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Meter maids eat their young

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posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 02:51 PM
I hate meter maids. They show no sympathy whenever you're having a bad day. For example, I had an early morning class this morning, only had enough change for about 2 hours on the meter. I decided to go plug some more money into the meter at the first break. As I approached my vehicle, it was quite obvious the parking nazis had me in their sights and a ticket was in progress.

I explained to the post-office reject that I was on my way to recharge the thing and would appreciate if she didn't cite me. I wasted my breath and now my morning session just cost me $30.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 03:08 PM
I won my last two altercations with meter maids (one of the ruthless vixen and one of the plod subspecies), but you have to catch them in the act of feeding. And bamboozle them with discussion of obscure and unknown regulations relating to what exactly constitutes an eligible vehicle to stop in a loading zone, and what position you rear passenger seats are in.

They are not as a rule a highly intelligent group. They are selected for just that reason, as someone has to do the job.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Unfortunately my self-control in these matters do nothing to help the situation. Getting the "boot", on a Friday afternoon, prior to a holiday, has soured me for life. I do attempt a reasonable discourse but it inevitably reduces to the death stare and other inappropriate gestures. :bash:

Fortunately I only demonstrate this behavior towards meter maids. Most other walks of life are fine by me.

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