Whatever it's still a neat photo of the ISS Atlantis Sun transit and there are two other "spots" or whatever at the 2 oc'clock and 9 o'clock
position. NASA also has it posted now in the STS-115 area. First time I'd ever seen a sun transit of a definable shape.
Great pic,
Victor K.
EDIT: Misfit got it first correcting a Space Guy link - here's the big version www.astrophoto.fr...
They want you to believe its the space station, but actualy its a rip in the sun and its been slowly deflating since the mid 1980's. Top secret
scientists say it should be fully deflated around 2012 and the sun will start to fly around like crazy in space like a helium balloon let go making a
loud "pplllggghhh" sound.
2006-- The 11-year solar cycle is at a low point this year, but even during solar minimum, auroras continue. A series of solar wind streams have
buffeted Earth, sparking beautiful Northern Lights from Alaska to Scandinavia. Occasionally, the displays descended as far south as Wisconsin,
Michigan, Minnesota--even Colorado.
There was a thread in the alien ufo forum and apparently a woman was reasearching this and sain it was a ufo near the sun (cant find the page), but
obviously its not.
What confuses me is, in all that heat and fire how can there be a hole or solid mass or what ever it is there, surely the fire or molten lava or what
ever the sun is made of would just cover it.