posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 04:39 PM
I recently recieved an email that brought this subject to light. The National Breast Cancer Foundation has set up a way for us to help give free
mammograms to those that may not be able to get them for themselves.
Breast cancer is a killer. Over 180,000 women in the US alone are diagnosed yearly with breast cancer. A quarter of these women will not survive.
Early detection is the best defense. Mammograms provide that early detection. Some may not have the means to get this test. It's easy to help.
Bookmark the link, take the 5 seconds a day to click on "Fund Free Mammograms" button. You never know who you will be helping and it costs nothing
but 5 seconds.
That being said, if you're a woman over 40, take the time to get a mammogram done at least every other year, once a year if you can. The life you
save may be your own. And if you will, help out someone else as well. Thank you.
ATS hasn't endorsed this but they gave the OK. I lost a lovely cousin last year to cancer. Let's limit the loss. Take care.