posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 07:03 PM
The trip's fairly boring after you get used to being sick all the time.
Then when you get there, the day lengths are screwy so you feel like you're working shifts all the time. Which you do, because it costs so much to
send you there. So there's no recreation and all the work you can do, 16 hours a day.
At any rate, people are people whereever they go. Learn to enjoy it! Discover all the neat stuff you can do right here. You're better adapted for
Earth than anywhere else there is. And you'll still be YOU whereever you go. So if you want to go just to fix something in yourself, it's still
going to be an issue. A two month trip to Planet Dirt isn't going to make it better, unless what you're missing is a lot of work.
Turn off the computer! Get out! Learn how to dive, rappel, ski, canoe down some rapids, walk into the wilderness with what you can fit into a butt
pack for two weeks. Go to Austria. Go walkabout in the empty bits of Australia. See New Zealand.
Take a physics class. Learn to be an EMT. Something. There's a ton of adventure right around you. There's no place like home, and you're already