posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 03:50 AM
Thanks mrmonsoon. I hadn't heard of AVIRA anti virus program before. I checked out it's ratings and discovered, much to my surprise, that it IS,
indeed, rated higher (by some) than AVG FREE.
Lately, I've noted that I've stumbled across a few trojans that AVG couldn't get a handle on. I had to go into the registry and "pluck" 'em out
manually -- I hate having to do that. The free tool that AVIRA has on the side would have, I must assume, done that for me. Where was this when I
needed it? Anyway, I thought that I'd give AVIRA a try. After all, what do I really have to lose? If I don't like it, I can always go back to AVG
Thanks.....good list of "must have" tools.