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Amish Mourn Schoolhouse Killer

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posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by jensouth31

I think the Amish people absolutely have the right idea. You might find it hard to believe in the 21st century, but I wish I lived like them.... yes, I would like for society to regress. Now don’t hackle me, the way they live is simple, loving, sharing, caring, self reliant, humble, charitable to their villages (many hands make lite the work) & I respect it.

[edit on 10/8/2006 by jensouth31]

Yeah,I have often thought about trying that life style. However, to be quite honest,I don't think many of us could do it. We are too used to the luxuaries in life. Unless one is raised living the Amish lifestyle,it would be very hard.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
When it was explained this was not the case,they could not comprehend this man was merely seeking "revenge" for something that happened twenty years ago.None of them showed any form of hate for this man.I really envy the hardships these people endure,from doing their farmwork with no modern machinery,to all of them getting together to raise a barn(which is an incredible thing to watch).So it comes as no suprise to me that they would mourn the death of this man.I think all walks of life should take a lesson from the Amish,if we were all like this the world would be a great place to live in.

From what I understand, it wasn't so much "revenge" as it was to get out of his miserable state of mind. I think the man had full intentions of killing himself. His suicide letter stated that he was "angry with himself". His wife stated that when she talked to him on her cell phone, he had basically stated that he couldn't deal with the guilt of what he had done to a couple of young family members 20 years ago.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay
My horse and buggy are here. Let's see. Got plenty of carrots for Lightning. Don't have to worry about flat tires. Giddy Up! See ya later!

Could you swing by and pick me up? I'm almost ready, alls I have to do is finish packing my sewing stuff, and my canning jars. I'll be waiting for you on the front porch. Thanks
I better grab my chickens too.

I could totally walk away from life as we know it, live like the Amish do, and never look back.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 03:43 PM
It's very gratifying to know that the teachings of Jesus truely exist today. True faith is a blanket in good times and bad, I'm sure these folks are warm at this time.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 06:19 PM
WE have what I would call a corridor running through central Wisconsin along Hwy 16 and 60 from around Columbus up to Tomah with several Amish communities. I have always found them to be a very friendly and carrying group of people. I have seen what Grady has implied here when it comes to forgiving others most if not all I have seen or talked to have the lets turn the cheek attitude and forgiveness is front and foremost in their minds.

I love to watch one of their barn raising's, that is amazing how they all come together in just one day and build a whole barn.

There is just one thing though and that is the misconception that they live a backwards life style. That really is no longer true. Many drive trucks, work in factory's (for a living). They also have have cell phones, pages while the women work in factories with machines. It is only in the home where you see what some might perceive to be a backward lifestyle, but even then it really is not, because the have refrigerators, stoves, lamps etc., all which are run by natural or LP gas.

I guess this goes to prove you can live a decent life style without televison, and movies huh?

[edit on 10/9/2006 by shots]

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by jensouth31
Could you swing by and pick me up? I'm almost ready, alls I have to do is finish packing my sewing stuff, and my canning jars. I'll be waiting for you on the front porch. Thanks
I better grab my chickens too.

I could totally walk away from life as we know it, live like the Amish do, and never look back.

My trusty steed Lightning and I will be right over. There's plenty of room in my buggy for one more, and it's a beautiful day to leave the rat race behind.

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