Originally posted by st3ve_o
okay question here, are bad people (ie:- the ted bundys/fred & rose wests of the world) always destined to be 'evil' from birth with them powerless
to prevent it?
i believe our instincts may be faulty. i believe we may have "bad" dna.
we have an instinct of "self pre-serve" encoded into our genetic make-up, into our dna, and in every cell within our body.
but what does "self pre-serve" mean?
self means self.
pre means before.
serve means to serve, to help, to aid, etc. . .
so, essentially everyone is born with every cell of their body telling them that they are:
"ME before i serve, help, aid, anyone or anything"
many philosophies, many religions, many tools, exist to offer people a way to combat their dysfunctional dna.
but not everyone cares for the teachings of people from thousands of years ago.
and most people want to do things on their own, not to prove to others all the time, but sometimes because they are still trying to prove themselves
to themselves.
reason i ask, because some aspects of my life is always 'negative' i'm no ted bundy but when ever i try to do 'good', things always kick me twice
as hard and it end up bad for me.
it will pass. you are merely being tested by "karma", or whatever other label you want to place on it. endure, and it gets a lot better.
therefore i'm wondering if i'm always 'destined' to have bad karma, what are your views on this?
people have a say so in their destiny, if they so choose to.
we do good things why?
do we always do things that are good because our intentions are good?
if a person does a good thing because they were afraid of the consequences, or afraid of the punishment if they had not done a good thing, were their
intentions really good?
If a person acts out of fear, were their intentions pure and good?
or were they afraid?
Every messenger from god began their message with:
"Be not AFRAID"
so, again, i ask you honestly what you think.
if a person does a good thing because they were afraid, were their intentions good?