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The term "CTer" Should be Banned from the 9/11 Forum.

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posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Willard856
I'm guessing, but is it Tin Foil Hat Brigade?

I think you're on to something, here.

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan
It's just a shame that so much baiting seems to go on, but that is part and parcel of human nature I guess. I suppose the easiest way to combat it is to not get wound up...or take some time away from ATS!

  • Yes, it is.
  • Yes, it is.
  • I consider that to be sound advice for any who find themselves overreacting to text.

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
It is used to lump people who, for example, believe in the FACT that odd put options were made prior to 9/11 with people talking about missile pods, holograms and that W is an alien.

Only if you allow it to, or consider it as such.

A FACT is just that.
Opinions and beliefs are as numerous, varied and diverse as the human race, itself.

think ... Sticks and Stones ... then continue on Your path ...


[edit on 10/12/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan

Originally posted by selfless
Slap nuts,

It sounds to me like you are against open mindedness..

I don't think it's that. As has been said, the term in question is sometimes used as a blanket reference to cover everyone who is suspicious of 'events', if you like.

quote: Originally posted by Slap Nuts
It is used to lump people who, for example, believe in the FACT that odd put options were made prior to 9/11 with people talking about missile pods, holograms and that W is an alien.

That's what i mean when i say he's against open mindedness.

No one knows yet what really happened but yet he makes it seem like those
possibilities are impossible.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:25 PM
Slap Nuts, while I see how sometimes it can be an offensive term, it is an acronym. I am not attacking you, but I can see if they ban CTers it could open up all kinds of things to be banned. Then we will not be able to express anything and these forums would be pointless.

Honestly, if you want to ban the term CTers, then you might as well ban the words Conspiracy Theorists too. Here are my examples:

Example 1:
You CTers will question just about anything.

You Conspiracy Theorists will question just about anything.

(same exact meaning)

Example 2:
Many CTers believe it was not a plane that hit the pentagon.

Many Conspiracy Theorists believe it was not a plane that hit the pentagon.

(same exact meaning)

The difference is context. Doesn't matter if you use the acronym (modified) or the term spelled out. You could even insert the word "people" in place of CTers and it is still not nice in example #1.

Based on banning of the word CTers, we would then have to ban the word people. Start doing that, it will get so out of hand. We would have 6 words we could use and we would never figure out the truth about anything.

I would rather use CTers simply because it is easier to type. It isn't because I am trying to call a Conspiracy Theorist a bad thing.

While I am not going as far as telling you to grow some balls, these forums, from my limitted experience, are not for the thin skinned. I have been attacked here for some of my opinions and have gotten very upset. Then I thought about it. If I am going to get upset everytime someone says something I don't like, then I should not be here, because 90% of the time someone has said something to tick me off or hurt my feelings, or make me feel stupid, etc.

Just my thoughts on that.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Willard856
I'm guessing, but is it Tin Foil Hat Brigade?

I don't think there is anything in Slap Nuts post that indicated they aren't open minded. They are simply suggesting that a term they personally find offensive should be banned, and result in a warning if used. Your post, Selfless, sounds like the baiting that Slap is talking about. It doesn't add to the discussion on the topic in any way, shape or form.

Look above i quoted why i think he's against open mindedness and yes it's related to the post since i came to that conclusion by what he said in this very post.

Edited: wrong quote hehe

[edit on 12-10-2006 by selfless]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by selfless
That's what i mean when i say he's against open mindedness.

No one knows yet what really happened but yet he makes it seem like those
possibilities are impossible.

I think I getcha.

While it's true that they things mentioned could be true, they are pretty 'out there'. Perhaps some people feel that the lack of distinction made between the theories by some, deliberate or otherwise, denigrates what they see as sensible, relevant questions.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Simply put it IS a replacement term for the "Tin foil HAt Brigade"...

why can't posters just post regarding the opinions and facts in a CERTAIN THREAD instead of just throwing "CTer" into everything?

Selfless... I believe you should re-read your words... I am one of the MOST open minded people here.

I have read almost EVERY LINE of the VOLUMES of NIST reports, FEMA report, 9/11 Comission Proceedings, News Coverage, ALTERNATIVE THEORY POSTINGS, etc.

Is it possible to refernnce an Alternative Theory as ONE WHICH STANDS ON IT'S OWN? Instead of somehow implying that just because someone posted an ALTERNATIVE THEORY that it i:

A. A "Conspiracy Theory" (the incorrect usage most often found here.)
B. Believed by any who my or may not believe in OTHER Alternative Theories.
C. Is it even FATHOMABLE that the government story is just as much an ALTERNATIVE THEORY as ANYTHING ELSE HERE so...

WE ARE ALL CTERS? Govt believers or not?

The term is AMBIGUOUS when used PROPERLY and most of the time it is used here INCORRECTLY and as a backhanded INSULT from sneaky little turds trying to INSULT within the "rules".

[edit on 12-10-2006 by Slap Nuts]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan
While it's true that they things mentioned could be true, they are pretty 'out there'. Perhaps some people feel that the lack of distinction made between the theories by some, deliberate or otherwise, denigrates what they see as sensible, relevant questions.

EXACTLY. Address the theories and their believers on an individual basis instead of this attempted lumping and disqualification of all alternative theories and individual beliefs.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by selfless
That's what i mean when i say he's against open mindedness.

No one knows yet what really happened but yet he makes it seem like those
possibilities are impossible.

See, you can't even see the humor in "W is an alien"... now, who's head is stuck in a rut?

[edit: quote to relevant content]

[edit on 10/12/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by selfless
That's what i mean when i say he's against open mindedness.

No one knows yet what really happened but yet he makes it seem like those
possibilities are impossible.

See you just insulted open mindedness again.

When no one knows what happened, it means that there are infinite possibilities to what could have happened.

To have an open mind is to keep all of those possibilities as a possibility. To redicule even one possibility out of infinity is to denny your self of open mindedness.

[edit: Nested quote to relevant portion]
Quoting – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10/12/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:55 PM
Again, you need a thick skin in here. You can still be insulted within the rules by eliminating terms that lump many people together that shouldn't be such as: "CTers" or "Conspiracy Theorists", or "Missile Believers", or "people that live in Cananda", or "people that live in the South" or "people who have the second toe that is longer than the big toe" or "people that thought Zoolander was funny"....

Dude, people find will find ways no matter what to insult you (not you specifically). No matter what you ban or don't ban. I am pretty certain I have been insulted in here in a subtle way that was within the rules.

My suggestion is to spank that inner demon and move on.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts

See, you can't even see the humor in "W is an alien"... now, who's head is stuck in a rut?

[edit on 10/12/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

What's W ?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by jab712
Example 1:
You CTers will question just about anything.

You Conspiracy Theorists will question just about anything.

(same exact meaning)

No, just because I believe in one or two alternative theories based on my education does not make me a "CTer"... nor a :

CTer that will question just about anything.

It is a STEREOTYPE and USUALLY a derogatorily used one.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by selfless
What's W ?

This is EXACTLY what is wrong with you posting in opposition to me in the 9/11 forum... you believe John LEar but are unaware that our SITTING PRESIDENT in the UNITED STATES is VERY COMMONLY referred to as W?

Come on man.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:02 PM
I agree with the posters that say most of us here are Conspiracy Theorists and I take that as a compliment myself.

But, it can be used as a slur and it is a contextual issue I think.

I post at a number of boards of diverse topics and interests and sometimes if you even mention a conspiracy theory in passing on a really mainstream topic you get slagged with the tinfoil hat comments. I expect that and most of the time I can deal with it like I always have by asking this: do you think that Oswald really killed Kennedy by himself?

That shuts up about 9 of 10 people right there.

What I'm getting at is this based on what I have observed: this is a CT board and CT's are its bread and butter so CT's deserve some measure of respect.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Slap Nuts
No, just because I believe in one or two alternative theories based on my education does not make me a "CTer"... nor a :

CTer that will question just about anything.

It is a STEREOTYPE and USUALLY a derogatorily used one.

Am I missing something here Slap? I was making two sentences EXAMPLES showing the use of CTer vs. Conspiracy Theorist. Showing how either can be deroagatory. The second example shows how it can be used in a nonderogatory way. You did get that right or am I confused by your comment.

[edit: quote to relevant content]

[edit on 10/12/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:03 PM
If non-conspiracy theorists continue to refer to us as "CTers" then I am going to officially start calling all non-CTers "sheeple."

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:03 PM
I hate the term CTer. It's already - in just a few short weeks - been used too many times in a derrogatory manner. It has a stigma. Off with it's head.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
If non-conspiracy theorists continue to refer to us as "CTers" then I am going to officially start calling all non-CTers "sheeple."


posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by jab712
[Am I missing something here Slap? I was making two sentences EXAMPLES showing the use of CTer vs. Conspiracy Theorist. Showing how either can be deroagatory. The second example shows how it can be used in a nonderogatory way. You did get that right or am I confused by your comment.

They are both innacurate stereotypes for users like:


Let me call the alternative story believers with whom I do not agree "Brainwashed Retards" and I will drop the subject.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:08 PM
Who gives a flyin' flip?

I have theories about conspiracies.. so I'm a CTer..

Ouch, that really hurt to say.

Banning a term or word or expression is only asking for trouble. If someone deliberatly and obviously attacks another member, then action should be taken. But banning a word which COULD be used for bad is not the solution.

This is like gun control.. I belive guns CAN be used for bad, but also for self defense.. but just because they CAN be used for bad, I do not think we should ban guns. "CTer" CAN be used in a negative fashion, but not always.


please "I'm a CTer" takemyrights

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