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White people paying a price!

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posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 01:27 PM
For thousands of years the caucasian, white, aryan, european race has dominated the world in politics, trade,war, stability and the building of a civilized world.
Today; because of what has happened in the past those same decedents are being punished with laws to not allow then to rise any higher then a piece of paper states that they can. It does not matter really whether your in america or not really, the things that built empires in the olde world is now causing a back lash to the white race as we granted freedom to the native populations around the world. The biggest we are seeing the the rise of China, and states of south america. Yet, in a country that prides itself of freedom and equality for all, we in america if white are condemed to be classified as racists, bad people, prey; just for the color of our skin. WE did not do this ourselfs, but by acts of congress in applying laws to take away from many to give to the few. But these laws are know destroying the very fiber of a great nation.

Should all citizens of America be treated the same no matter who, what or if they are, yes of course.
Should one race or several races be allowed to have favored abilities to step ahead of whites just because of something that happened hundreds of years ago or even fifty years ago. No of course not, to pass laws to favor one race above another for any reason is nothing more then political racism.
Should we consider the abilities of others to do things the best way and not allow failures just to satisify a political law. Of course we should not, eveyone should be equal in work, community, church, school, and laws of this land. When we hide behind a politically correct law, what are we doing id destroying the fabric of that nation.
Our laws of the land have become a road paved for failure at the expense of a group of people whos only reason for punishment is being of a race that did something long ago.
Was the civil war faught over slavery, no, but it was made to seem that way to punish the white race where 97% did not own slaves. It was over taxes and there movement to the north and not the south for building industry. Laws are tools used to take something, your life, your land or your country. But why in the world would the white race allow then to take their soul!

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by mondegreen
Was the civil war faught over slavery, no, but it was made to seem that way to punish the white race where 97% did not own slaves. It was over taxes and there movement to the north and not the south for building industry. Laws are tools used to take something, your life, your land or your country. But why in the world would the white race allow then to take their soul!

The media has greatly influenced the way people think about the civil war. The most common answer you'll get from a person of any race in the US if asked about the reasons for the civil war, will be slavery. unfortunatly the South has suffered greatly by this. The media portrays the south as a dirty, poor, slanderous, racial part of the nation, while most places are tollerant. I do not agree with paying the children of Japanese American citizens money just because what happened to their ancestors. It did not happen to them. I also disagree with paying African Americans for what happened to their ancestors. The white race should not have to apoligize for what happened more than a century ago.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 12:13 PM
ford farmer your absolutely right. we have been lied to to many times. all in the name of ( the people cannot handle the truth), im sick of hearing that satement. that statement to me means that it is a coverup so somebody can make money somewhere somehow or control or bend the truth so that peoples opinions are swayed in their favor, so that they have the power and or money. it makes me sick

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by mondegreen
It does not matter really whether your in america or not really, the things that built empires in the olde world is now causing a back lash to the white race as we granted freedom to the native populations around the world.

Oh please!
Do tell us who took those freedoms away from the people in the first place.

The "white race" is in no more danger than it was 100 years ago, unless you put their status in South Africa into question. The fact that racism will occur against any race shouldn't suprise you, even if you are white. Yes, racism is very wrong and small minded, and has no place in this world.

posted on Nov, 4 2006 @ 09:23 PM
this is fantasitc!
i've never heard such an ignorant diatribe against affirmative action on this site

first of all
saying we don't need affirmative action is like saying it's fair to allow someone recovering from a broken leg to enter a race when it's halfway through

even with affirmative action, it's not that easy for people to get ahead of privleged (read ALL) white people. it's a sad truth that in the united states being born white is a huge advantage.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
first of all
saying we don't need affirmative action is like saying it's fair to allow someone recovering from a broken leg to enter a race when it's halfway through

Okay, I've pondered and pondered, and I simply do not understand your analogy..

even with affirmative action, it's not that easy for people to get ahead of privleged (read ALL) white people. it's a sad truth that in the united states being born white is a huge advantage.

The sad truth is that 'getting ahead' is based on lineage and, more importantly, money.

I'm white, grew up poor. I have had no better advantages than anyone else my schools other than my willingness to learn. We were all given the same books, sat in the same classrooms, taught by the same teachers. In fact, people of 'other' races had *more* advantages by being able to go to better schools (by being bused out of the city to private schools). They got countless scholarships thrown at them right before they graduated (I got none, even though I had better grades).

If we really want egalitarianism, then I say let's simply enact it. Enough of this apologetic nonsense. Everyone involved needs to step up and be done with all the guilt and bs. That is the only way that we will come to any semblance of equality. Forgive. Don't hafta forget, but don't hold it in anyone's face. Learn from history's mistakes, and work towards not repeating them.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 08:21 PM
I live in what some of my friends call the "Hood" I'm white, and not as privileged as some others. But I get along fine. All I need is my families' love, and living essentials. But to say that ALL white people are more privileged than all other races is nonsense. Black people are not the only one's struggling. It matters not, the color of your skin, but the content of your Character.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Ford Farmer
I live in what some of my friends call the "Hood" I'm white, and not as privileged as some others. But I get along fine. All I need is my families' love, and living essentials. But to say that ALL white people are more privileged than all other races is nonsense. Black people are not the only one's struggling. It matters not, the color of your skin, but the content of your Character.

unfortunately, there are still plenty of bigots in this country, and many of them wouldn't consider themselves racist

it is the sad fact that, in america, being born as a minority puts you a step behind

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
it is the sad fact that, in america, being born as a minority puts you a step behind

I still maintain that the minority is financial, and not skin color. If you're born poor, you're a step behind. If you're born rich, you're three steps ahead.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:51 PM
Well maybe theres a reason why Asian Americans are so successful compare to African and Hispanic Americans.

Must be the color of Asian Americans.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Well maybe theres a reason why Asian Americans are so successful compare to African and Hispanic Americans.

Must be the color of Asian Americans.

it could also be the fact that all of our racist assumptions about asians were related to opium, which is not much of a problem anymore
or that they modern ones are positive stereotypes

while nearly all the stereotypes of hispanics and those of african descent are negative...

that might be it

or they could be ahead of africans because the africans were enslaved at one point...

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 01:54 PM
The financial status of anyone of any race is often dependant on their beliefs of themselves and how they fit in the socieity. Poor people are born with less chances, that's true... But they're also taught to unconsciously have the attitudes that keeps them from being successful in their lives...

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
or they could be ahead of africans because the africans were enslaved at one point...

Well there must be a good reason for it all, maybe African Americans should put in the excuse on their resume that they did bad in school and can't get a good job because of slavery genes.

Should look at the history as to the racism against Asian-Americans especially the Chinese and the Japanese. Should they use that excuse to overcome the problems they face in America today?

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Ford Farmer
I live in what some of my friends call the "Hood" I'm white, and not as privileged as some others. But I get along fine. All I need is my families' love, and living essentials. But to say that ALL white people are more privileged than all other races is nonsense. Black people are not the only one's struggling. It matters not, the color of your skin, but the content of your Character.

By the way, I love the thread OP started.

Blacks really are the only ones struggling..... why is that? .. Why is it the 'white mans' fault .. and why do we need national programs to assist one racial group? Doesn't make sense in my book.

Asians, they got on absolutely fine even if they suffered tremendous racism, they did not ask for a crutch to lean on, no special programs. They kept family tradition, had respect for their heritage and embraced the population and worked with society.. now you cannot tell me when a programmer goes in for an interview the Indian or Japanese man is not going to be qualified against the white programmer because of race.

Mexican Americans. They are modern day slaves if anything.. while I am against illegal immigration I do not pretend I do not recognize these are very hard working people who can at least mingle with society and be productive and live a normal civilized life.. even when all the odds are stacked against them.

Whites, we may have been dominate over other races (excluding Asians) for a very long time, but this is the modern age, grow up and realize that race is not as much of a factor.. especially in this globalizing world. The problem blacks are facing now is not being hired over whites, ironically whites (who do most of the hiring) are hiring Latinos, Asians, middle Easterners, any one over the blacks. They should not blame whites for their problems, they should instead sit back and ask where the hell they !@% up because something is not right when EVERY one is passing you by.

And of course slavery can be blamed.. somehow 200 years ago your great grandfathers great great grandfather was a slave is somehow effecting your ability to function in society.
Every race has been a slave.. even whites

[edit on 11/7/2006 by Rockpuck]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
or they could be ahead of africans because the africans were enslaved at one point...

Well there must be a good reason for it all, maybe African Americans should put in the excuse on their resume that they did bad in school and can't get a good job because of slavery genes.

Should look at the history as to the racism against Asian-Americans especially the Chinese and the Japanese. Should they use that excuse to overcome the problems they face in America today?

i'm not saying they have slave genes, and i'm pretty sure you know that

i'm saying that putting a group of people into slavery for the better part of a country's existence gives the later, free generations a disadvantage

we're what, 2 generations removed from slavery?

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 12:52 AM
all races not just black floks should not blame their history, and take responsibility for their actions.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Slavery was ended forcibly in 1865. It wasn't the only reason for the civil war, but it was one of them. I'd call that right at four or five generations, not a mere two. Several of my great great grand pappies fought in it. On both sides.

Racism, or bigotry exists...only a fool would say otherwise, but all facets of American society have suffered from bigotry of one sort or another. The Irish, all Orientals, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, etc...let us of course not forget gender bias either.

No one group has been immune. I'm not a big proponant of Affirmative Action, never have been. However, I also realize that until there is a true colorblind, genderblind society here in America exists, certain protections are neccessary to prevent biased hirings from occuring. There are problems with Affirmative Action, hiring someone simply to fill a quota being the primary one. But its a whole lot better than no protection at all.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by seagull
Slavery was ended forcibly in 1865. It wasn't the only reason for the civil war, but it was one of them. I'd call that right at four or five generations, not a mere two. Several of my great great grand pappies fought in it. On both sides.

by removed from slavery i meant that people 2 generations ago knew people who were enslaved

No one group has been immune. I'm not a big proponant of Affirmative Action, never have been. However, I also realize that until there is a true colorblind, genderblind society here in America exists, certain protections are neccessary to prevent biased hirings from occuring. There are problems with Affirmative Action, hiring someone simply to fill a quota being the primary one. But its a whole lot better than no protection at all.

the quota system is a myth
it was actually outlawed years ago
i'm sick of hearing about it over and over again

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 11:46 AM
Bull#, the quota system is not abandoned. I have a brother in law who works in HR. He knows first hand that it still goes on daily. Employers are "coerced" to hire people of certain races or gender, even if the said individual is less qualified than a different Caucasian applicant. This is the problem with affirmative action.
Let me ask you this hypothetical situation. You severely break your arm; you are rushed to an emergency room. When you arrive you receive a highly qualified Caucasian doctor who does a great job in treating your broken arm, you get a cast and heal in several weeks. Ok the same situation; you are rushed to an emergency room. When you arrive there is only one doctor available, who is less qualified, but received the job over the more qualified doctor because of his/her race or gender. He makes a bad mistake and you end up losing your arm.... How would your feel????? Would you agree with affirmative action then?????
I feel people of every race should have the same chance of getting a job, which includes White People. It's reverse racism and it is a serious problem in this country. Every person can make something of themselves, become something great. All it takes is dedication and hard work. The government seems to love to give handouts to racially different people because of their skin, or they live in a poor community. How does that help in the long run? It makes them lazy and gives them no incentive to work hard and become a quality addition to society.

[edit on 19/1/2007 by Halcy0n]

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Halcy0n
Bull#, the quota system is not abandoned. I have a brother in law who works in HR. He knows first hand that it still goes on daily. Employers are "coerced" to hire people of certain races or gender, even if the said individual is less qualified than a different Caucasian applicant. This is the problem with affirmative action.

the quota system is ILLEGAL
it was ruled against in the supreme court case
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Let me ask you this hypothetical situation. You break severely break your arm; you are rushed to an emergency room. When you arrive you receive a highly qualified Caucasian doctor who does a great job in treating your broken arm, you get a cast and heal in several weeks. Ok the same situation; you are rushed to an emergency room. When you arrive there is only one doctor available, who is less qualified, but received the job over the more qualified doctor because of his/her race or gender. He makes a bad mistake and you end up losing your arm.... How would your feel????? Would you agree with affirmative action then?????

well, now you're assuming that the only people that get hired that aren't white are less qualified
nobody gets hired simply because of their race or gender in this country

I feel people of every race should have the same chance of getting a job, which includes White People. It's reverse racism and it is a serious problem in this country. Every person can make something of themselves, become something great.

yes, in theory it works that way
in practice, there is racism and bigotry

All it takes is dedication and hard work.

because i'm pretty sure that the african american community has historically put in more hard work than any other group, yet the white majority reaped the majority of the rewards

if you went to a prison and took a man that had been shackled for the last 5 years and put him in a race right after being de-shackled, would it be fair?

just a question
if you think hard work should be rewarded, are you in favor of reperations for slavery?

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