posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 11:42 PM
First of all, if we got in, what would we have to talk about? We'd know what's inside and what they're doing (reasearch on advanced aerospace
techology or something like that). Then after the secret is blown, we'll just find ourselves extremely dissapointed because we found no alien related
stuff in there. Then the Military and Government Facilities forum would be obsolete because no more talk on Area 51. ATS will be slammed for posting
crap conspiracy theories about Area 51 sayin that it was torturing aliens when it was just flying airplanes. The agents and spy sattelites monitoring
Simon's home will lose their jobs. A riot will start amongst the members, the mods will have to go into police state mode to control the mob. The
board will them be trashed and plundered: the ATS store will be robbed, the chat will be hacked, the forums will be spammed, the upload will be
overloaded, the U2Us will flood the place, etc....Then we're all gonna die!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for polluting the thread with one of my discreditable conpiracy theories.
Anyways, how would you know that there's NO way in? The security guards and sensors and stuff like that may just be decoys. It may just be a
distraction from the real bases. So why would the government spend the money to fund a fake base? Well, it certainly does have too much of it,
No one has tried to get past there in fear of getting shot, so there's no way knowing!!!