posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Well you would not believe it no matter the evidence. The CIA might have helped Al Qaeda form but they sure as hell don't condone what they are doing
I guess you are one that believes that 911 was an inside job? Maybe not but I wonder.
As for Iran having direct involvement in 911, I do NOT think they did. I do know that the timing of the summers war in Lebanon fell right in line with
the world Body meeting to address Iran's giving the finger to the world on their nuclear program.
Iran IS in charge of the Hezbollah, they wanted Israel attacked to take the heat off them. They are fighting wars by proxy now, and would probably do
the same when they got nukes.....Plausible deniability..
There are many with their head in the sand these days, it is a dangerous world, watch what you believe and what choices you get your information
Even France is tightening the line now on Iran, that should be the clue all....