posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:55 AM
Hey corvuscorax18
This is a very interesting subject, and something I have personal experience with,
I have always from as long as I can remember been able to communicate with animals, not in a (chat) way but just by sensing moods and also ideas,
I had one instant where my bob cat suddenly got really mean and vicious, I one day took him in a room alone, sat next to him and stroked him putting
my head next to his, I then pictured myself with him in my head then pictured his unhappiness, I then also most instantly got thoughts of another cat,
then the color, then a feeling of fear, Turns out that a big orange cat was bullying him every time he went outside, he spent his outdoor time hiding
under a wooden board,
so after investigating my thoughts I helped him learn to defend him self better by playing games with him that taught him to pounce better, also
watched out in the garden and chased the other cat away, suddenly my cat was a different cat again, happy
All through my life there are many stories, I walked with wild donkeys and fed them all, was then protected by one when another tried to bite me,
Calmed and ridden horses that did not like people,
Calmed very angry dogs
And I'm pretty much able to take an injured animal and get it help, this happened with a cat that a dog had bitten, sadly the cats back had been
damaged but it hid its self behind a shed, many tried to get it out but it was fighting all the way,
I went there sat talking to the cat, in my mind picturing the cat box and the cat safe
I assured it I was helping it, I was then able to reach in and pull the cat out with no problem at all,
I'm the first person my family call if there's a problem with one of the pets, and people where I live are always bringing me anything that hurt,
It’s the most amazing gift, but it’s also a very hard one, When I see animals treated badly it tears my heart out, as I know that the animal
things pretty much just like us,
[edit on 13-10-2006 by asala]