posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 03:15 AM
Im very sure that other types of life out there are at so many different stages..or epochs.
Id say for the sake of our lives, that most the warlike lifeforms are stuck much like we are on our planets, as I would think that the universe is set
up like it is so that warlike races cant just find other races so quickly.. The race would have to assend to a greating knowing to be able to travle
such great distances.. And there fore wouldnt be war driven! Or prehaps we are just lucky enough to not have been found yet by the War based Aliens..
hence another reason why the universe is so big! For the reason of protection, or many many other varibles!
The possiblities are endless really if you think how big the universe is!
I just hope mankind isnt like a spider in the cornor of someone elses home!
I hope that they dont plan on putting a highway threw our galaxy!
Or the greatest of all the Waring races would be 10,000 times smaller than us, and therefore have no real effect, unless they learn how to control
virus and germs!
For all we know, we might have to fear the universe that is within us! From all the micro levels that make up innerspace! I could go on for
[edit on 30-9-2006 by zysin5]