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WOW! Alert- Article - Reports indicate north korea may test hydrogen bomb.

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posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Astygia
Sounds like BS.

One more, they win the t-shirt that says "Nuke me, I'm stupid".

I tell you what that was one funny a$$ visual. I can see 30 million NK all wearing that shirt grinning. Just before they all see the blinding white light of course.

All kidding aside lets all hope for the best though, we dont need any more death due to war and rumors of war.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

Originally posted by IspyU
If N.Korea keep testing these bombs, there country will start glowing in the dark

Number of Nuclear tests proformed via Country:

* United States United States: 1,054 tests by official count (involving at least 1,151 devices, 331 atmospheric tests), most at Nevada Test Site and the Pacific Proving Grounds in the Marshall Islands, with ten other tests taking place at various locations in the United States, including Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi, and New Mexico (see nuclear weapons and the United States for details).[1]

* Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Soviet Union: 715 tests (involving 969 devices) by official count [2], most at Semipalatinsk Test Site and Novaya Zemlya, and a few more at various sites in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.

* France France: 210 tests, mostly at Reggane and Ekker in Algeria, and Fangataufa and Moruroa in French Polynesia.

* United Kingdom United Kingdom: 45 tests (21 in Australian territory, including 9 in mainland South Australia at Maralinga and Emu Field, many others in the U.S. as part of joint test series)

* People's Republic of China China: 45 tests (23 atmospheric and 22 underground, all conducted at Lop Nur Nuclear Weapons Test Base, in Malan, Xinjiang)

* India India: between 5 and 6 tests, at Pokhran.

* Pakistan Pakistan: between 3 and 6 tests, at Chagai Hills.

* North Korea North Korea: 1 claimed test at Hwadae-ri.

Are you glowing?

I was just saying that out of humor, but YES people did suffer from nuclear testing aftermath, EVEN the American people who lived around the testing sight suffer symptom of the fall out during the time when our government tested the bombs in Area 51

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 04:19 AM
The problem with nuking them back is we actually care about their citizens I think. They don't care how many of us they kill. One thing is for sure, if they launch a nuke on U.S. soil I'm going to war.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 04:22 AM
If they had a Hydrogen bomb why not test it first to get everyone really scared.
It's all rubbish.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 05:19 AM
My biggest thoughts to all that is happening with North Korea and Iran is that they all just met up for that Non-Allinged party just recently. In regards to all the what if's and the they wont do anything's; I'm always thinking out side the box and /or two steps ahead, meaning what if Kimmy is just diverting attention and Iran is quietly sitting behind his desk and watching with his beedy eyes and his hands clasped over his mouth, trying to hold back the smile he has in glee. Basically, them knowing that everyone is looking at them and someone else is about to "DO" something. I find it funny/skeptical that the NK's test of their missles on the 4th of July this year was a dud AND in alot of posts and articles that I have read, some say that this Nuke test was a dud as well. I'm just saying that it's alot easier to take the big guy out when you have friends drawing his attetion towards them and then sneak up from behind,crouch down on your knees, and all it takes is a little shove......


posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
The only mean of stopping them.. is bombing them.. NOW!

I think this is exactly what they want. They want to provoke an attack from the US so China will step in, and meanwhile NK will invade SK in response. It's all a bunch of BS. We can't even tell if their test was nuclear. I think it was a fake.

All these threats are disturbing, but I don't think they have the capability to carry them out. I say impose new sanctions and let them steam. They can't be the one's to draw first blood, and so we should not as well.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:26 AM
Let's see Mr kim alleges NK has a Hydrogen Bomb and may test it, yet is is not an official spokesman for NK HMMM................

Nor has it been proven they have in fact even set off a nuclear weapon

Then he also went on to state that NK would attack US forces whoever they are Hmmmm again. Just how long do you thing NK would last ???


I mean come on folks Kim might be a flake but he aint that dumb as to want to commit suicide.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:50 AM
Why do you guys worry so much?? No country, right now, has the balls to start a nuclear war. CALM DOWN.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:51 AM
I think everyone is missing one BIG point here....
It has not yet been demonstrably proven that they even tested a nuke this past Monday! There is much doubt about that actually happening.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:58 AM
Please,let me reassure everyone
.I have a reliable source inside DPRK who tells me that at the moment in question,The Dear Leader had just consumed a huge vindaloo curry and was practising his "methane detonation program."

Apologies,i could not resist.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by KnowItAll
I think everyone is missing one BIG point here....
It has not yet been demonstrably proven that they even tested a nuke this past Monday! There is much doubt about that actually happening.

That's not a BIG point, it's just a as much as it is a point that no one has demonstrably proven that they HAVENT ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or so im told.


posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:08 AM
I might take this report seriously. The previous test, being as small as it was, could have just been for a fission device to be used for a trigger for a fusion device. That would explain the scale of the previous test.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:16 AM
Yeah, right...These guys are going to light a thermonuclear device? It seems they couldn't detonate a simple fission device last week, and they sure as hell can't even light the streets and homes of their country.

Check out this thread:'

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:47 AM
The only thing NK is gonna fire at the USA are "political chess pieces". No matter what they're testing at the moment.

I agree that this guy is not suicidal. He's having too much fun to give it all up for beliefs, religion, or any other reason for that matter. And that includes nuclear weapons. What the heck good is a nuke to him anyway? He'll never win a war with it. He will probably never launch one. BUT, he may sell it to someone that will, so therefore he will never use it for anything more than a political chess piece.

Don't go breaking out the potassium iodide tablets just yet.


[edit on 13-10-2006 by 2PacSade]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:51 AM
I absolutely do NOT believe they have Hydrogen bomb capabilities. If they had it, they would have used it already. And I do not think their scientists understand how to make it. I have a feeling that even China can see that N.Korea is absolutely WHACKED and so I doubt China is sharing any major technology with them.

I don't believe the Hydrogen Bomb threat.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Astygia
One more, they win the t-shirt that says "Nuke me, I'm stupid".

Man! That was excellent! Thanks. I needed a good laugh today. You are SO RIGHT. The truth is said in jest ... and you really nailed it.

I don't think the whacked N.Korea leader will stop throwing tantrums until there is a bright nuclear flash and a mushroon cloud growing in the place where he is ranting now.

Seriously though. Bet you could make some money. Put out a T Shirt with a picture of the whack and those words on it. It would sell online.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Well, they made good the promise of detonating a nuke, so i think

the USA and the world better be paying attention.

Actually, the reports today are that there is no radiation over NK, which there would be if thy had actually detonated a nuclear device. So, it looks very much like NK did not make good on their promise of detonating a nuke.

NK missiles fail
NK nuclear weapons fail

What's next to be afraid of?

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Actually, the reports today are that there is no radiation over NK, which there would be if thy had actually detonated a nuclear device. So, it looks very much like NK did not make good on their promise of detonating a nuke.

NK missiles fail
NK nuclear weapons fail

What's next to be afraid of?

Actually, im thinking you didn't read the entire report...

Data from seismic sensors indicated the explosion was smaller than expected. Scenarios include the possibilities that the explosion was caused by conventional explosives, that the site was so well sealed that no radioactive matter was released, or that it was such a small test that it did not yield enough radioactive debris to be picked up.


This leaves things exactly as they were...unconfirmed at best.


posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

Originally posted by IspyU
If N.Korea keep testing these bombs, there country will start glowing in the dark

Number of Nuclear tests proformed via Country:

* United States United States: 1,054 tests by official count (involving at least 1,151 devices, 331 atmospheric tests), most at Nevada Test Site and the Pacific Proving Grounds in the Marshall Islands, with ten other tests taking place at various locations in the United States, including Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi, and New Mexico (see nuclear weapons and the United States for details).[1]

* Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Soviet Union: 715 tests (involving 969 devices) by official count [2], most at Semipalatinsk Test Site and Novaya Zemlya, and a few more at various sites in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.

* France France: 210 tests, mostly at Reggane and Ekker in Algeria, and Fangataufa and Moruroa in French Polynesia.

* United Kingdom United Kingdom: 45 tests (21 in Australian territory, including 9 in mainland South Australia at Maralinga and Emu Field, many others in the U.S. as part of joint test series)

* People's Republic of China China: 45 tests (23 atmospheric and 22 underground, all conducted at Lop Nur Nuclear Weapons Test Base, in Malan, Xinjiang)

* India India: between 5 and 6 tests, at Pokhran.

* Pakistan Pakistan: between 3 and 6 tests, at Chagai Hills.

* North Korea North Korea: 1 claimed test at Hwadae-ri.

Are you glowing?

Nice info..

331 autmospheric test..
has there ever been evidence that 1, all the nukes combined by the world put together has had adverse effects on our planet or us as humans? And 2, the test in Navada, have they ever been linked to side effects in Americans? The spread of radiation?

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:26 PM
There seems to be growing doubt as to what kind of test NK did Sunday. Air samples show no traces of nuclear residue, sesmic readings are inconclusive to say for certain a nuclear reaction occurred and now we have satellite photos of technicans at the supposed blast site playing volleyball a couple hundred yards from the tunnels to the mine where the blast is supposed to have occurred.

I would sav that it is becomming more plausible that it was a failed test or even a conventional explosion designed to give the impression of a test.

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