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U.S.A.: Invasion, Insurrection, or Civil War?

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posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 11:52 PM
I'm interested to know from board members which of the following events you think is most likely within the United States over the next 10 years:

a) Will the U.S. be invaded?

b) Will U.S. politicians sieze power, triggering an insurrection?

c) Will there be a civil war due to something that the government has done?

d) Something else? [Specify]

If you need some food for thought, try this:


[edit on 30-9-2006 by Justin Oldham]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 12:19 AM

How ya goin? Love your discussion topics, and this one aint no different. In the next 10 years i reckon that you shall get all three - you shall see the politicians seize absolute power, aka martial law, through deceptive means, sort of things they are doing now; you know, warming the water up slowly so we dont really feel it as oppose to going the whole hog all at once.

The politicians shall seize power by staging a terrorist act, like so many have predicted here on ATS before - my personal beleif is that this so called terrorist act will take out George Bush. Why do I think this? Well he has used up his usefulness, and for the NWO cronies to acieve three of their aims it would be great for them....not us. They could stage a terrorist act, take out George Bush, then seize absolute power and declare martial law in a state of emergency scenario. Cheney would grab the reigns without even thinking about it and he and Rumsfield would launch the next stage in America's and the worlds demise, in the process doing all that is necessary to destabalise the world, the economies of the west and increase their military adventures in the middle east by bringing forth mandatory conscription, taking on Iran and who knows who else.

The public will not accept this, almost all of the US's armed forces will be deployed abroad with the National Guard called up and the reserves to restore law and order in the cities, after mass anti-government protests due to the mandatory draft, and putting the US in such a precarious position.

Protests turn violent, some Guardsmen turn on the civilians whilsts others turn on their own and support the people power movement. The wave of anti-government sentiment spreads across the US, and most major cities are locked down, in curfew crack-downs.

The rest you can make up yourself as you sort of see the picture Im painting and where it can lead too. You CAN easily get a scenario as predicted bu John Titor, and even thou many here might debunk him for getting his predictions incorrect due to the year he stated, I do beleive that the US is going this way and you shall all see this eventuate in the next couple of years. The pressure is really about to rise as Bush's mid-term elections pass.

Hold on to your tush, we're going with Bush !

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 12:30 AM
Ok I will bite on this one.

a) Will the U.S. be invaded?
It already is and if Mexico becomes better friends with China as they are doing now we will be in CheckMate

b) Will U.S. politicians sieze power, triggering an insurrection?
No fear and money will keep them and the Media quiet untill it is too late.
This will be a patriot war that will appear to be a civil war,but we all know liberals can't fight and they will be fighting the enemy behind and in front.

c) Will there be a civil war due to something that the government has done?
Yes treason against its people will be the cause. At some point both sides will join to win the battle.

d) Something else? [Specify]
The war will not be won in this country but in the invaders own.
None of this will happen until the Democrats allow us to be controled by U.N. gun laws and bans.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by factfinder38]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 01:41 AM
Just to mix it up a little, I'll toss in some links to give you a sense of where I'm at on this issue.


The above link outlines my thinking in regards to the "why" of this thing.

One Possible Outcome

I like to frame my predicitons with some legal basis, which you can read about in the link below:


The bottom line here is that I think we may face an insurrection. Pro government versus anti-government. As you see from the above links, I think that the flak will hit the fan due to an economic collapse that will be harnessed for political gain.

As a historian and political scientist, I think that our leaders may not be able to resist the temptation when it presents itself to sieze total power. I'm not going to be surprised if we find out...after the fact...that the economic collapse was anticipated and exploited much more than we suspect now.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:18 AM
Civil war is more than likely, however there's one thing in the way: Will most Americans cower instead of taking action for their own rights? And what exactly is the worst thing a government can do that makes its country go mayhem on itself?

You know that maybe its even possible that people can turn on eachother at the highest level? You would have armed civilians/military against the loyal military, in major cities, needless to say it would be a bloodbath if such a worst-case scenario would happen, would it be necessary? I think people have alot of different answers about that. Sadly, there's more than enough reason for it, and the current situation is really tense.

The thing about situations where the population topples its government, they spread like wildfires, if one American state starts it, others will soon follow.

Suppose that your government turns on you, strips you away from the freedom you once knew, starts martial law and punishes any opposition... Would you take your arms and go for it? I happen to have a strong hatred for such governments.

Someone would do good to exactly describe how such a civil war would look like.... And its aftermath.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Mammoth]

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Mammoth]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:38 AM
I would just like to add somthing here to the discussion:

I just watch a short 15minute movie posted by ADVISOR on another thread topic.

It goes into how the government is covertly taking your rights, how both sides of the US government have merged to become the one party in effect, how they are going to bring about a super artificial intelligent computer in 2010-2012 that will tie into every CCTV camera in the country, all your phone calls, your mobile position, your financial transactions aswell as secretly implant tracking devices under the auspices of immunisation. IT is a must see, and your thinking about your government will change that much more so will your replies to Justin Oldhams original topic.


posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:26 AM
will the governmet try to claim absolute power....looks that way to me!!

will there be a civil war?? maybe

will there be an invasion, well...kindof....but by the time is comes, we will be so convinced by the antics of our disfunctional government that our form of government just isn't working it will be easy for the invaders to lead us to believe that they are working in our interest....

a large part of the show they are putting on now is designed to make us just more and more disenchanted with our vote, the electronic machnines are just so picky, they won't count it anyways, unless they like it...and the candidates, what a choice!!! child molester, religious wacko, or corporate puppet, take your pick... or...go for the gold and pick the one who's all three!!!

the whole thing is a show, look at it in that respect, and you begin to get glimpses of what the intentions are.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:34 PM
That film that Melbourne is talking about has been around for a while. I have even seen text variants of that material. I looked at it during my book research. Even if you don't think it has any merit, you might still enjoy the plot.

How then. Back to it. My research, which has taken the form of a book, strongly suggest that the insiders who run our government behind the scenes may be waiting for the coming economic melt-down to step in and save the day by assuming broad and sweeping powers.

Based on what I could find, I think we're likely to see an insurrection. A limited number of people will fight back. I don't want to bore anyone with the demographics of the things, but it seems like it may not go any further than that. If the insurgency gains momentum, we could see a civil war...but I'm honestly not sure. It could go either way.

As I prepare my second book for publication, I'm fine-tuning my bst guess to account for a lot of things. The truth is that a lot of people are going to stay at home until they see which way the wind is blowing. During the Revolution, less than 13% of the population actually took up arms against the British. It's worth noting that historians include collaborators in this number. That's everyobody who looked the other way, including those people who gave aid and information to the Continentals.

Those of you who may be familiar with my work will know that there is a U.N. variable in my thesis. It's quite possible that any number of countries may choose to meddle in our affairs as this goes down. Even if all we see is an insurrection, you can bet that a lot of leaders overseas will have their opinions on the matter.

Now, about the resistors themselves...anyone who make the decision to back the insurgency will certainly need to have their act together. Becuase of the infilitration problems that I talk about in my work, you can guess that actual cell or militia planning will have to be caried out years in advance.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 04:31 PM
I sure do like your work. The problem is that you have the title of Conspiricy Author that will haunt anything that you would like people to take serious. I think that is a shame because you seem to be a very well educated informed person. I wish I had your skills but I am sure you worked very hard for that ability.

As far as you last post I think you are very correct in the fact that not that many people will fight at least not at first because it will just be to hard to accept the challange that this will bring. The media will show anyone who fights as religious fruits or some type of cult or Malitia equal to a Dividian like WACO or any of the Neo Nazi groups. This would have to be Gorilla warfare at its worst sadley to say.
Just out of curiosity what is the insurrection that you see taking place look like?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by factfinder38
Justin I sure do like your work. The problem is that you have the title of Conspiricy Author that will haunt anything that you would like people to take serious. I think that is a shame because you seem to be a very well educated informed person. I wish I had your skills but I am sure you worked very hard for that ability.

Shucks, man. Shucks. Actually, I wear two hats. On the one hand, I'm an author of political fiction, and I make public appearances and I do radio in that role. On the other hand, I get to come here and put on my tinfoil hat and be a conspiracy buff. the secret to my success? Truth in advertising. Mainstream readers who get in to my book don't feel misled because I used the "c" word in my title. Hard core conspiracy buffs who want to fact-check me are not dissapointed.

Originally posted by factfinder38
As far as you last post I think you are very correct in the fact that not that many people will fight at least not at first because it will just be to hard to accept the challange that this will bring. The media will show anyone who fights as religious fruits or some type of cult or Malitia equal to a Dividian like WACO or any of the Neo Nazi groups. This would have to be Gorilla warfare at its worst sadley to say.

Anyone who hopes to see a large segment of the population enter the fight will be very put off. Disapointed. In the last two thouand years, 96% of revolts have failed. In all cases, no more than 20% of the population took place. It's worth noting that insurrection, although less frequent, did not succeed at all until the 20th century. In our modern world, any revolt or insurrection will be carried by a small number of dedicated people.

the role of the media will be significant. It is possible for insurgents to exploit the popular press for their own benefit. We're seeing that in Iraq now, and we saw it in Kosovo. the actual mechanics of 'how' this will be done can be found in my work, if you're interested in looking it up.

Originally posted by factfinder38
Just out of curiosity what is the insurrection that you see taking place look like?

You may want to check with some of the people who know more work for more details, but my prediction works like this...

As the economy collapses, career politicians at the Federal level will play on our fears. With a little help from big business, they will assert greater control over our lives. You've seen the recent detainee bill that Prsident Bush wants to sign. Expect more like it in the years to come.

During this turmoil, any number of home-grown extremist groups will surface, and they'll raise a little "heck." This could include some paramilitary groups which will be labelled as terrorists and exploited by the popular press. Think of this as a period of civil disorder. The actual insurrection itself, when it comes, will take place after the President makes an effort to assert themselves without actually declaring Martial Law. When that effort meets with enough resistance to be exploited, we will see true Martial Law.'ve got your insurrection.

It won't take the folks in D.C. more than a year to figure out how to exploit that insurrection,. The 'option' I discuss in my work is just one possibility. The fat of the matter is that a lot of external forces will meddle in this conflict, and we may see foriegn troops coming in to...assist...Federal forces. Not a lot. Just enough to give their masters some leverage.

Now, the tough part. The insurgents can win if they push the conflict to an actual civil war. Without that increase in support, they are likely to fail. No matter how good they are on the battle field, or at the negotiating table, their ranks will be fractured as long as their forces remain divided. They won't be able to reach an accord with their factions unless and until they've won enough support to escalate the conflict.

My success to date would suggest that I've made some good predictions, or that I've told a good story. Either way, I'm just glad to see people talking about this.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:50 PM
I believe it will be a race or cultural war that then will turn to full civil war.

This nation is split 50-50 politically, those that want more government, those that want less. Those that are looking for a free lunch and those tried of paying.

Pressure has to go some place.


posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:07 PM
It took me about ten yers to develope my thesis. During that time, I looked at the arguements for a race war, or a cultural clash. To be honest, I'm not sold. As real as those social pressures, are they pale in comparison to the forces being harnessed by the people in power to achiee centralized power.


I DO think that we will see any number of racial or ethnic groups cast along a variety of cultural lines. There won't be any avoiding that. I don't see the harm in it, either. You work with the people that you know.

I'm enclined to think we will see a variety of tactics in play. Some groups will go for all-out violence. Others will favor stealth and sabotage. Cells will be common as the level of mistrust and the threat of infilitration rises.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:09 PM
Yes, you look at the tensions during the 2004 elections... and now. The tension is even more there, more than ever. I think 2008 will be very important... around the elections. Even during the 2004 elections, people were talking about dividing the country in 2, democrats and republicans. But I think that both party formed a kind of alliance against the US people, they may even not know themselves, but those behind the scene know. (Bilderberg)

Also, I think that the North American Union will be a kind of trigger... maybe the civil war could be all around america, Canada/US/Mexico, realising that their government betrayed them. I'm talking about the NAU about anyone I see, and they are all against it, don't believe it until I send them the official documents, they are very MAD about it.

I think that if a civil war breakout, it will be those for the constitution/civil rights/sovergnity/democracy VS those who support the crazy shiat of the government/American Union for the stupid and engineered War On Terror.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
I'm interested to know from board members which of the following events you think is most likely within the United States over the next 10 years:

a) Will the U.S. be invaded?

"Invaded" in a military sense? No.

b) Will U.S. politicians sieze power, triggering an insurrection?

No. They are making way too much money from lobbyists to be thinking about seizing power.

c) Will there be a civil war due to something that the government has done?

Umm, no.

d) Something else? [Specify]

Life will go on as it has since 1865.

If you need some food for thought, try this:


Your "food for thought" mention is nothing but an overhyped/overblown news topic.
People talk all the time about the this administration and Republicans overhyping and using "fear' as a control tool. I find it ironic that the very samething is taking place within ATS and it is not being facilitated by the Bush administration or Republicans. Go figure....

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:07 PM
Isn't it more likely that mega-corporations will just continue to assume all the real power in the country? They have demonstrated they already own a goodly percentage of the career politicians.

[edit on 1-10-2006 by Astronomer70]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Astronomer70
Isn't it more likely that mega-corporations will just continue to assume all the real power in the country? They have demonstrated they already own a goodly percentage of the career politicians.

The corporations to which you refer have an interest in the political outcome of this truggle. To that extent, they'd rather allow this to play out in the area of politics so that they don't face any legal challenges as they step in to take what they want when the time comes.

The insurrection that I hypothesize will not be good for the private sector. Many ofthe attacks carried out by insurgent forces early on in the struggled will be aimed at corporate facilities because they will be softer targets. Even so, an insurgency will only be an annoyance for the Fortune 500.

If the rebels are able to make good use of the media, and win a few exploitable victories, they'll still have a hard time pushing things to a Civil War. Every rebel element will be at risk of infiltration. Surveillance will be a huge problem to overcome. Even if they have a relatively free flow of arms and ammunition, they may still lose. No matter which way this roller-coaster turns, it's likely that the big corporations will simply make deals with whomever the winners turn out to be.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 07:39 AM
You ever wonder what the first sign will be of a big problem? It will be "gun banning" by the government. There will be a quite time, then all hell will break loose.


posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:13 AM
You have the same kinds of things happenning in all western Gov'ts. Canadians don't want a North American Union Either, we don't want to get stuck with your 9 trillion debt, we don't want poverty stricken mexicans up hear playing the victim card either. How ever if you guys could actually enforce your constitution, your country would be the envy of the world again. PNAC have already determined since 1991 that the "New Boat People" will be from North America in another 75 years after the borders disappear and all the chaos that is allowed to happen. This is why mega corps are leaving for greener pasture in Asia.
They also have all ready promissed North America to the Chinese, to keep them from expansion into Europe & Russia. We are all just slaves with no actual recourse.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 09:46 AM
Hm. Let's see. First signs? I think we're seeing them. I expect we'll see a lot of 'small' things happen over the span of a decade or so. The big 'event' you suggest may come in the form of another Ruby Ridge or Waco. As per the material in my book, I do expect the next President to ask for and get more gun control legislation. Anyone with questions, drop me a note.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 10:07 AM
I have a bunch of friends from Canada and I must say that I have never met a Canadian I did not like. We have talked to great extent about these issues and they told me about you Mexican Menonites up there and I see that we all have someone trying to get a free ride. If you look at my post you will see there will be many more coming your way soon.'
And then read this and see how it applies to your country and how you and I will need to come together if we want our countries back.

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