posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 12:25 AM
Yes. Absolutely.
I'm originally from Detroit. In Detroit, it was simply inconceivable to live without an automobile. The City of Detroit, probably because of the
influence of the Big Three Automakers, never developed public transportation beyond a pathetically poor bus system. One would literally have to
wait hours for the bus that would either be late or that wouldn't come at all! It was an intolerable situation and one where owning a car was, well,
a necessity.
When I lived in Manhattan briefly, I discovered a city with an abundance of public transportation; planes, trains, subways, busses and relatively
inexpensive taxis. Getting around was easy. Ironically enough, having a car in Manhattan was a liability. There was simply no place to put it -- at
least not cheaply.
Now I live in London, Ontario Canada. It's a city with about 300,000 people. I often go for days without climbing into my vehicle. The bus lines
are well-placed and they keep their schedules (more or less) and it makes getting around convenient. Still, I live relatively close to the downtown
core and I frequently get to where I want to go by simply walking. I would suppose, to answer your question, that -- living where I do now --I could
easily give up my car. Frankly, it would be a lot healthier and certainly cheaper to do so.