300,000 years ago space beings from a planet call Nibiru known as Anunnaki (Wormwood People) fought a war with benevolent creator gods over ownership
of Mother Earth, and the Anunnaki won. Nibiru is the 12th planet of our Solar System.
They landed and took control over Earth and its inhabitants. Over a period of time our DNA was genectically altered by the Anunnaki(who are master
genectists) from 12 strand helix to a 2 stand helix; and Adam and Eve were created. The second thing they did was to experience physical sex with
humans in order to enter into incarnational cycles by procreating children. The "Holy Bible" relates this event in Genesis 6. The people named the
"Nephilim" in Genesis are the Anunnaki. In Hebrew Nephilim means gods who came down to Earth.
Nibiru leaves Earths vicinity every 3600 years and sojourn in outer space. While they are gone, they have put a governing team in place to run things
on Earth. This governing team is called the "World Management Team". The groups of people who operate these teams agencies are controlled by the
Anunnaki and are instructed to carry out plans that benefit Nibiru and not Earth.
The Secret Government consists of 13 permanent inner members. Recently one defected, which leaves 12 inner members. These members recruit lieutenants
for their team agenecies, which control their agendas on this 3rd dimensional Earth plane. They share their power and money with them.
Some of these team agencies are the following: 1) Banks, 2) Schools, 3) World Government,(including Royal Families), 4) Catholic Church(Vatican), 5)
Health Care System (Hospitals), (Drug Companies), 6) Secret Societies(See Links), 7) Multi-National Corp's of the world, 8) Communication Systems(TV,
Radio, Newspapers)
The "World Management Team" is known today as the "New World Order".
The Anunnaki have underground bases in the Middle East and around the World; where they can carry out their negative agendas which is to create fear
and chaos. See Link! The Anunnaki has as its food source; fear, anxiety, chaos, hunger, and despondency. Emotions are a source of food for them.