posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 02:55 PM
I am new to this board and after reading a lot of the posts on the U.S government and the bashing of the bush admin I would like to ask a question to
all the bashers.
First off, I will say I voted for bush. Has he done everything he has said he would, probably not. Has he handled every situation the best way?
Possible, probably not.
I no longer associate myself to any political party because I have come to the realization that it does not matter which side you belong to,
side represents what the American people really want. So now I am an independent conservative. As the wise man Mike Savage says, I am concerned with
our borders,
Language and culture.
Anyways, this is the question I have for the Clinton(Bill) supporters and fans. How do you think Bill would have handled things if 9/11 and the
persuing war on terror(islamic fascism) happened on his clock? I know a lot of people will say that bush and his cronies are the ones behind it, but
for conversations sake, leave that conspiricy out of it.