posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 12:30 PM
The one question that I've noticed that no one seems to be able to answer is: What causes these people to cross that line between fantasising about
vengence against percieved villany, and actually picking up the gun, knife, or baseball bat and doing the deed.
My own opinion, and note its only an opinion because I have no facts to back it up with, is it is a combination of factors, and even these will vary
from incident to incident, parental involvement or lack of same, mood altering drugs, perscribed or other; victimization by bullies amongst their peer
group, a desensitisation to violence, or rather a perception that violence is the ONLY answer rather than an answer of last resort. Most telling I
think is a perception that no one cares about them, or maybe a better phrase is loves them. So if no one loves them, well then they'll damned well
make 'em fear us. The classic "love us, or hate us, just don't ignore us" syndrome...if it is a syndrome.