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Why Are There No Prophets Today?

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posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:23 AM
i am thinking about this, why in recent history (when i say recent i mean last 500 years) theres been no prophets?

i find this strange because previous prophets, everybody knew (or believed) they was sent by god, all roughtly the same time period.

then why are we not seeing it in this day and age? - afterall we need it (black death that wiped out half the world/the world wars/terror etc) wouldn't it be wise for god to send down a messenger to re-assure and for people to keep faith?

[edit on 1-10-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:34 AM
Because i think in this day and age, especially with all the religions, we wouldnt believe them and wed call them crazy

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:38 AM
I think that there have been many people who have claimed to be prophets but have been labeled nuts or cultists, like David Koresh who formed the Branch Davidians at Waco, and we all know what happened there. Many claimants have come and gone but if a 'real' prophet were to appear they would just be swept under the rug with all the others.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:39 AM
i agree, they'd lock them up and throw the key away.

but theres been so much negativity in the world, the evil far outshines the good...hmm perhaps the devil as re-entered god's realm, battled with god & won, who knows :/

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:39 AM
maybe they all wised up, figured we were all gonna just send them back to god with a no thank you note attached to them....

just kidding kind of...but then kind of not...
their are modern day prophets running around...

just one example...there's more...but they're around, usually consdered to be a little odd and out of the norm...
of course, weather or not they're really the prophets of god is another story...but they're around.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:50 AM
I can only think of the promised 'Two Witnesses"
who are to come & prophecie, lead, and witness about the coming Kingdom
...but all that only comes in the midst of the 'tribulation' period

the scriptures say that the world will be filled with scoffers and such,
so what effect would a real or self-acclaimed 'Prophet' have in these times??

i'd guess that the 'time' is not right for a prophet today...
the beginning of the anticipated 'falling away, first' is going on now.

footnote: i'm only presenting some of the scriptual items, which might connect to your inquiry...
i personally do not subscribe or believe

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 10:52 AM
Because ATS eventually debunks them all.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:20 AM
Have you heard of the gifts of the spirit?.
These are Gifts that can be given by God to christians. Healing, Phrophesy and teaching being just a few. Are they given in this day and age?. Yes. Are they used?. Yes.
Have I personally used them?. Yes, on a few occasions.
Now before you put me on the 'he has lost the plot' heap, Let me tell you that these things happen all the time but you won't hear of them because you are not where these events take place. I have seen some wonderfull things that god has done for others. Do I fully understand it?. No. But as my wife is a minister I have seen people phrophesie over others and these things have come to pass. So no, we don't have a prophet as such but Christians can phrophesie if given the gift from God.
While I am here I may as well clear something else up that keeps coming up on A.T.S.
Prove that there is a God.
God only gives these gifts to people that believe in him and by using them proof is given to the believer. If you are a non believer then god will not show himself to you at all in any way, shape or form.
Please don't try and get me into a big debate as this info is a one off. People have been having debates for years and still they go on.
All the best

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:49 AM
What you mean is not prophets anymore.

They are plenty of them, they are on your TVs on Sundays, they are in our politics, they are all over the news and they are here to make sure you get salvations through Jesus Christ.

The only different between them now and the old timers of the past is that the new ones, wear shiny silky suits, they sell they prophetic books and no only are they entrepreneurs but also business man to cash out on our salvation.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
What you mean is not prophets anymore.

They are plenty of them, they are on your TVs on Sundays, they are in our politics, they are all over the news and they are here to make sure you get salvations through Jesus Christ.

The only different between them now and the old timers of the past is that the new ones, wear shiny silky suits, they sell they prophetic books and no only are they entrepreneurs but also business man to cash out on our salvation.

a prophet is somebody who stands out, somebody to who has many followers/somebody who teachers new things and makes the 'unbelievers' believers.

now people like the pope (etc) who just lives off the state and waves his hand in a box i don't call 'special' therefore i feel there's been no prophets recent times, because if there as, they wouldn't just go to skynews and say "i'm am blahblah, god's sent me - believe in me"

they'd do it through other methods, they would PROVE to people that they are 'special' (that they ARE a messenger of god) they would probably have a great following of people also basicly kissing the ground they walk on.

and your right people who sit on the godchanel asking for donations saying "god bless" are nothing....they are infact making money from religion to be honest.

(summary) the last 500/600 years has been the worst catastrofes in human history, as said (black death/both world wars/terrorism/poverty in africa)

people begin to lose faith and lose touch about why we are here...therefore why (if there is a god) hasn't he sent one of his disciples to reassure?

[edit on 1-10-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 12:15 PM
Depends on who you ask...a charasmatic christian will tell you they have prophets.
In Sephardic Kabbalah you will hear of prophesy...So it hasnt gone.

For most Christians it is a thing of the past...they dont understand it really.
They make it something magical almost...

In Judaism its laid out and understood (not that Christians dont understand if they think about what is said in their oldtestament) that there was a school of prophets.
This was something taught...not some magic endowed on a few people...

This knowledge has been passed down.

Using a familar and you will find...enjoy, life is good.



posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
i am thinking about this, why in recent history (when i say recent i mean last 500 years) theres been no prophets?

peoples fears prevent them from seeing that all are prophets.

rowing in all dragon

ro in all dragun

ro n al dragun

fire from the dragun's mouth is a powerfull ray gun

ro n al dragun


ronald reagan.


ro n al dragun

ro in all dragun

rowing in all dragon


drag gun

reagan's ray gun to war with stars?

dragun [mirror] nudge guard

nudge what guard?

peter, the rock, the guardian of the keys, the gate, the way, and the kingdom.

no prophets?

only if you live in a world where there is no god.

how does one live in a world with no god?

they are afraid.
they are fearfull.
they are fearingfully their own truth.

if they fear their own truth, then what truth do they have?

they are afraid because they define themselves by other peoples fears, and the lying masks they wear to hide their fear from themselves.

hate is not real, just cowards, just afraid, just weak in their faith that there is a god.

no prophets?

here is a prophecy for you:
"i am the word"

air pollution?

what causes it?

see what the car feels guilty for?

see what the automobiles say?

they don't talk?

the automobiles are prophets, for god is there, too.

auto feel guilty for farting?

automobile say:

"see i fart"

see = c, so .....

"c i fart"


no prophets?

no believe in god, then and only then no prophets.

believe in god, know god, all prophets.

i find this strange because previous prophets, everybody knew (or believed) they was sent by god, all roughtly the same time period.

god is time, period.

then why are we not seeing it in this day and age?

too afraid.

- afterall we need it (black death that wiped out half the world/the world wars/terror etc) wouldn't it be wise for god to send down a messenger to re-assure and for people to keep faith?

peoples still too afraid of truth. so, they exorcise their free will, and they choose that there is no god. they are cowards, they are afraid, they are fearfull, they are fearing, and they are fearingfully.

did they keep their faith?

find me one messenger, just one messenger from god who did not first say:
"be not afraid"

people too afraid to be not afraid. so, prophets speak, to afraid do not hear it.

Because ATS eventually debunks them all.

debunk me? lock me up and throw away key?

"i am" key.
"i am" lock.
"i am" door.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 02:58 PM

There are saints and holy people who have the gift of prophecy. (Such as Padre Pio who died back in the 1960s). It's just that there are so many frauds around that it's hard to find the real ones sometimes.

FRAUDs - Bayside NY.
Saint with the gift of prophecy and healing - Padre Pio.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:43 PM
This is the time for the fulfillment of prophecies more than delivering them. However, I do believe there are prophets who are waiting for the right moment to utter their prophecies. The difference in the prophecies to come from the prophecies of the past is that some, maybe all of them, will be fulfilled within days or weeks after they are made. There will no longer be a waiting period of years or even centuries for their fulfillment, as was the case in the past, because there is only a short time remaining till the end of this age and the beginning of the next one.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:52 PM

Why Are There No Prophets Today?

They are all too busy drinking beer and watching football...prophets like porno too, ya know.

Ok seriously, first of all what is a Prophet and why do we need one today?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:06 PM
perhaps people simply are not paying attention to detail.

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by st3ve_o
i am thinking about this, why in recent history (when i say recent i mean last 500 years) theres been no prophets?

peoples fears prevent them from seeing that all are prophets.

rowing in all dragon

ro in all dragun

ro n al dragun

fire from the dragun's mouth is a powerfull ray gun

ro n al dragun


ronald reagan.


ro n al dragun

ro in all dragun

rowing in all dragon


drag gun

reagan's ray gun to war with stars?

dragun [mirror] nudge guard

nudge what guard?

peter, the rock, the guardian of the keys, the gate, the way, and the kingdom.

no prophets?

only if you live in a world where there is no god.

how does one live in a world with no god?

they are afraid.
they are fearfull.
they are fearingfully their own truth.

if they fear their own truth, then what truth do they have?

they are afraid because they define themselves by other peoples fears, and the lying masks they wear to hide their fear from themselves.

hate is not real, just cowards, just afraid, just weak in their faith that there is a god.

no prophets?

here is a prophecy for you:
"i am the word"

air pollution?

what causes it?

see what the car feels guilty for?

see what the automobiles say?

they don't talk?

the automobiles are prophets, for god is there, too.

auto feel guilty for farting?

automobile say:

"see i fart"

see = c, so .....

"c i fart"


no prophets?

no believe in god, then and only then no prophets.

believe in god, know god, all prophets.

i find this strange because previous prophets, everybody knew (or believed) they was sent by god, all roughtly the same time period.

god is time, period.

then why are we not seeing it in this day and age?

too afraid.

- afterall we need it (black death that wiped out half the world/the world wars/terror etc) wouldn't it be wise for god to send down a messenger to re-assure and for people to keep faith?

peoples still too afraid of truth. so, they exorcise their free will, and they choose that there is no god. they are cowards, they are afraid, they are fearfull, they are fearing, and they are fearingfully.

did they keep their faith?

find me one messenger, just one messenger from god who did not first say:
"be not afraid"

people too afraid to be not afraid. so, prophets speak, to afraid do not hear it.

Because ATS eventually debunks them all.

debunk me? lock me up and throw away key?

"i am" key.
"i am" lock.
"i am" door.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:33 PM
I have 3 answers for your question.

He did/does. We have the Bible still today. It contains the words God told them to tell us. So in a sense we still have the prophets He sent.

There are 2 prophets coming in the tribulation period who will be the fire and brimstone kind.

There actually are some "prophets" around today in our time period speaking the truth about God. You just have to find them. Some truth speakers are Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Adrian Rogers(who has died but can still be heard because of the invention of videotaping. Ther5e are more, but there are also false prophets around today also.

So how do you tell the difference. A person needs to read the Bible for himself and know it backwards and forwards, and then when you listen to someone and what they say, you will know the truth because you will know for yourself if they are telling the truth, because you too know what the Bible says. I hope that last sentence made sense.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by dbrandt]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:43 PM
because no one is wanting there to be prophets.

even if there were prophets posting on ats, or here on bts, people wouldn't pay them too much attention anyways.


they are afraid, not the prophets, but the peoples.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 05:12 AM
Esoteric Teacher

no one would really want to hear what god says anyways....

I pointed them a man that fit their description of a prophet to the tee.....they went on their merry little way....there's no prophets...
meanwhile, God is screaming at them, through their friends words and actions, through the book that they may be reading, through the sunset that they let pass by unnoticed...there's no prophets...

they don't want to hear what God says....
not unless it comes from one that is fitting their own perception of what a prophet is....
I am definately not a prophet....I am a women, can't be a prophet, right...
And, you can't be a prophet, you're just words, scrambled on a computer screen....
John the Baptist could come back in his sackcloth eating his locusts and well, no one would want to be seen with the wierd guy, so he couldn't be a prophet, could he, he doesn't have a crowd following him all around....

but, well, I posted a prophet that fit their description, and they passed even him by....
so, there are no prophets.....except of course, the fed, bush, and the rest of the crew that makes the world go round. now the fed....they're a prophet!!! they speak and the whole nation jumps to their bidding, and what ever the fed speaks become reality!! seek the prophetic utterances of the fed, and act with wisdom to his words, and God will endow you with great wealth...

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
Esoteric Teacher

no one would really want to hear what god says anyways....

I pointed them a man that fit their description of a prophet to the tee.....they went on their merry little way....there's no prophets...
meanwhile, God is screaming at them, through their friends words and actions, through the book that they may be reading, through the sunset that they let pass by unnoticed...there's no prophets...

true. but there is at least one prophet this day.

they don't want to hear what God says....
not unless it comes from one that is fitting their own perception of what a prophet is....

true. perhaps their own perception of what a prophet is is not consistant nor compatible with truth.

I am definately not a prophet....I am a women, can't be a prophet, right...

right? i say wrong. i say you sell yourself short, and yes, you are a prophet whether you acknowledge it or not, god does.

And, you can't be a prophet, you're just words, scrambled on a computer screen....

it is true, i am just words. and i am "the word". however, i can be a prophet. free will being what free will is.

John the Baptist could come back in his sackcloth eating his locusts and well, no one would want to be seen with the wierd guy, so he couldn't be a prophet, could he, he doesn't have a crowd following him all around....

john may have a following, however the following has amnesia.

but, well, I posted a prophet that fit their description, and they passed even him by....

"They" are the alpha, and the omega is reaching back for the alpha, with a report.

so, there are no prophets.....except of course, the fed, bush, and the rest of the crew that makes the world go round. now the fed....they're a prophet!!! they speak and the whole nation jumps to their bidding, and what ever the fed speaks become reality!!

so the true prophets shall make the "fed" speak a new reality.

seek the prophetic utterances of the fed, and act with wisdom to his words, and God will endow you with great wealth...


truth is the currency in the kingdom of heaven.

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