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CIA Drone Missile Killed Qaeda Suspects in Yemen Car Blast

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posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 11:29 AM
i think it better illustrates how easily every basic principle of law, decency and humanity are discarded as soon as someone mentions the phrase "national security".

- qo.

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 12:51 PM
I could understand the anger if the missle had hit a car load of school girls,but terrorists.They wouldn't be crying if they blew one you up,why cry over them.

[Edited on 01-08-2002 by nyeff]

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 01:22 PM
Exactly, nyeff. Very lucid comment. Then of course, you have Loopy's little "shhhh...mop your brow" comment, trying to make it look like I was in a tirade or something, when it is blatently evident that I am laughing my azz of at him! HA!!!

Nice come back, Loopy. Sucks to have your baloney brought out into the light of day, isn't it? Next time, don't come to a battle of wits unarmed...

In the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny, "What a Maroon"

posted on Nov, 6 2002 @ 01:27 PM
This war is obviously unconventional, low entensity conflict.
This type of war should be better than, say, WWII, in loss of life; especially civilian.
I can't imagine people sitting around back then nations under attack, and debating if it's all some kind of sinister plan. This is all pure crap, perpetuated by people that are a bit too paranoid.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 03:14 AM
you've missed the point Nyeff.
Theres no reason from that article to conclude it didn't hit a bunch of school girls, all the information is infered, they ~may~ have been terrorists, C.I.A. officials think the passengers ~could~ have been terrorits who ~might~ have been etc etc etc

as I said before, it doesn't state any hard facts, we infere they were terrorists because thats what the article prompts us to think, as I said earlier, they could also have been a bunch of escaped penguins, a travelling circus, a bunch of school girls or a cheese sandwich.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 10:13 AM
Loopy, you are, as usual, wrong. It has been established that the terrorist's were under surveilance, and that Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, the leader of Al Quida in the area, was in the vehicle. They were not a bunch of escaped penguins, a travelling circus, a bunch of school girls or a cheese sandwich. Why, praytell, must you ALWAYS take the "anti" stance? Everything that is posted here that is in support of the USA, the war on terrorism, and most other topics, gets your immeadiate condemnation. Do you just like playing the azzhole, or are you really this stupid???

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 10:38 AM
"Loopy, you are, as usual, wrong."

am I, oh sorry, thanks for pointing it out, where would the members of this board be without your razor like intellect disceminating the facts for them. we're in your debt.
no seriously *nod*

"It has been established that the terrorist's were under surveilance, and that Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, the leader of Al Quida in the area, was in the vehicle."

your simply reading inference A.R.

Its probable he was in the car, or somone of some standing otherwise they wouldn't waste a very expensive missile, But its never stated for deffinate, nor is it stated who the others were.

Maybe it was a crack team of al-quaeda terrorists.....or maybe he was driving his wife and kids to a party or maybe it was just him and a cheese sandwich....if he was there at all.

use your brain A.R.

tell you what heres a little game, heres a bogus news report, now then from it can you tell me who was actually in the car?

Today American forces shelled a car believed to contain 2 senior members of Al-Quaeda.
4 bodies were recoveredthought to be Mr blahblahblah and Mr Shalala
the other two killed were probably officials sent by Ossama to the meeting.
C.I.A. sources stated "we've had Mr blahblahblah and Mr Shalala under surveilance for 3 months"

so. who was killed?

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Lupe_101
"Loopy, you are, as usual, wrong."

am I, oh sorry, thanks for pointing it out, where would the members of this board be without your razor like intellect disceminating the facts for them. we're in your debt.
no seriously *nod*

"It has been established that the terrorist's were under surveilance, and that Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, the leader of Al Quida in the area, was in the vehicle."

your simply reading inference A.R.

Its probable he was in the car, or somone of some standing otherwise they wouldn't waste a very expensive missile, But its never stated for deffinate, nor is it stated who the others were.

Maybe it was a crack team of al-quaeda terrorists.....or maybe he was driving his wife and kids to a party or maybe it was just him and a cheese sandwich....if he was there at all.

use your brain A.R.

tell you what heres a little game, heres a bogus news report, now then from it can you tell me who was actually in the car?

Today American forces shelled a car believed to contain 2 senior members of Al-Quaeda.
4 bodies were recoveredthought to be Mr blahblahblah and Mr Shalala
the other two killed were probably officials sent by Ossama to the meeting.
C.I.A. sources stated "we've had Mr blahblahblah and Mr Shalala under surveilance for 3 months"

so. who was killed?

Ok, Loopy, I'll play your little game. And to the game, I'll bring your own country's news service. You see, I get the facts from reliable sources, unlike you, who just makes it up as you go. Here's a story the BBC has posted on it's web site:

Go read it. There are no "alleged", or "probablys" here, just the statement of fact, because they have been positivly identified. You take the first bit of trash you read, then roll with it without getting additional information. No inferred information on my part, just the facts, ma'am. Hmmm...let's see...identified an American that was in the car. Is that inferred information?

Use YOUR brain, Loopy, and quit being such an idiotic, insulting prick all the time. Get your facts straight, because as everybody here can plainly see, you look like a total moron every time you post.

Like my Daddy used to say, "It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're an idiot, than to open it and remove all doubt..."

Of you, numb-nuts, I have NO doubt...

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:16 AM
Thats more like it.
that article was posted at approximately 4:00, several hours after the initial report and after everyone had concluded the car must have contained terrorists and not, as I suggested, a cheese sandwich.

As it turns out, they are now stating the car did contain terrorists (no mention of wether a sandwich, cheese or otherwise, was present)

I feel this article clears up who was actually killed, and demonstrates my point. Our initial reaction to the first article was to assume they were terrorists from inference, when in fact they could easily have been a bunch of moroccan hair dressers, a drag act or indeed, a party of sandwich reps on the way to a conference.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:19 AM
I'm sure the CIA has nothing better to do than follow a car around with a predator for an hour and fire a missle at it because it it seemed like a good idea.Please.Do you honestly think they are going to spend the money and manpower to shoot a missle on a guess.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:22 AM
who knows what they'll do.
I believe in the gulf they shot one at one of your own helecopters.

My point isn't that terrorists werent in the car, my point is that we should allways be warey of words like "suspected" and "thought to be"

they invalidate the credibility of the news.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:38 AM
Erm Lupe, not being 100% sure they were terrorists is not proof they werent, it doesn't work like that. :p

And out of curiosity, what would you consider was the right course of action? obviously there was no assets in the area that could get there quick enough to apprehend these suspects, as that would have been the first option. Whats a better way that it could have been handled?

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:40 AM
I think the word suspected is used just by the media until they can conferm all the information.I doubt the CIA suspected at all.They knew.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by nyeff
Do you honestly think they are going to spend the money and manpower to shoot a missle on a guess.

And yo say you were in the military?!? Familiar with the term 'clusterfick'? Do you know how many Gunney's or Staff Sgt.'s have threatened some head-so-far-up-his-azz-he-can-see-daylight Officer with bodily harm because they would not heed their professional advice?
Come on, stop towing the freaking party line on occassion & think for yourself. When it comes to military happenings, there is no such thing as reliable sources, except your own two eyes, and that's only 50% at best.

[Edited on 7-11-2002 by Bout Time]

Edited to put "i" in clusterfick for decency, and to edit "Toeing" to "towing", for grammar's sake while I was here.

[Edited on 8-11-2002 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 12:04 PM
and how many teenagers have seen too many movies? :p

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 12:14 PM
Was that for me? If so, I'm 38 yrs old, not given to flights of fancy and have seen what I speak of first hand - nice to meet you.
Are you unfamiliar with the term 'Friendly Fire'?
You do know that more Allied Forces have died in the Afgan campaign due to friendly fire than from Taliban efforts, don't you? Ask the Canadiens.
War time, # happens. Targets get less than 100% confirmation.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Lupe_101
Thats more like it.
that article was posted at approximately 4:00, several hours after the initial report and after everyone had concluded the car must have contained terrorists and not, as I suggested, a cheese sandwich.

As it turns out, they are now stating the car did contain terrorists (no mention of wether a sandwich, cheese or otherwise, was present)

I feel this article clears up who was actually killed, and demonstrates my point. Our initial reaction to the first article was to assume they were terrorists from inference, when in fact they could easily have been a bunch of moroccan hair dressers, a drag act or indeed, a party of sandwich reps on the way to a conference.

Hey...dumbass...when you originally posted your blather on 5-11-2002 at 01:21 PM, they had already CONFIRMED the identity of Al Qaeda leader Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi HOURS BEFORE!!! It doesn't prover YOUR point at all, it proves you couldn't find your azz with both hands in a well lit room with a map!

I'll give you this, though. You sure are good at twisting things around to your advantage. Unfortunatly for you, nobody believes your shiite. We see right through you.

Man, I love the way you claim victory out of defeat...really makes you look like the idiot you are, you know???

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:37 PM
I'am very capable of thinking for myself.When I look through the sights of my rifle I'am 100% SURE OF WHAT I'AM SHOOTING AT.The CIA also knows what it was aiming at.Those drones can damn near pinpoint a flea on a dog. Yes when you carpet bomb an area some may go astray.This was a guuided missle,not shot a random.
Think before you write BT.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:38 PM
still haven't seen anything that makes the dead men anything other than 'alleged' terrorists, which is where my gripe came from. we usually have these things called 'trails' ....

- qo.

posted on Nov, 7 2002 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by quiet one
still haven't seen anything that makes the dead men anything other than 'alleged' terrorists, which is where my gripe came from. we usually have these things called 'trails' ....

- qo.

Read many time must I post the same thing. You really need to quit listening to Loopy...he has trouble reading. too...

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