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The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media

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posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:43 AM

I'm to lazy...

perhaps then with your infinite knowledge of symbolism you can enlighten the population of this board on the historical origins of this common modern symbol.

I await your enlightenment.

Mod Edit: Inappropriate image (statement) removed. Enough...

[edit on 3-10-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 01:30 PM

Do you see what I mean now? The reason why you don't understand is because you don't even care about watching the videos themselves. You pathetic people.

Ok, you want the truth, I watched the first 5 minutes of the first video
before I got fed up with watching the idiot presenter.

Us pathetic, your one to call anyone that, considerig you're s paranoid
that you see conspiracies in innocent symbols.

Good Lord. Got to love those skeptics sometimes man. No wonder you can't convince people of anything, they won't even bother to look. Kinda Gross.

See the first sentence above.

Oh, and like you over paranoid fools can convince anyone but those
who already believe like you..riiight.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 01:36 PM
OK guys, let's discuss the topic, not each other.


posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree
I believe that this is credible only because I have been studying symbolism for a long time.

Well finish your homework first, but when you get done please return to this thread and we can talk about symbolism. As someone who has been studying (and actually doing) the Occult for 20 years now I think I have a pretty good grasp of the subject.

Really out of all the "skeptics" on ATS you would think I would be easy to convert to your point of view. I mean most of the "skeptics" on this board would think I'm just as much as a loony tune as the "Believers" if they saw me say evoking a goetic demon, chanting words in a strange language, wearing robes and waving a wand around. (Yes, I own a "magic wand").

In other words I'm not a person who always takes a negative view of something just because it sounds weird, or is not of mainstream thought. Hell I have been researching my own crackpot conspiracy theory for most of this year. :-)

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Cug
I mean most of the "skeptics" on this board would think I'm just as much as a loony tune as the "Believers" if they saw me say evoking a goetic demon...

...chanting words in a strange language, wearing robes and waving a wand around. (Yes, I own a "magic wand").

Don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you owning a magic wand(I would be counted among the "looney-tunes" myself no doubt)...

It was just the the way you put it.

Also gotta give you credit for when you're screen-avatar was so...:

...and near it said: "At least it's not made out of tin-foil"

[edit on 3-10-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:03 PM
I made this post so that people could watch the video. I didn't post it to discuss about it. I just posted it so you guys could see it.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Do you see what I mean now? The reason why you don't understand is because you don't even care about watching the videos themselves.

You pathetic people.

Sorry again.

As already said, I didn't watch it because I didn't have head-phones at the time.

I guess you didn't see the relevance-of my first post in this thread-to the subject at hand?

Pehaps I'll be able to get to watching it and comment on it.

Until then, I'll refrain from posting here.


posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree
I made this post so that people could watch the video. I didn't post it to discuss about it. I just posted it so you guys could see it.

Regardless of what reason you posted it for, part of creating the
thread is that you have to discuss it.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 09:48 PM
I get what you are trying to show us. The importance of symbolism on the brain is hard to explain to people who aren't aware of how the brain works. Like the narrator on the video said, our stored memories and collective unconscience is programmed visually so there is something going on with us on a level that we aren't even consiously aware of so we can't define the principle of being brainwashed by images that are archtypical and by their symbolic meaning are speaking to us in ways we don't grasp.

That is the heart of the matter IMO. Also for those who are aware they can be communicated with through these uses of symbols to know what meaning is active through the presentation, be it advertising or simply by stimulating parts of the brain that bring forth the desired result in thinking or awareness. Meaning you can be controlled by pictures that speak universal language that is inherent in our subconscience.

Symbols hold a power, a magical power if you will, simply by their ability to active within us meanings we have no clue are being conveyed.

Different gods/goddesses represented different ideas and realities. Even though we don't know we know we still know!!!

Also, Raven, I am surprised you didn't get the additional info Tamahu posted as being relevent to the video. For instance the word new being associated with an original god. As well as a couple of other examples that operate under the same brainial processes. Programming through repetitious visuals or verbal communication!

Great videos, yes a little lengthy but oh well. I would like more on this subject as I believe this is the biggest form of mind control and most of us are clueless and won't even entertain the possibiltity.

I personally have observed numeralogical symbolism in the media. Especially things like "33 military bases closing" or "144 bases closed as of today" this is just off the top of my head. If you pay attention you too will see the use of numbers being projected on purpose.

OR maybe I'm just crazy

[edit on 3-10-2006 by interestedalways]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

I made this post so that people could watch the video. I didn't post it to discuss about it. I just posted it so you guys could see it.

Hey brainchild, this is a discussion forum just so ya know. if you didnt want us to tell you what a loser this guy is and how bogus his material is then you shouldnt have posted it at all.


posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Symbols hold a power, a magical power if you will, simply by their ability to active within us meanings we have no clue are being conveyed.

Symbols hold power.. true. But they don't hold the same meanings to everyone.

For example, Tamahu and I share a lot of the same symbols But I can assure you that we also have VASTLY different ideas about the meanings of those symbols. Or if I see the famous image of Baphomet I have a very different idea of it's meaning that say the average Christian.

You liked the video, do you have any problems with the.... well...... flat out lie of Parsons designing the Pentagon?


I'm surprised you saw this.. I don't think I used it that long.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:30 PM
I'm sorry guys I've been up to mu neck into so much work lately. In my opinon I think this movie is great, and I 'm glad some people picked up on it. However, you can't pick it all up immediately just from one video, you have to watch a lot. So I should have posted more links to them.
As for the god information, thanks, yes it does correspond with the video.
Nice comments, everyone.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 09:12 PM
Actually Cug there was alot of video, I flipped through. I can't say the experience was so revelatory, but he did compile alot of logos with the old school characters playing front and center.

I see alot of posts denying the reality of a tapestry of occult symbolism so I would think the opportunity to watch the video would bring some awareness or curiousity to those who don't see the prevailance of the use of symbols.

One thing the guy said that I heard for the first time was that ALL mystery traditions are defined by the Tarot. Although I have spent a bit of time with the Tarot I "saw" differently last night after hearing his remark. For instance I hadn't even interpreted the Empress as a Royal bloodline of Luciferian/Venus representation or the idea of her being a gate for incarnation. Same thing with overlooking the knowing that the Star is most representative of truth.

True that symbols do not mean the same thing to all people but I'm thinking more along the lines of the empowerment available to the root truth/lie represented by the symbol itself. Through ritualistic like repetition in our world of certain ideas I would imagine the strength of the invisible form would be enhanced greatly.

You also mentioned the lie about the designing of the pentagon, I raced through that part because it is pretty redundant and I am not fully convinced the whole Washington imagery is actual. Seems to be, but I really don't dwell there.

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on Baphomet?

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 09:36 PM
Contrary to popular belief, symbols carry objective vibratory values regardless of how someone intereprets them or what they believe about them.

The Word(God) Creates the Universe through certain Mantras that form the Raw Matter into various forms.

If one were to examine an audio tape, they would see various geometric forms imprinted thereon(by sound) which perform the recorded sound when the needle passes over them.

So to say that the symbol of the fallen man, the inverted Pentagram(implied in the 16th Arcanum of the Tarot) for example, doesn't carry a specific energy, would be absurd.

For more see this:

In order to help protect ones home from the fallen ones, one could put the image of the Upright or Christified Man/Woman in their windows to counteract them.

Just consider that if we are fallen, how we are going to protect ourselves from ourselves?

Nonetheless, the Prayers, Conjurations and Positive symbols can at least leave us to work on our own egos, without the added stimulation of them from demons and witches, etc.


posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 05:39 PM
Also, I don't want to say that what people believe about a symbol does not have any effect on their thoughts, feelings and actions.

I'm just saying that symbols carry specific vibratory values regardless.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 08:41 PM
having watched that - im in tears laughing

sorry but that stuff is so reaching its unbelievable -

I will add only one comment - a man who claims to be Irish (and speaks with an american accent - though granted tinges of the brogue) who cannot describe a Tudor rose cannot in my book be accepted as any kind of academic.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Winged horse - white horse ? - please

the guy needs some Greek Mythology training

Owl - Athe - Athenas owl
White horse with wings - cough - Pegasus (oh sorry I got that from Clash of Titans didnt I )

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 08:51 PM
Interpreptation too

LOL not what sits on my 1991 Miata - strange it changed

Oh and Mazda isnt Hebrew - erm erm - ERM

[edit on 5-10-2006 by Silk]

OK i lose it now - "shouldnt it be LITE" = this man has been out of Ireland for way to many years - the Irish generally are the most correctly spoken people I have ever met and would know that Light is spelt just as that.

I pour scorn

[edit on 5-10-2006 by Silk]


posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways
I see alot of posts denying the reality of a tapestry of occult symbolism so I would think the opportunity to watch the video would bring some awareness or curiousity to those who don't see the prevailance of the use of symbols.

But what is occult symbolism? Think about it, 99% of it comes from the Qabalah, and the Qabalah describes the whole universe, so everything is an occult symbol.

For example the occult meaning of a nursery rhyme:

Little Bo Peep
She lost her sheep,
And couldn't tell where to find them.
Leave them alone!
And they'll come home,
Dragging their tails behind them.

"Bo" is the root meaning Light, from which spring such words as Bo-Tree, Bodhisattva, and Buddha.

And "Peep" is Apep, the serpent Apophis. This poem therefore contains the same symbol as that in the Egyptian and Hebrew Bibles.

The snake is the serpent of initiation, as the Lamb is the Saviour.

This ancient one, the Wisdom of Eternity, sits in its old anguish awaiting the Redeemer. And this holy verse triumphantly assures us that there is no need for anxiety. The Saviours will come one after the other, at their own good pleasure, and as they may be needed, and drag their tails, that is to say those who follow out their holy commandment, to the ultimate goal.

Source: Book 4 part II by Aleister Crowley

You also mentioned the lie about the designing of the pentagon, I raced through that part because it is pretty redundant and I am not fully convinced the whole Washington imagery is actual. Seems to be, but I really don't dwell there.

What I was getting at, How strong is his position if he resorts to lies to back them up? Or if he really believes such a thing look at how poor his research is.. it's just as likely he uses the same standard of research for the rest of the presentation.

Would you mind sharing your thoughts on Baphomet?

Average Christian: It's the Devil/Satan/etc..
Average Me
: Baphomet = Harpocrates = Horus. With it's androgynous form it also represents the union of opposites (and the lust for said union) that can bring about a magical child.

Originally posted by Tamahu
Contrary to popular belief, symbols carry objective vibratory values regardless of how someone intereprets them or what they believe about them.


The "objective vibratory value" of a symbol changes depending on the preception of the viewer. When you see a symbol you assign a value to it, and that is for you it's "real" meaning. (Think about it, if you thought there was a real meaning to something, and you didn't use it, that would be kinda silly.) I do that as well, but if you compare both of our "real meanings" they will not be the same. (for the most part) If we threw in a traditional Jewish Kabbalist into the mix we would have yet another "real" meaning.)

I think using the tarot the tower might make my point more clear.

Lets say the tarot represents a single symbol (I know it's much more complex than that but play along with me on this)

Lets also say that the drawing on the tarot is a visual description of the meaning of a single symbol.

Here is your card

and mine

Now it's pretty easy to tell we have VERY different ideas about the true/real/most correct meanings. Even by someone who doesn't know anything about them.

Now we both think that our respective card is the "true" meaning.. and we are both right because the real meaning is different in each of our eyes.

[edit on 10/6/2006 by Cug]

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 05:27 AM
Cug, are you saying that symbolism or truth is relevant? Or maybe even both? Just curious.

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