posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 06:15 PM
Strangle, I've had similar dreams. It started two years ago on my 18th birthday(I'm 19 now heading on 20). A few days before my birthday I dreamt
that the earth(Not world) came to an end, by some asteroid collisions & alot of people died & the earth(as we know it)was altered completely. It was
very bizarre. Ever since that first dream, I have had dreams like that coming to the end of every year since.
Note however, that about a month after my birthday some people reported seeing something "strange" in the sky near South Trinidad & thought it was a
UFO(This could be totally unrelated).
I had other dreams about the world ending, usually with asteroid collisions & strange beings coming from the sky in some sort of parachute. And huge
worm-like creatures would rise up out of the ground. Those dreams used to bother me slightly, but never really got me paranoid about the apocalypse or
anything. However, the dreams never got me scared. So I won't call them nightmares per say.
Late last year however I had a very peculiar dream. I dreamt that I had psychokenetic powers & people in the dream(Including my family) thought that I
was a demon & worked for the Devil. I even felt that way in the dream.
However, nearing the end of the dream, demonic creatures came from out the sky & ground & started killing people & such. There were evil fairies,
leprachauns & other creatures that I didn't have a name for. Later in the dream though, angels came down from heaven & helped in the battle. It was
also revealed to me that I wasn't working for the devil either, but for God(I can't remeber if the angel told me I was working for God exactly, but
I think he said the King).
Anyway, I woke up before the dream ended, but we were winning anyway.
I've had other bizarre dreams about the world ending since & they would all be similar.
I try not to think too much of it. If it comes to that(Apocalypse) & it goes anything like my dreams, I don't think I have much to worry about.