posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 06:28 PM
I guess if i'm looking for a discussion i might as well post the headlines of the document for all to see, so here is a brief overview.
ARC, they're the Alien Presence International Security Response Consortium, they are at the top of the pyramid. They're job, apart from the obvious,
is to control the institutions that help suppress the Extra-Terrestrial truth.
How it works:
One easy way of putting it would be for example, when something absolutely undeniable happens, because mainstream media stay away from ufo reporting
"like the plague" as he puts it, the job of deniability becomes much easier so they would send their NASA/SETI/IAU academics, military spokesmen or
intelligence agencies to laugh it up and basically deny and debunk.
The Echelons of ARC:
Echelon 7:
The Satanists Parading as Christian Monarch War-Supremacists (English, US,
French, Human-Alien, Alien)
**Soul Control, Telepathic Control and Earth Control Group Focus
(worlds of above highest intelligence, scientific, economic)
Neo-NSA2/NeoGCHQ2/Neo-NRO2/Dark-Druidic Faust-Masons:
The Seditious Human Apotheosis Sacrificial intelligence sect
Will sacrifice Humanity to save a few of Mankind
Favors Fascism, Totalitarianism, Dictatorships (though often controlled from
other systems) as the Ends, but uses Monarchy, adoration, and symbol
embodiment as Means
Dominance of Reptilian-Orion stellar soul resonance geno-archetype (top
Echelon 6:
The Egypto-Luciferian NeoNazi Exodus Science Supremicists (US, English, Old
German, French)
** Space and ET-Territory War and Parity Control Group Focus
(worlds of highest intelligence, scientific, military, atheist, CRO)
NeoNSA/NeoGCHQ/Neo-DIA/NeoNRO/Neo-NASA/Eugenic Neo-Masons:
The Profane Technology Apotheosis intelligence sects
Will sacrifice Earth to save some of Mankind
Favors Monarchy, Autocracy, optimistic Totalitarian
Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + Submissive Pseudo-Feline Sirian
stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes
Echelon 5:
The Christian New World Order Supremicists (worlds of intelligence, Secret
Orders of Vatican and International Catholicism, economic, 1st World
multinational Mafia)
** Belief, "Rapture" Control and Christian Moral Boundary Control Group
NeoNSA/GCHQ3/Neo-NRO/Neo-IAU/Neo-Mafia, some Dark and Free Masons
intelligence sects:
The Divine ET Apotheosis intelligence sects
Will sacrifice Spirituality to save Religion (Institutions)
Favors Capitalism, Religious Oligarchy, Autocracy
Alliance of Dominant Avian-Pleiadean-Hawk + Submissive Reptilian-Orion
stellar soul resonance geno-archetypes
Echelon 4:
The Atheist Science Socialists and Capitalists (worlds of III -
International Industrial Intelligence, Secret Economic Joint Ventures and
Treaties, Prime Echelon System Control, 2nd world multinational Mafia,
Secret One World Gov.) intelligence sects:
** Science, NWO systems, Mind Controllers, ID Systems, and Economic Control
Group Focus
The Profane ET Anti-Apotheosis intelligence sects
Will sacrifice Human Rights to Save National Governments (Institutions)
Favors Communism, cynical Socialism, Scientism
Alliance of Dominant Reptilian-Orion + (Submissive Avian-Pleiadean stellar
soul resonance geno-archetypes + Submissive Pseudo-Feline-Sirian)