posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 08:51 AM
If you invade North Korea 100s of thousands will die..yes.. its not a figure of speech.. literally 100s of thousands..
So hope for all the people on the korean peninsula that it doesn't happen.
Also I doubt whether Russia, China or even South Korea would allow an American invasion.
Anyways the timing of the tests was predicted to be this weekend especially because N Korea likes to make provocative gestures even more provocative
by timing it with relevant events:
1)The appointment of Kim Jung-Il to the communist party(forget what its actually called).
2) The ascension of the former foreign secretary of South Korea as the new Secretary General, who incidently has been a key pioneer of the six part
ytalk framework. So a slap on his achievements..
The N Koreans sure know how to make a point!