posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 03:04 AM
A large percentage of us of have tried the famed internet dating. Be it because it was a moment of weakness, something a friend dared us to do,
looking for something different or just out of plain loneliness.
So, I in a moment of bordom tried internet dating. I met this guy online and we talked for awhile. We had a lot in common, liked the same music, know that kind of stuff. We exchanged pictures and when I saw him.. boy I thought I lucked out! Cuuute!! We arranged to meet up at a local
club here in FL. I talked to him on my cell the entire way there, until the moment he pulled into the parking lot. I was so excited!
He walked up to me, and the first thing that blurted out of my mouth was "Sorry I'm so tall" I am by NO means tall - I'm five feet and three
inches.. but he was just a little bit taller than I am. Nothing against shorter men, but it's just not my taste. I like 'em long and tall!
So we
went inside and had a couple of drinks and within a half hour I forgot about his height.
Fast forward 2 weeks later.. things are going good...and finally we well.. ya know.. and it's well... about as tall as he is to put it nicely.
Girls... c'mon.. we say we don't mind if it's small.. but REALLY!! Ok, not a problem.. I can overlook this.
2 more weeks go by... And now he's getting possessive. Starting to not let me see my friends, demanding all my attention, telling me he's in love
with me, talking about me moving in. Telling me I need to put him first before my family. One night I got sick at home, and he actually wanted to HEAR
me throw up. Thinks I'm lying about who I talk to, where I've been, what I'm doing. Calls my house and cell phone about 10 times a day....
So here's my position... Should I dump him face to face.. or should I mail him his stuff and cut off all communication?
Any suggestions? .... Aside from DON'T EVER EVER EVER INTERNET DATE!!!