posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 07:51 PM
Hello all-
I'm actually pretty new at all this conspiracy stuff. I only really got interested within the last month or so, when, on the 5th anniversery of
9-11, I realized I had never heard any real results or saw anyone swing for it. I started looking into it, reading everything I could find. I know if
I shoot off a bottle rocket the cops are at my door in 10 minutes, yet the" full resources of our country's intelligence and law enforcement
communities" couldn't track down the perpetrators in 5 frickin' years? Right.
About the time I came around to the realization that only government and huge corporate entities had actually stood to gain from the whole mess, the
Bush regime started pushing all kinds of police state legislation,apparently to hold more firmly to their position.
And all in the name of "security"
Now I've seen the dismantling of the Bill of Rights. I see them constantly trying to shred the Constitution to suit their personal word view. I see
people getting rounded up en masse and locked up in unofficial "holding areas" for daring to protest.
Truth be told, I'm terrified, and since knowlege is power, I feel I need to learn as much as possible about the enemy they have shown themselves to
be in sheer self-defense.
In my short time researching, I came upon this site and, reading through many, many posts (this is a BIG place!), figured there was much to be
learned here.
So here I am.
Nice to meet y'all.
Does anybody remember Powdered Toast Man?