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What my father told me about ufos

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posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:50 PM
I want to disagree with you.. but I am reminded of a time I went to work with my Uncle at the air base.. he is an aircraft contractor, he helped contract many planes including the refueler plane that refuels aircraft while air borne... anyways.. he has posters and little modles of all the planes he ever worked on.

In that collection was a funny looking black one, it was a large model and sat in the middle of his book shelf as if prized. I remember exactly what it looked like, and I remember he literally ignored me when I asked about it and then we left his office abruptly. A few years later I came across an article online about Aura spottings being mistaken as UFO's. the drawing of what the sighting may have looked like look quite like that little model.

For you aliens.. there is so much evidence something is being hidden, but if they really do live here with us I think they ought to show themselves, I am sure we can benifit from them? The oceans of our world are so vast we will never be able to explore all of it (with current equipment) and assuming these guys are highly inteligent and travel through space, they would most likely be able to travel deep under seas no?

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
I want to disagree with you.. but I am reminded of a time I went to work with my Uncle at the air base.. he is an aircraft contractor, he helped contract many planes including the refueler plane that refuels aircraft while air borne... anyways.. he has posters and little modles of all the planes he ever worked on.

In that collection was a funny looking black one, it was a large model and sat in the middle of his book shelf as if prized. I remember exactly what it looked like, and I remember he literally ignored me when I asked about it and then we left his office abruptly. A few years later I came across an article online about Aura spottings being mistaken as UFO's. the drawing of what the sighting may have looked like look quite like that little model.

For you aliens.. there is so much evidence something is being hidden, but if they really do live here with us I think they ought to show themselves, I am sure we can benifit from them? The oceans of our world are so vast we will never be able to explore all of it (with current equipment) and assuming these guys are highly inteligent and travel through space, they would most likely be able to travel deep under seas no?

I would really like to hear about you and your uncle and the aurora aircraft..
I believe that this is indeed a real aircraft..
My father also told me of a US navy plane that that had aqua/air was scraped because of funding...
He told me that if you could imagine it ...they already have done it...

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:26 PM
Apparently according to Popular Mechanics OCt 2006 edition, the Aurora project is real, formulated in about 1982 and was operational when the blackbird was retired. They used Patents filed by the Airforce and a 9 billion dollar black budget hole to identify the project. PM Magazine also published Area 51 photos from Satalite brand new, pointing out new hangers, and two new runways that are very long. Also new reports of sonic booms relate to new black projects.

Area 51 is not an alien center or anything like that, simply a testing place. Air craft have to be seceret for as long as possible for the element of surprise. Our sealth fighters where not reveled until they where completed. In the 70's had someone said the Airforce had planes shaped like the B2 Bomber and could evade radar and fly from mid America all the way to the Middle east, bomb and return. They would have laughed at you.

Acording to the magazine as well, the reason the Aurora was stoped was not funding but proper technology was not developed, not that it has been and that we need new tools in the war on terror, the Aurora would be great for our military.

As for my uncle Il keep as much private that I can, just that he will never talk about anything he works on until it is flying at an airshow for all to see. He won't reveal secerets that would endanger the country, I happened to stumble upon one of his models which he most likely forgot to remove.

He told me that if you could imagine it ...they already have done it...

No doubt, I would hazzard a guess that military technology is at least 25 years ahead of the general public.

[edit on 9/29/2006 by Rockpuck]

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 09:28 PM
I think if 'aliens' were here & monitoring us and we are actively requesting to know the truth about them, they should be morally obligated to divulge the truth to us. The 'Prime Directive' or such is out the window because now we are aware of them. Of course, that assumes they have a relatively similar system of morals, and are what we think they are, and that they have nothing in particular to hide.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 05:20 PM
That's a pretty good hypothesis:

if ET aliens are here, there is a cover-up only because THEY ordered our govermnents to keep it quiet, "or else".

Why? Who knows.

But why else would the govermnents be so apparently hard-core and hysterical about it?
Fear of unknown retaliation? If we annoy them too much, the little virus comes out and goes homo sapiens.

The ETs seem like jerks to me.

If we could fly to another planet with intelligent people (who were not able to fly themselves), I think we'd introduce ourselves nicely and learn about them in the open.
[Assuming they didn't have any oil to drill, 1/2 lol]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:25 PM
Interesting post.

A long time ago now I worked with a fairly famous UFO researcher on some cases. He had told me at one point he believed it very possible that the beings came from the water. Not another planet.

He said to look at these things:

-Most FOIA documents retrieved that deal with UFOs have a common connection. They mainly come from the Department of Naval Intelligence.

-At the time about 75% of all UFO sightings that could not be explained were around water.

-UFOs are seen coming out of, and going into water, many times over many years. It's one of the few constants.

When I asked why he thought they actually originated in water, and not an extraterrestial one, he said:
"Think about it. Life started in the water, when the first organisms that climbed out that later became man, the part of "us" that stayed in the water would have millions of years of evolution on us, while we evolved to grow legs, and walk upright. Millions of years on us would get you exactly what we have in the UFO phenomena. We have more of an idea of whats out in space then in our own ocean."

I've tossed around the idea many times, I guess one cant rule it out. I've personally felt the skin of one of these beings before, and I cannot deny it's very fine scaled and almost aquatic-like.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:41 PM
We will never know the truth, until its to late!

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
Interesting post.

A long time ago now I worked with a fairly famous UFO researcher on some cases. He had told me at one point he believed it very possible that the beings came from the water. Not another planet.

this sort of goes along with my current thread speculating that greys are possibly connected with dolphins.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:06 PM
To everyone who thinks that they are being jerks and since they live here with us we should share knowledge of each other isn't thinking logically. Go back to star trek or various futuristic video games and you find a universal rule that all advanced civilization should abide by, let underdeveloped civilizations advance and develop on their own. Sure this is only fantasy but it is very logical. If we were to find out about these beings and share knowledge with them it would most likely corrupt us, we would simply not be ready for any of it. It's like giving an immature child/teenager $10,000,000 to play with, chances are they would blow it on stupid usless things, maybe experience with some drugs and maybe even die in the long run because of it. Fact of the matter here, we are just better off to mind our own business and learn/discover things in a natural progressive way.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:10 PM
Would this have anything to do with the newly created marine preserve in the Pacific?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by amfirst
Have any thought that these aliens are in fact the our gods from the teachings of the bible. I read somewhere that the bible was misstranslated. Instead of gods the misstranslated it as God. So there is in fact more than just one God. The bishop from the roman times weren't very fimiliar with hebrew writings, so they translated some of stuff in the bible wrong. That's why lots of stuff doesn't make sense in the bible. Google "sons of god". The guy explains this. He translate the bible in a way that make sense.

i heard that these were the "fallen angels" that have been here since the beginning. the bermuda triangel is supposably a launching point for these things. the guy said that there are pyramids down at the bottom and that the military is pretty much on patrol out there constantly. said that they have sent divers down and have seen these pyramids but would not dive again because of the sounds they heard. said that these pyramids have things in common with all the other pyramids around the world..that these pyramids were all built by these "fallen angels."

next time anyone gets a chance to talk to an old verteran ask him or her if they have seen anything strange or if they belive in ufos. especially if they flew planes...

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:03 PM
I'm not buying that they are evolved creatures from Earth's oceans.

Why do they have eyes pushed towards the front like humans, unlike most animals in the sea that have them on the side?
Why would they evolve feet and hands in the sea?
Where did they invent fire to learn how to mold metal or do numerous other things?

My guess why they are there is: first the ocean is free of nosy humans. Second they may not like our sun and prefer the lack of light in the ocean. Third maybe the atomospheric pressure down in the ocean is more like their home planet. And finally if they are concerned about our planet, the oceans are great place to study climate change.

I agree they may be dolphin/aquatic creatures that evolved on land and retained some of their aquatic abilities, but not on this planet. Well not until some Cetaceus Erectus-Aquaticus skeleton shows up at least.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Atomic
Why do they have eyes pushed towards the front like humans, unlike most animals in the sea that have them on the side?

Many peple have said the eyes have a "wrap around" type of quality, and would offer a wide view at the almond shape.

Originally posted by Atomic
Why would they evolve feet and hands in the sea?

Whatever environment there is that we dont know about down there might have contributed to the evolution. Perhaps if there's enough of us in them, thats reason enough.

Originally posted by Atomic
Where did they invent fire to learn how to mold metal or do numerous other things?

Again, there's been a long held thought that UFO craft might not be manufactured, but may exist as some living entity. I had at least one case where the woman described the craft she was taken on as "feeling alive", and "not like a machine, but a living thing".

I dont think we can negate the aquatic angle, however if the person in the thread who suggested "fallen angels" is correct, the it could be just another attempt at deception.

Anyone's guess.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
if the person in the thread who suggested "fallen angels" is correct, the it could be just another attempt at deception.

Anyone's guess.

or a more primitive explanation based on the theorys of the day. of course that could be what we are doing by attributing these sightings to beings from outerspace when they may be from earth all along.

and to the people who cant fathom an evolutionary change of this type, just look at where every living creature has come from. it is believed that birds have evolved from giant reptilian land dinosaurs and not look at them. or the simple fact that we were once paramecium.

and like jritzmann said , it really is anyones guess at this point.

side note: im digging the eddie avatar!

[edit on 10/1/2006 by homeskillet]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 11:57 PM
These creatures could be the Nommos. I ran across this on the
bible code pages. Regardless of whether or not you buy into the bible
codes, the real issue is that there are things to research from antiquity
that suggest something is under the water. For instance, Dagon is the fish-god of the Philistines and "alien" written backwards in Hebrew.
Musari meaning abomination, is the Babylonian title for their first King
and fish god "Oannes".
The Dogon tribe from Africa were apparently aware of them thousands of
years ago and said they were monitors. I guess to monitor our progress,
which might explain some of their aloofness.

Scroll down on the following page until you see the 7000 year old
statues of these things.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by PEADY
I asked why would the Navy keep this secret , He said Its not the Navy that wants to keep them a secret Its them who want to be kept a secret.He also said that the goverment probably doesnt care because they cause no threat to us..

That doesn't answer the question as to why earthly governments keep the information secret from the public.

I can't believe any world governments would keep this huge secret at the behest of some secretive civilizations just because they request it. There would need to be threats and violence involved for that to happen.

Otherwise the secret is kept by our governments for their own purposes of controlling the public. Which I believe is the case. Not the other way around.

If the governments of the world didn't care then they would tell us, not keep their mouths shut. That would be like keeping what you had for dinner secret if somebody asked. It doesn't work that way.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by Frith]

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 01:20 AM
Well Frith, how do you know they haven't threatened the highest levels of power of say the United States, for instance?

Consider the hideous threat they could muster and we would be utterly powerless to stop. They could drop a huge rock from space onto the United States and destroy it in seconds. Child's play to them really. A threat of that magnitude could be the reason for the super secret world of ufos and rumored deadly methods used by agents hell bent on keeping it secret.

And how would it look...oh look a rock randomly fell from space and wiped out the US and thrust the rest of the world into dust filled night and chaos. Convenient, huh? No ufos here, move along please...

The russians have about as much ufo dealings as the US has, but I don't really see them chomping at the bit to come out and say something. And they could be warned the same way.

If the US was an 800 pound gorilla, then this thing must be King Kong.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Frith
I can't believe any world governments would keep this huge secret at the behest of some secretive civilizations

Unless the governments are these aliens in human guise...heck I wouldnt be suprised if G.W. Bush was an alien and the other world leaders.

To wierd to say the aliens are the leaders of the world already? Then useless to speculate beyond what is spoon fed us already.

After all, if aliens are real, there ways are not our ways, nor there thoughts how are we to know how and why this advanced civilization would do what they would do...even if they do appear cruel?

As for another poster saying they were the fallen angels...I would tend to lend some credence to that idea. Fits well with Enoch. Who knows really what is happening.



posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by land of confusion
We will never know the truth, until its to late!

It would seem that way, but if you are questioning and starting to formulate ideas for yourself...your not hopeless.

Dalen means: While I have breath I have hope...thats my slogan (and happens to be my name)
So while Im alive, I have hope to understanding the key quest in life and not waiting till I die for some promised heaven or hell which may or may not exist. (For all Im concerned the aliens, or whatever, probably process our "souls" like smashed potatoes...
(well not to funny)

Point is, there is hope while you have it frodo (sounds like something from gandalf)



posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:24 AM
The fallen angels explaination hit it right on the head. The fact that its the aliens that want to be a secret makes perfect sence. Who knows what they have told the governments of the world, but the governments must be buying it. The Bible does say the beast will rise from the ocean.......

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