posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 08:20 AM
Irregardless, this guy probably would have had a better chance to get an audience with the Pope if he would have just took a regular plane to Rome,
and a cab to Vatican. Then he could have just shouted otu at him at first sight and got his message across.
Unless of course, no dont tell me. This man is secretly a Muslim jihdaist spy, claiming to be a Christian convert only to get close to the pope and
assassinate him with a suicide vest!! That would just be a typical Muslim act wouldn't it?
Err umm maybe he wanted to crash it into the Church itself (yea right, lets get real here)
I do not agree with his opinions one bit. There should be no qualms about serving in the armed services along individuals with different beliefs.
Especially considering it is not necessarily a Muslim army, it is the Army of Turkey, there to protect the nations people, assets, and way of life.
It aint up to me to figure out how or if this man gets asylum, but I doubt he will recieve it now, since everyone thinks hes a Muslim. well you know
what I mean by that....