posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:20 PM
Bonjour, or Bonsoir, when ever you read this.. a few things buddy..
First off understand any post by me that you may be fortunate enough to read, it is to be taken as fact and there is no other alternative.
Yeah, I am kind of a big deal here at ATS, lets just say people.. know me. They look up to me and my postings, which are facts, so if you want to
learn what a great ats poster looks like, just click on my name.
Oh, and uh.. thanks for not joining and having your opening hello a story how space alien ghost live with fairies in your closet, and have
communicated the truth about the universe to you.. besides every one knows only I know the truth about the universe in which it is simply I am the
Welcome to ATS. Enjoy. Oh and don't forget ATS chat, requires a Flash upgrade if you don't have Flash, but every one has Flash.