First I would like to state that I respect your right to voice your opinion, yeah right, but I must concur.
It first amazes me that you decide say that Bush is going to put you in detention camps...
Don't falter yourself.
I just can't comprehend how you guys, people of genius, people trying to protect freedom, can fall for the simplest of propaganda. This is the OLDEST
trick in the book. In fact, I would'nt even give it the dignity of defining it as "trick".
Someone doesn't agree with the President.
(Just so you know i'm not targeting you, yeah right.)
So they go on a campign.
Against Bush.
They slide stories.
(The Media is BENT on getting a story, I seroiusly think that they wouldn't be bought of so easily)
And I don't condone how Bush messed up.
But, For Godsakes (For whatever you belive in) Show some respect and show some dignity!!
He wouldn't have made it to office
if he were really that stupid. ( I've seen things compare him to a monkey; What does that say to normal American people. Well, I'l tell ya
"You guys are stupid for selcting someone who proclaimed the best intentions"
I'm sure after what Kerry said totally puts it in perpective to Republicans. Rep.s took Bush's side because he had more strength than Kerry. A more
solidified view. Kerry just wasn't as sure; Back in 2003, ((was it?can't recall.)) If you asked A democrat what Kerry's Stance on the war was and
you could get 3 different views. Bush's followers were alittle more clear, IMO)
It Seems like every thread, every site, every goddamn Pop-Up, It makes fun of the PRESIDENT of the US! You who call yourselves Patriots???He may be
an Idiot be show respect!! He did'nt make it there on bribes alone!!
Seroiusly, It hurts more to see Democrats (Respectable people!!!) Fall into a
sense of Anti-Americanism. And I know that Democrats aren't sole operators in this machine either. I know that republicans are just as guilty. And I
don't condone that either.
Sigh* What I'm trying to say is regardless of political status you should except who goes into office. If you don't like it then DO something about
it instead of starting a "Dirt" Campign and doing stupid useless potshots at YOUR own President.
Basically, Republican or Democrat, Have faith in YOUR democracy.
Don't like something; Make money, Run Change it.
If your poor, Inspire the Masses.
Becasue if it is really that bad, You will have comrades.
What I'm trying to say is, just be
Be a...