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Alien?, Government?, Chupacabre?

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posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:14 PM
So last night I was watching this thing on chupacabre and i remembered one time about 10 years ago.
I used to live in a small town in south eastern New Mexico. Anout an hour from Roswell, well any way I used to go fishing up and down this river(rio ruidoso) the river moves down through some farm land and migrant workers live down there sometimes year around..point is not alot of white people go down in this area.why i dont know cause there stupid.Anyway one afternoon i was way down the river, probably a good two hour walk, i had caught alot of fish so i kept on going, further than i ever had.

I stopped to eat some lunch and i smelt something really bad. I saw a dead beaver, figured it was that, but aftewr lunch I walked around a been and there it was....

A dead cow, but what was odd is that it looked freash dead like a few hours except from the shoulders up it was completely stripped, First a perfect line had been cut around the neck(perfect) and all that was left from that point up was bone, no meat, no skin, no brain, no anything looked as though the skull had been boiled or something(completely bare), any ways I have often wondered if it was because of .....Aliens?, the Government?, or maybe thew Chupacabre

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 03:33 PM
ive heard of the aliens doing that mutilating cows and stuff

[edit on 3-10-2006 by prodog]

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 03:49 PM
Sounds like some of the Alien/cow stories I've heard before.

I don't know what the Government would want with a cow though.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 04:30 PM

if you look about half-way through theres a picture that looks like what youre describing.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:58 PM
The chupacabra (which apparently means goat sucker) leaves puncture wounds in the neck kinda like a vampire and sucks the animal dry of all its blood, what your describing sounds much like the alien mutilation cases. Did you look all round the carcass and notice anything else strange like wether there was blood on the ground or any foot prints or anything.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:22 PM
The fact is that the chupacabra portfolio pretty much always ends up being associated with anything that happens in South America that is out of the ordinary.
The stories around it involve from the original blood dry carcasses to the more recent cases of mutilated carcasses missing body parts (the usual mutilation is to the lower jaw, vital organs, genitals and anus) and there are even reports of assaults on households.

What is real is that these carcasses show up and at least in one situation a human body was found in Brazil with the exact same mutilations the cattle usually shows (both the pictures and autpsy report can be easily found on the internet if you have a strong stomach).

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:35 PM
Now I know this is going to sound horrible, but I just don't believe you. I've heard too many stories about people just 'remembering' things and that they were near a place of past activity.

Surely, if you had experienced something like this itwould stcik in your mind indefinately and you would have mentioned it before. For example, if I posted next wekk that I had just 'suddenly remembered that I had been abducted, but I just forgot about it, no-one would believe me.

Anyway, for all I know, I could be wrong, you may have seen something like this and I could just sound like a moron.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05
Sounds like some of the Alien/cow stories I've heard before.

I don't know what the Government would want with a cow though.

Supposedly bovine hemoglobin is very close to human hemoglobin in makeup

It could also be that the may be trying to tamper with the genetics of humans using their (cow) milk. Im willing to bet 93% of all human children consume milk over a period of time which would make sense.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:05 PM
Chupacabre suck blood. I have never heard of ones that eat the head. Anyway, it could be a combination of scavangers and decay. Clean looking cuts can be caused from this, but you never know.


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