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Who thinks the Wii is dumb

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posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 02:23 AM
Human Defense you know that you have to be 13 or older to sign up with this website right?

What we have here is an xbox junky. I honestly don't know where they came from. My guess is that they don't like playstation or nintendo so as soon as an american company made something they jumped on it and can't stand to consider anything less. It's like racism except against corporations O.o

Face it, the original xbox was great with system specs but flunked with games. Playstation had square-enix to give them a major boost and they had history. Nintendo had... themselves and history. Xbox had.... microsoft.
Did you know that most games for xbox you can get for pc a few months later? I wonder why this is... I've never bought an xbox simply for the fact that if I ever saw a game I was curious about I just had to wait. Morrowind? The PC version has ten times more replayability. Same goes for Oblivion and Fable. I don't know enough about the 360, but I think this new motion sensing stuff is going to blow old tech out of the water.

Face it, it's time for gaming to evolve. In about 10-15 years your going to look like one of those 'old school' gamers, thinking that the world of gaming has never been the same and will continue to go downhill. Meanwhile the rest of us will be using virtual reality.

Get over yourself.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 03:35 AM
Kinda rant here, but:

All consoles are bad / dumb. They are slow and about one to three years behind the PC, even with the Xbox360 and PS3.

The processor on the Xbox and PS3 is actually slower than a 3ghz Pentium 4 by a significant amount, and 512mb of memory just isn't enough for current gaming, nor next gen gaming.

Some of my games use 512mb of Memory just for the textures then 1500mb for the rest of the game. Hell, factoring out Direct X 10 (DX10) the Nvidia 8800GTX has around 4 times the shading performance of the Xbox360 and ps3, and the 8800 has a whopping 768mb of memory dedicated to textures.

The IBM power PC archetecture behind these so called 'next gen' consoles is long and inefficant, if you had one at the same clockspeed as a Pentium 4, it would only be 1/3rd as fast, and this is excaserbated by the fact that the consoles have slow bus speeds, little cache, and high memory latencies.

Most games are written in one or two threads, that rendered one CPU core on the Xbox360 useless, the SPEs in the ps3 are also terrible, nothing works with them except a couple of things.

Even ask developers, they are also complaining about the new consoles performance, all Nintendo did was put a single core slow IBM power pc in their Wii, Ps3 is to heavily multithreaded which won't even be used, same with the Xbox.

So yes, they are both a waste, and are truely not next gen, the actual hardware inside the Consoles is poorly though out. Next gen is actually things like DX10. DX10 is a next generation API for the new PCs which come out next year. It is 6-8 times as efficiant as current DX9 video cards and computers. Dx10 also helps gameplay by offloading more tasks from the CPU to the GPU, enabling high definition gaming with amazing gameplay.

Moral of the story: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!

Next year while some of you guys are on your 'next generation' consoles, I will be on a Direct X 10 computer running games like Crysis at a solid 60fps. The fastest current PCs can render this at 30fps:
Image Link

With DX10 it will be running smooth as a whistle, with amazingly complex AI. I'd like to see a 'next gen' console do that.

[edit on 13-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

mod edit: turned picture into link as it was messing with page width

[edit on 13-10-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 04:22 PM
Lots of hating going on in this thread.

I don't think the Wii is dumb.

I think it's different.

It's not the PS3, it's not the 360, its the Wii, and it's different. Do I want to get one? Yup.

I can't wait to play home run derby with my neighbor. Play some Tiger Woods and swing away. Play a fishing game where I can actually do the motions of fishing. Up until this point, I couldn't do that...but soon I'll be able to.

I don't understand why someone would need to write an article where they just hate on something. What's the point?

The fact is, this is the most innovative thing in a console since the first analog stick. It's got some buzz, it's relatively inexpensive, and it looks like fun.

People thought the DS was dumb, stupid, and idiotic, yet it's CRUSHED the PSP in sales. Do I think the PSP is dumb? No, it seems like a decent system. But evidently the DS must have something going for it or there wouldn't be such a difference in sales. I remember the articles about how the PSP would end Nintendo in the hand held category. Sounds a lot like how the Zune will end the iPod.

I also don't get the PC haters out there either. A PC is a computer that happens to be able to play games. They happen to be significantly mor eexpensive, and to do the types of things people brag about them being able to do, require secondary add ons to eek out top tier performance. A console plays games, it doesn't do spreadsheets, it doesn't do word processing, it doesn't do database management, it plays games. The day my 360 can run Excel is the day I'll listen to people compare a console with a PC.

I have the GC, DS, PS2, and 360 right now. I play them all. Why do I own them all because I'm a big tool I guess. No, actually, because I can afford it, and each brings it's own thing to the table. I like Metroid, I can't get Metroid on anything but the GC. I live Halo, can't get that on anything but the 'Box. I like Final Fantasy, can't get that on anything but the PS (though tha may change soon). It's not even fair to compare the DS to something since nothing else out there offers what it does right now.

I have a console because I like only having to invest in a system once every 5 years or so. Unlike a PC where I have a new card, or a faster chip, or a physics card, or whatever the newest bells and whistles are. Man, that stuff looks good, but so far I haven't experianced anything THAT much better than on the consoles. PCs will always look better, and they will always carry that price premium, and until e erything goes voice they've have the advantage on MMORPGs.

So, quit hating on the Wii. You don't like it, don't buy one. Quit hating on the consoles, they're not PCs and it's not fair to compare them. Also, don't hate on the PS3 (although I think it's cool to be bitter you might not be able to afford one...I can afford it but I'm still not getting one because at 600 bucks I think it's a rip off, and to be honest blue ray doens;t look THAT much better than regular DVD, even on a 1080P TV). Don't hate on the 360 either.

I've been playin since the days of the 2600 and Colecovision. Trust me, this conversation has been had 15 times already, and there is never a right or wrong answer. It's like arguing about BMW vs. Mercedes, or Vette vs. Viper....each has it's own perks and all are a good time.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 09:45 PM
The way I see it is that Sony is the company that tends to have the most 3rd party support, Nintendo has the most innovation, and Microsoft had the best hardware for the console. Out of those I choose Nintendo simply because their innovation is the only one I'm really going to benefit from. Sony's third party support used to be good, but they all started thinking the same and the Playstation series started to get a bit stale with a few good exceptions. Microsoft as someone said just didn't follow up with spectacular software, and to be honest the X-Box wasn't so much a console to me so much as it was a scaled down PC. That of course is why I'm not very interested in X-Box since it shares a lot of games with the PC, but I prefer the keyboard and mouse setup, and my PC has better performance than an X-box.

So really I'm just trying to say that each of the consoles has it's up's and down's, and they're all different. So they suit different people. I love the Mario Kart series, Human Defense apparently doesn't. He probably love's Halo, I think Halo was decent but a bit overrated. So overall there's no reason to call eachother names.

But to give my opinion concerning Revolution (I refuse to call it the Wii), it'll probably wind up being a fun system. It might not have the best graphics or processing, but it'll be pretty damn fun; and when it come's down to it that's what video games exist for, fun. What I'm most excited about is the potential for shooter games in comparison to standard controllers, and the stuff we can see from swordfighting games.

BTW, can't wait for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

[edit on 10/13/2006 by cyberdude78]

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by cyberdude78

But to give my opinion concerning Revolution (I refuse to call it the Wii), it'll probably wind up being a fun system. It might not have the best graphics or processing, but it'll be pretty damn fun; and when it come's down to it that's what video games exist for, fun. What I'm most excited about is the potential for shooter games in comparison to standard controllers, and the stuff we can see from swordfighting games.

BTW, can't wait for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

[edit on 10/13/2006 by cyberdude78]

all of that post was well said but im going to applaud you for pointing out what some of the kiddies fail to see. we game for one reason and that is fun. its why nintendo can release something with lessor graphics and a slower processor, but win this war. fun!

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 09:28 AM
i dont think it can win the war elitergamer... but it can keep up.... it seems most of your posts and threads are very biased IMO elitegame... but i dont see NINTENDO winning a war.... or watever.... too me they are trying to do something different and not directly competing in the market....

[edit on 15-10-2006 by iCEdTenG]

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 09:49 AM
No offence but your calling other ppl fanboys when you seem lile a huge nintendo fanboy... no i dont think the Wii is dumb... i actually think its quite innovative. I have owned nintendos since the nes. to the 64... but i see no need to bag other systems or get angry at other ppl for bagging nintendo or other systems its their oppinion but you seem to do alot of defending for nintendo and i ask myself? why? why are you so obsessed with it? again this is only an opinion

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by iCEdTenG
they are trying to do something different and not directly competing in the market....
[edit on 15-10-2006 by iCEdTenG]

Which is exactly what they tried to do with the DS and it's simply EXPLODED! They were not even prepaird for the success of the DS and had a "next gen" version of the GBA in the works to compete with the PSP which had "superior hardware" and people thought would END Nintendo's dominance of the handheld market.

However, unless Nintendo really gets their game makers to go with the innovative route instead of just adding "motion sensing content" onto scaled back ports, they might be in big trouble two years from now.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by iCEdTenG
No offence but your calling other ppl fanboys when you seem lile a huge nintendo fanboy... no i dont think the Wii is dumb... i actually think its quite innovative. I have owned nintendos since the nes. to the 64... but i see no need to bag other systems or get angry at other ppl for bagging nintendo or other systems its their oppinion but you seem to do alot of defending for nintendo and i ask myself? why? why are you so obsessed with it? again this is only an opinion

im not getting angry. im just having simple discussion. how many times have i called someone on the other side of the fence an idiot after i have been called so?
if i was angry i would have 2 warnings by my name by now

why are people obsessed with the wii? we are bored of the same old game with the same old button pushing. we have been doing it for decades and better graphics will not make us forget the boredom that gaming can be. we want something new , something creative, something immersive, something to raise the bar on funfactor.

icedteng ive stated im 90% nintendo fanboy. if you saw my resume you would understand im not completely biased. what nintendo fan boy owns a dreamcast, genesis, 3do, ps1,ps2, xbox? i just couldnt stand how the gaming market became saturated with lousy games, with lousy gameplay and lousy stories after the ps started to mass produce software.

i only want to see gaming evolve and the wii - mote is the only thing i see helping this. graphics and processor speed are an evolution in themselves, but its a direction we have ONLY been going for 10 years now. its time for player interaction to catch up. the final goal of gaming is virtual reality IMHO so the wii-mote is the only thing moving us closer to this goal.

so what i am a nintendo fanboy, being called names, like fanhoy only offend little kids. call me one all day, im honored.

another thing that makes me biased towards the wii is i have a soon to be 6 year old daughter. what does the ps3 offer her?


[edit on 15-10-2006 by elitegamer23]

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 02:49 PM
lol...all of 'em suck, cept xbox/360

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
lol...all of 'em suck, cept xbox/360

well actually we have two groups of systems this time around.

the wii stands alone as the low end system, with a low price, and a new controller that sets it apart from the other 2. you cant compare any other system to the wii simple because of the wii mote.

now the other group consist of the xbox 360 and the ps3. these two systems are in their own grouping because they are higher priced systems, with a much higher processor and graphics capability. the problem here is the ps3 is better then the xbox in these reguards. xbox live doesnt save the day here.

so stating they all suck but the xbox 360 pretty much shows u dont really know what you are talking about. the ps3 owns the xbox on paper and halo doesnt matter to anyone who doesnt care for halo. i like fps,but there are crap loads to pick from.

before u cry ill state im probably getting a wii and xbox 360. that doesnt mean the ps3 sucks and that doesnt mean the xbox 360 is superior to anything.


posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
halo doesnt matter to anyone who doesnt care for halo.

PS3 doesn't matter to anyone who doesn't care for PS3.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
well actually we have two groups of systems this time around.

the wii stands alone as the low end system, with a low price, and a new controller that sets it apart from the other 2. you cant compare any other system to the wii simple because of the wii mote.

I feel the same way about the DS vs. PSP argument. Aside from both being handhelds, they're really two completely different things.

Each offers something the other simply can't do, and their games and audiences seem to reflect that.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 06:59 PM
Ok I just can't just sit by and read this thread without getting involved. I have every game system, but the 360. I play em all, except my Saturn because it does not work anymore. Games are not fun with just Graphics and no story. A game could have the best Graphics out there, but it is only good for about 1-3 play throughs. Any gamer over the age of 18 knows what I am talking Graphics aren't all there is to games. Me and my freinds still play our N64, when we get bored of our fighting games on our PS2.

We are the true gamers, not fanboys.

Yes I like Nintendo. But what system actually stands up to the beat up of the three game systems, the Cube. Don't believe me, go onto youtube or google and search for the battle of the game consoles. All of the systems have good and bad games.

Human Defense have you ever played the NES, or Genesis? Call me an old gamer, but I like my old games alot. Escpecially when I wake up in the morning, and sit down in front of the tv with my room mate, and we play Streets of Rage 3, we still have not beaten it yet on Hard. A really good 2 player game. Guess what rated E. Well enough of me rambling on, I am just tring to say that there is more to games besides the Graphics.

p.s. Yes I am looking forward to the launch of the Wii(Revolution). It will be an awesome party system.
Maybe you don't have any freinds to play games with, but thats how games were really meant to be played, with freinds. Not by yourslef in a room. Get some freinds together and play some old games, you will not regret it.

EDIT: Paragraphs

[edit on 15-10-2006 by Harvestfreak]

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 01:36 AM

now the other group consist of the xbox 360 and the ps3. these two systems are in their own grouping because they are higher priced systems, with a much higher processor and graphics capability. the problem here is the ps3 is better then the xbox in these reguards. xbox live doesnt save the day here.

Actaully in raw processing power the Xbox360 and ps3 are rouphly the same. I am not sure about video cards, but, I do know the Xbox360 can do HDR + AA at the same time, while the ps3 can't. Some pictures of the ps3s graphics are much better than the Xbox's because they COULD be rendered on a workstation (Just like the ps2).

Media tells us the 360 can do 1 terraflop of floating point calculations, while the ps3 can do 2 terraflops. In reality FP calculations can mean anything, and it only means at peak utilization which will never happen in real life from the bus.

[edit on 16-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by sardion2000
Solid Snake made his debut in the SNES days.

Actually it was on the NES (and if you REALLY wanna pick nits, the MSX)

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 06:21 PM
He has a valid point, what new game has Nintendo come up with?

Metal Gear Solid 4, Mario Party 5, Super Smash Brothers 7, Zelda 4, Starfox 5, Mario Kart 9, Resident Evil 6, so forth. Although I am getting tired of Need for Speeds and GTA games. How many times can you steal a car and run over old ladies?

Anyways, thankfully Sony has not suffered from this syndrom. The closest they have come to this is the Final Fantasy series which while are all FF7, 8, 9, so forth, but the only actual sequel is X and X-2. Also, while they are all "Save the World" they are all save a different world from a different world.

Graphics wise agree again, why there are so many games out for Xbox and PS2 but not for GC because the GC can't handle the graphics. Even on something basic like Madden 06/07 they are on PS2 and Xbox but not GC because they are to good.

And of course the main thing that makes Nintendo suck, no backwards games! I love FFX but you know what? Some times I yearn for materia system of FFVII. I love GTA Vice City but sometimes I want to go back to the good ol days. I like the new wrestling game, Smackdown Vs Raw, but they don't have wreslters like Rikishi and Farooq and so many more on my older games. Microsoft learned from Nintendo's stupidity and made it's console backwards to. So you can still play Halo 1 or Fable even when Halo 3 or Fable 2 come out.

And so, every few years, a Nintendo product and its games become paper weights while PS games and consoles, and Microsoft games and consoles, stay strong.

But maybe Nintendo has learned from past mistakes, doubt it from what I've heard, but maybe they have.

Anyways, my favorite? My computer, sorry, duo core proc, 6 gigs of ram, a video card that makes FEAR look freaking real, blows all the consoles away.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 06:42 PM
This time around the Revolution is fully backwards compatible with the Gamecube so I expect that Nintendo is going along with the backwards compatibility concept. Although it was never too big a problem for me since I keep my older systems in good working order, so my N64 can be played at anytime that I want to go semi-retro.

But I have to agree, nothing like a good PC to blow away the consoles.

[edit on 10/17/2006 by cyberdude78]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 02:15 AM
They should have stayed with Revolution. Sounds way better than Wii. Why did they change the good name to a worse name? Just so they can say, "Wii are having fun"? Another daily bad move by Nintendo.

My PC owns but I just need some RAM. I have barely any so it slows my computer way down when I put my graphics on ultra-high. My video card owns though it is an Nvidia 7500 or 7800 which cost me 140 dollars but it is worth it for the *** kickin graphics. At one point I was going to break the law and open up my 360 to see what video card it was using but I decided to not do that.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:37 PM
The Wii?? Damn I must be getting old! And I love video games..

But back in my day we only had PONG.. What ever this Wii is, it must be kewl!
by the time I was a teenager, nintendo just came out! that was kewl.. Now the games are totally killer! I just own a PC and an Xbox360 thats gamming enough for me.. Roms and emulators, even better.

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