posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 10:23 PM
I am 24 years old, about 7 years ago me and my friend were walking from his house to mine which was about 2 miles away. It was in the fall and it was
about 8 o'clock, so it was dark out. About half way there we turned around and saw three distinct small bright lights in the sky in the shape of a
triangle which were definatly not there before. At first we thought they were stationary but there were moving slow and staying together. We also
noticed that they were turning 3 dimentionaly all staying together as if it were one giant mass. At the time I was really freaked out by it and we
just kinda jogged to my house went in the basement and talked about it for like 30 minutes without even thinking about going to go watch it some more.
The whole situation seemed to me. 2 hours later my friend left to go home and didnt see anything. To this day I know I saw something
strange in the sky, and NO, no drugs or alcohal had anything to do with this.