? True?

Who are the smith sisters?
Never heard of them.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:10 PM
Bloody Mary is one of the more common ones. For those old enough
to remember when the movie Candyman was released, people would do the same thing

How many of you have urban legends for their own area?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:19 PM
I don't believe in the bloody mary thing but I did see something interesting one day.

A british guy in an internet cafe was staring at his screen saying Bloody e-mail over and over.

When the waitress brought him the check for his half and half decaff double shot latte with no whip he screamed and ran out of the coffee shop.

It was horrible.

Anyway. Who were the Smith sisters?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:52 PM
I've also tried the Bloody Mary thing several times with no results. Even tried taunting her when the normal ritual didn't work
. I agree that the majority of people who claim to see Mary are probably just scaring themselves. Either way, she is not as deadly as people claim because I'm here typing this

I've also never heard of the Smith sisters

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:09 AM

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I thought they were an urban legend.

Actually sometimes things get blown way out of proportion and even factual events will sometimes become an Urban Legend.

Sewer alligator

Modern sighting

In February 1935 a large alligator was reported by the New York Times as being discovered in a New York City sewer. According to the story, several teenage boys were disposing of snow into a manhole when they spotted an alligator, allegedly 7 feet (~2.1 m) long, that had gotten stuck in icy water. The male youths then dragged the trapped reptile to the surface. After the alligator snapped at one of them, the teenagers beat it to death with their snow shovels. The report suggested that the alligator had escaped from a ship traveling from the Everglades and had then swam into the Harlem River and then 150 yards (~137 m) up a storm conduit to where it was found.[1][1]

Sewer reports

That same year reports were given to the city's Superintendent of Sewers, Teddy May, that swarms of alligators were thriving beneath the city. May, convinced that the men filing the reports were drinking on the job, took the suggested sightings lightly. It was not until he found that there was no real drinking of alcoholic beverages taking place in the sewer that he followed up the claims. To his shock, he witnessed a large number of alligators, most only about 2 feet (61 cm), to be living within pipes that emptied into the trunk lines below major streets.[2]

Sewer clean-up

All the reptiles were apparently exterminated within a few months, killed mostly using rat poison, flushing them out to sea through trunk lines or even shooting them.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:10 AM
you should call out for biggie smalls (south park anyone

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