posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 04:52 PM
When The Wind Blows is out on DVD, certainly in Europe, I bought it from the Amazon UK site a few months back.
The rest you'll probably know ... Dr. Strangelove, The Day After, Fail-Safe (2 versions, original probably better), On The Beach (original much
better), The War Game, Death Train, By Dawn's Early Light. There's also a couple of specialist DVD's out in the UK showing the emergency broadcasts
the BBC intended to show in the event a nuclear war seemed likely, entitled "Protect And Survive", which tied in with HMG's notorious information
booklet for householders ("in the event a nuclear bomb explodes near you, do not light cigarettes, you may start a fire .... LOL)
One of the most thoughtful "nuclear war" films I've seen, and the one which best compares to "Jericho", is also the one you'll have the hardest
job to find ... Testament. It's a very bleak movie, similar story, small community left isolated after a nuclear attack against the USA. I won't
spoil the ending ... but it's safe to say its ending is not as shiny and happy as Jericho's will ever be.
As to Jericho itself, I gave up on that ages ago. The storyline became so convoluted and the characters so unappealing I just gave up altogether. If
it was a government sponsored campaign to highlight the need for civil defence, for me it failed miserably.