posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:53 PM
I agree that Titan and Europa are the most likely candidates for other life in our own solar system. In fact, it's entirely likely that there is some
kind of microbial life on Titan - if there's anything like geysers on Titan.
Life (as we know it) needs heat. Not for surviving, but to get started in the first place. The chemicals that make up life need the heat in order to
spark change. Life developed on earth because lightning and UV-light destroyed organic molecules (in almost the exact same composition as Titan),
which then recombined again into more complex patterns, which eventually were capable of at least a limited form of replication.
Without heat, that cycle would never got off the ground - or if it did, it wouldn't stay above ground for long (we need gradually increasing
Europa is still a GREAT candidate then, since Jupiter might incite volcanic activity beneath its icy crust. Heat + water + organic chemicals (which
are nearly everywhere in the galaxy) equals a really great chance for life.
Even finding just the simplest extraterrestrial micro-organism would be a world-changing event.