posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:52 PM
Christopher C. Green, M.D., Ph.D., Fellow in Clinical Imaging and Professor in the Departments of Diagnostic Radiology and Psychiatry and Behavioral
Neurosciences, Wayne State School of Medicine.
(source credit =
It is with
GREAT PLEASURE and PRIDE that we announce the addition of Dr Christopher "Kit" Green to the Team.
Dr. Green is not only one of the most congenial, genuine and PLEASANT gentlemen I've ever spoken with he is without question one of the TOP Forensic
Medicine, Radiology, and Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences and fMRI geniuses
alive on this planet.
This fine man holds credentials that have earned him positions on the Boards of Direction for the following:
Chairman, Joint Independent Science Panel: Office/Undersecretary of Defense for Operations Research (DUSA/OR & Airforce ChemBio Defense &
Bioterrorism/Homeland Security)
Permanent Member: NAS/NAE/NRC (National Academy of Sciences) Advanced Intelligence Technology DIA / CIA TIGER Standing Commission: Technology
Insight-Gauge, Evaluate, & Review, Division on Science and Engineering
Dr. Green has had many of his studies published. Studies into very interesting topics such as:
“Cognitive avionics and watching spaceflight crews think: generation after next research in functional neuroimaging,” Aviation, Space, and
Environmental Medicine, June 2005. Who he co-authored with, RJ Genik II, and RE Armstrong. is truly
HONORED to have the earned the confidence and admiration of someone of this calibre and we look forward to
the grand mysteries we may gain a better understanding of through this truly outstanding relationship and
golden opportunity to interact with
one humanity's