posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Those other two threads hardly cover the movie Terrorstorm, they're not even a full page long. I would, however, like to discuss the movie as I've
just seen it the other day.
I like Jones and his movies but I must say I can never finish the whole thing in one sitting. His style of information overload is pretty effective
at making sure you learn a lot of stuff in a short period of time and then quickly forget a lot of it. All in all I thought the movie was well done
though the title was poorly selected. Terrorstorm is just too cheesy.
I really liked how much time Jones spent showing evidence of previous conspiracies of false flag terror ops. I think this is the best approach to
convincing people of a 9/11 conspiracy, to show them that it's happened plenty of times before and there's no reason to think this is different.
Many people who buy into the accepted story will not even look at the evidence we've brought foward because of the emotional involvement tied to that
date. By showing them older incidents which they may not have heard of will paint the 9/11 theory in a different light.
Currently, the main argument against a 9/11 conspiracy is that we're all a bunch of whackos who hate the government no matter what they do. But if
you were to show someone the facts, that not only our government but those of the "free world" frequently commit their own acts of terror to promote
a certain agenda, people will hopfully be more receptive to the possibilty that we've been lied to.
Jones Spent a good amount of time on the 7/7 bombings and included footage I had somehow never seen before. He also includes ex-MI5 (or is it MI6?)
agents who attest that there had been much of this sort of thing going on. The best part of the footage is the news stories relating the training
operation that happened to be in the same place, at the same time, dealing with the same situation and that the odds of this being coincidence are
astronomical. He also discussed the bus and showed that the route this bus was changed to had absolutely no designated stops for that line and was
the only bus re-routed that day.
Compared to Jones's other videos I think this is the most rational, well thought out and calmly presented of them all. Although the title is cheesy
I would reccomend this as the Alex Jones movie to use as an introduction to those not familiar with him or the facts behind the 9/11 theories in
I'd love to hear what others thought of the film.