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This truly is SMOKING GUN evidence that 9/11 was planned

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posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 01:39 PM
you failed to provide any credible documentation showing beyond a reasonable doubt that the game created in 1995 showing the towers being nuked, and the pentagon with an explosion in the courtyard was smoking gun evidence the US govt planned, funded and executed the 9/11 attacks

you admitted twice it wasn't smoking gun proof

how did you win ?

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
you failed to provide any credible documentation showing beyond a reasonable doubt that the game created in 1995 showing the towers being nuked, and the pentagon with an explosion in the courtyard was smoking gun evidence the US govt planned, funded and executed the 9/11 attacks

you admitted twice it wasn't smoking gun proof

how did you win ?


Do you even read my posts? Or do you pick and choose what you want to hear?

I clearly stated there was no facts to prove anything one way or the other on this card game, therefore, I can't provide credible documentation..but NEITHER CAN YOU. Quit being a damn hypocrite. I provided a logical explanation and my opinion. You provided your opinion. Where is your logical explanation? Where are your facts regarding my other posts? Why avoid the topic? Not up to the challenge? Don't got the balls to confront the issue? It's ok dude, it's ok to admit defeat.

As for the evidence the government planned, funded, and my other posts. If you have nothing else to contribute other than re-posting your bs comments, then don't even waste your time. You're embarassing yourself.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:13 PM
Lol, it's because they are blind, they don't understand Dickbinbush. And although that is highly insulting they could say the same thing about me, that I am blind. But I'm not. So they could say they aren't either. But tha's the glory of mind control and conditioning by the "medes". I keep on trying to tell you people just watch the evidence, read the evidence, see the evidence, know the evidence...

Then you'll open your eyes just like I did 4 years ago and thought to myself, "Oh my god." I did it. I solved the puzzle!

It's hard. It takes a while to understand, but you can't stay on one side you have to look at both arguments. And the truth is that we conspiracy theorists have more proof than the offical story believers do.

I don't even care that we won this debate. I jsut care about waking people up.

Usually and I don't mean to stray off topic, but GOD the holy of all holies leads you to the truth. So ask him and you'll know. But if you aren't seriously researching both sides then you will never get it. It's like studying a new language, say.. "Spanish" I don't know how to speak it." Why? It's because I never studied it, there fore I can not speak it. Which is the same thing for understanding the secret socieites language.

If you don't know it, you can't speak it. Which means you don't get it and won't understand it.

If you do research it in DEPTH, and are serious about it. You'll get it. It will "click" in your head and then you will be free. And believe me when it happens, you are a whole different person. And you look at everything ina whole new perspective. It's amazing what the mind can unlock.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Exactly Raven,

Look "official story" believers, the reason why us "conspiracy theorists" can make so much sense of this is because we have taken the time to research BOTH sides of the argument and we are bright enough to look at what we found and say " looking at this one..I smell bull#
". It's simple. You're not doing that. The only reason we get labeled as "conspiracy theorists" is because we "go against" the government. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there something in this country called Freedom of Speech? So, are we traitors, are we conspiracy theorists, are we the un-educated ones if we express our rights as Americans? I don't believe so.

Clearly, the only un-educated ones are you official story believers. If that's your opinion, that's fine. You're entitled to it. But realize what you're doing, you're allowing our government to kill us to support their greedy agendas. You're being a very good dog that's for sure

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:42 PM
OK, let's can the attitude.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:53 PM
It's not about the attitude intrepid, it's about learning to unlock common sense. Aye yae yae...

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Just a little summery. Maybe a little Smokin' Gun---er--rather Ordinance, too. Proof?
Well, lets debunk a piece of Government Hype and let you decide fer yerself. Note the infamous "Nose-cone" picture taken from a Pentagon Checkpoint video camers which the Official Government Story says is "proof" Flight 77-- a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon. That pic is lauted by Govt. Sources to be the key evidence--theirs--that the pic is that of the Nose Cone of Flight 77 just nanoseconds before it impacted the building.

NO! Wait---!

Low an behold, a Boeing 757 HAS NO NOSE CONE--or any other appendage that looks like one. What does have that feature is a SLAM-ER, the newer version with a highly refined ATA unit attached. Funny, but this piece of ordinance, made by McDonald Douglass (Boeing) and its progression of updates USED to be available on the Boeing website. The page, however has been moved to an undisclosed location. IOW it is suddenly unavailabe. Why just the SLAM-ER info, and not all of their ordinance? Here you go-- the available information.

SLAM-ER provides surgical strike capability against high-value, fixed land targets, ships in port, or at sea. Designed for deployment from carrier-based and land-based aircraft, SLAM-ER can also be adapted for ship launch. The missiles is launched from a distance beyond 150 nautical miles, and flies a subsonic flight, navigating by INS/GPS navigation system. The missile can also receive in-flight target position updates on its midcourse flight, to enable effective engagement of moving targets such as surface ships at sea. Several miles from the target, on the terminal phase of the flight, the SLAM-ER activates its imaging infrared sensor. Images are processed by the Automatic Target Acquisition (ATA) processor. The missile's image processor use pattern-matching algorithms to compare the target scene with on-board reference images to automatically locate the pre-planned aimpoint in the target scene. The Weapon System Operator or pilot can then designate a specific aimpoint to be attacked, or verify the decision taken by the missile. To provide faster, clear image transfer over narrow-band datalink, the system utilizes a special Stop Motion Aimpoint Update which can be viewed on the F/A-18 multifunction display console in the launch aircraft or any other aircraft equipped with compatible datalink, to provide near-real time battle damage assessment.

Ok--I'm going to make you an offer, Govt. Types--REFUTE IT--. I know what was found at the site, and what was not. What was found was casing material consistent with that of a cruise weapon. What was NOT found was wreckage consistant with a crashed 757. DUH? Its a matter of comparative analysis. looking at the evidence and lack of it, and the application of common logic and common sense.

Bythe way, who the heck said "we are done here"--Speak for yourself---

Go for it.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by Ed Littlefox]

[edit on 2-10-2006 by Ed Littlefox]

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

It's not about the attitude intrepid, it's about learning to unlock common sense. Aye yae yae...

Which can be done without the personal quips.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 02:58 PM
hey dick,
why do you feel the need to insult posters ? that hurts your credibility
why do you hijack threads ? that hurts your credibility
why do you contradict yourself ? that hurts your credibility
why do you back track and flip flop ? that hurts your credibility
why do you insist on "winning" ? that hurts your credibility

can you accept a few simple facts without spinning them, insulting me or changing the subject ?

can you ?

the tower card shows one tower on fire, not both. the card headline mentions nuclear weapons, none were used.

The pentagon card shows an explosion in the courtyard, not the side of the bldg. the headline references corporate groups controled by ther pentagon, not a missile or 757 striking the bldg

the population control card speaks of destroying 3 huge places. as awful as the evenst of 9/11 were, the death toll doesn't even compare to how many americans die each year from the flu.

the cdc card speaks of either relief, or attack. maybe the cdc unleashed the anthrax, who knows ? but you certainly haven't proven that here

the epidemic card speaks of attacking one place. see cdc point above.

the combined disaster card basically is sort of a way to do more damage than one attack

the kill for peace card allows you to destrot violent groups and control peaceful groups. not sure how this fits into 9/11. are you ?

the tape runs out card allows you to basically neutralize an attack

in summation, this is a game. It is not smoking gun proof of the US gov't planning, funding and executing 9/11

which you've already agreed to, twice

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
hey dick,
why do you feel the need to insult posters ? that hurts your credibility
why do you hijack threads ? that hurts your credibility
why do you contradict yourself ? that hurts your credibility
why do you back track and flip flop ? that hurts your credibility
why do you insist on "winning" ? that hurts your credibility

You're amazing dude..

You have nothing to say about my three posts

When did I insult other posters? I'm insulting your intelligence which you're showing everybody else that you contain absolutely none..use common sense and I'll have nothing to go on.

I hijacked no thread. Again, I have not been warned for it by mods. It is on topic.

I haven't contradicted myself yet. I expressed my OPINION on the cards and I expressed FACTS on 9/11. You haven't provided anything credible about either one.

I haven't backtracked or flip flopped. I've maintained my opinions and presented my facts again and again in hopes one of you will prove me wrong. You are the only person posting that believes the official story. Yet, you have nothing to say about it. Why?

I insist on winning because it's the truth. You people started running your mouths like you always do. You brought out your bs in an insulting and attempted humorous way by laughing it off, and you provided nothing further. Then, you got evidence slapped in your face, and you run away.

Pretty sad.

We've gone over what my take is on the "smoking gun" thing, as you said, twice. Why keep bringing it up? Is that all you have to say?

Say something different dude. If you think you're on top of this and you have the edge, let's hear something different from you.

I'm asking you to debunk my three posts. Go back and do it right now. If you do, and you do it logically, maybe some of us will consider it.

If you don't, you're saying you have nothing to add to it.

It's your choice.

Are you going to embarass me? Or are you going to get embarassed? It's up to you.

[edit on 10/2/2006 by DickBinBush]

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 03:15 PM
please point your razor like mind away from me, and towards the topic.

please discuss the cards in the game, and how they are smoking gun proof the US gov't planned, funded and executed the 9/11 attacks

otherwise, you are off topic

thank you in advance

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 03:19 PM
case closed

You have nothing to back up your official story

It's over folks..official story believers can't back up their comments

As long as we're on the cards and we're being so demanding of evidence saying that it IS smoking gun proof..

Why don't you give me something saying it's NOT?

Come on..give me me something

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 04:23 PM
9/11 was going to happen no matter what. No one seems to get the fact that we are on a set coarse. Everything happens for a reason.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 04:59 PM
who sets the course, and who powers the boat. Are they the same thing, does one know of the other.
I'll bet your head hurts as badly as mine. Syrinx High Priest, the OP said this is not hijacking the thread, so don't say it is. Raven can call this in at anytime. The card game question remains that, a question. We are attempting to indirectly prove it to be Smokin Gun (bad choice of words however, pal) by putting it into the context of the larger arguement facing us over 9/11. If it can be proven that it was a conspiracy, then by default this becomes smoking gun. OK?? Now if you don't mind, please answer to DBB's 3 Uncontested Posts. This is the new discussion, pull the cloak back from your eyes

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 05:03 PM
dick, dick, dick

first of all, you over-use smilies, therefore they lose effectiveness and just become annoying. just fyi

secondly, the burden of proof is on the OP, not me.

lastly, this thread is titled "This truly is SMOKING GUN evidence that 9/11 was planned"

staying on topic, its very clear these cards are not any such thing. I've told you why, but since you can't rebut that, you resort to insults and the old shell game

and btw, you might want to reconsider having ravenwindfire back you up.

heres why

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 05:41 PM
well neener neener neener to you to. Shall I go back and find something you said that you think is truth, and attempt to discredit you? That game is no fun when you are the target. This is called : D-I-V-E-R-S-I-O-N-A-R-Y T-A-C-T-I-C
It is what someone does when they can't debate straight up. You have done this over and over. In my previous post I explained to you exactly what the topic of this thread NOW is. Raven has agreed. We agree that the card game is questionable. The horse is dead. It cannot be proven until 9/11 is proven a conspiracy. It just can't. SOOOO, we are now debating THAT. One more post from you about ONLY the card game means that you cannot follow a conversation, and therefore are not worth talking to. Now, if you please...

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by RavenWindfree
Ok people.. I have gone over this at least a 1000 times. And yet people are still blind to the fact that 9/11 was a government inside job. I understand how far-fetched this may seem to some of you, or a lot of you no ATS, especially because I realized there are a ton of skeptics on here.

Here is you proof. Why hasn't anyone talked about "Steve Jackson" and his Illuminati card came! He made this BEFORE 9/11.. he knew what was happening and here is your proof ladies and gentleman.

Fact: Steve Jackson is one of my good friends (yes, really.) I've known Evil Stevie since 1980 and I own some of the original Illuminati pins. He bought some gaming illustrations from me and we worked on some of the Worldcon newsletters together. I've stayed at his house. We were on the phone together several times during the Cyberpunk debacle when the Secret Service raided his business:

So I know the man very well. I know about how the games are bought and developed and I know a lot of the game authors who work/worked for Steve.

Your tie-in is nonsense.

(edited to tone down the language. I'm angry at the suggestion that Steve would be in on this or would cover it up.)

[edit on 29-9-2006 by Byrd]

hey dick,
why didn't you confront BYRD ?

this thread should have ended here

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 06:13 PM
Oh my god never in my life have I come across such childish bickering.

This is my fault I have to admit, but I am glad to take the blame. Let me make a note that I only put "truly smoking gun" because I wanted to get peoples attention about the cards. I'll say this, I think I said before that to myself it is smoking gun proof? Well that's because of what I was explaining before. I am only saying that the symbolism of these cards is smoking gun proof to myself and that's how I read it.

Oh and I also must apologize because I realized I made a mistake. This card game was not created before 9/11. But still none the less it is symbolism. Smoking gun symbolism! Not smoking gun proof.

All though Dickbinbush seemed like he was acting in a harsh manner as well as myself. We are only trying to help you understand the symbolism of these cards. Even though the card game was created in 1995 after 9/11, it still has the title "Illuminati" if the game wasn't to imply a symbolistic appearance, then it shouldn't have had images such as the pentagon, and the two towers on it. Instead why not put something else like islands being blown up, or a picture of cities blown up. But the cards absolutely show our twin towers hit by a plane, our pentagon in fire, and so on.

In my very first post, if you take a look at the smoking gun proof site. They are the original ones who got me going. They put those cards in the correct order to show us the direction we are heading in. I am not trying to blame those people, but that is where I got the information from. Then I thought well those cant be real cards, what if someone is making it up. But then I researched the game and found out that it was real.

But the cards are not smoking gun proof to you simply because you haven't looked into. I'm not going to repeat myself again. I am doing my best to try and explain this a logical way. I am 18 and a college female student. I know a lot of things. But i am taking my time to try and explain this kind of stuff to people to help them understand what is really going on, and what we are about to face.

I would also like to point out that, yes the poster who said everything happens for reason in this country is absolutely correct.
Very good. The New World Order planned everything so carefully and so silently that they thought they could fool everyone, but now a lot of people are waking up. However, I noticed a lot of people are taking the micro chip and that is not good! Don't take it, whatever you do, for it is the mark of the beast, and you will be damned forever indeed if you take it. What does that have to do with our conversation here? Well the micro chips is a part of the whole plan. I just wanted to let you all know. Im sure some of you are aware of it.

Basically that's all I have to say. Can we please stop shooting insults at eachother, and lets have a calm and peaceful, logical conversation.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by RavenWindfree]

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 06:33 PM
the beast was nero !!!!!!!!!

go ask one of your history professors wherever you go to school

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 07:10 PM
Nero.. you have got to be kidding me!

The beast is not nero. "THE MARK OF THE BEAST" IS THE MICRO CHIP!

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,

"This means EVERYONE even YOU" So if i were you I would be afraid and look up to God for an answer. Don't ask me. Ask god

to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

"I just want to quickly point out that last line. IT IS ABSOLUTELY true! Micro chips in the future when implanted into everyone. We are about to go into a cashless society which means micro chips are the solution. And without it you can't buy anything, or sell anything."

Get the picture now?

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:

for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six

"This number is the barcode of the micro chip"

Nero? I don't think so...

That clearly speaks of the micro chip, or Veri chip which by the way has the reptilian eye as its logo.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by RavenWindfree]

[edit on 2-10-2006 by RavenWindfree]

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