posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 04:37 PM
The scandals do not end with Foley but maybe Foley scandal was for a purpose!!!!!!!!!!
It seems that the timely Foley scandals has taken away
from other issues going around the white house.
Is the Foley scandal geared to covert up the news about the possible links between Rove office and Abramoff business deals in Iraq?
One of the Karl Rove aids is in the hot seat after new e-mails showing that Rove office had more than just talks with Abramoff.
No only violations of but meetings were set up with Rove to provide them with inside information on presidential appointments and decision making.
Including business deals of
An Abramoff client and opportunities in Iraq.
Ralston also discussed future business opportunities with Abramoff, such as her plan to help him capitalize on the "rush to get lucrative government
contracts" being awarded by the Department of Homeland Security—another possible breach of ethics rules.
So the
October surprise may have been a cover up for Rove itself.
How low can you go!!!!!!!!
Rove Aide Linked To Abramoff Resigns
Scandal Claims Its First West Wing Job
Susan B. Ralston submitted her resignation to avoid causing political damage to President Bush a month before the midterm elections, officials said.
"She did not want to be a distraction to the White House at this important time," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.
Well such important news are in the back burner when it comes to Foley scandal. But this is a lot more damaging that Foley could ever be to the
present administration and Republican majority congress.
No wonder Foley has taken center stage while this
scandal stays in the back.
[edit on 9-10-2006 by marg6043]