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MSNBC's Keith Olbermann blasts Bush and Fox News (video)

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Wow that was alot of crap to read through to get to the last post! I actually watched Oberman's rant last night, quite interesting. Will it work? Time will tell.

Good night and good luck

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:04 PM
Keith Olbermann is and has always been a self important jerk. How is it news when this Liberal water boy for the Democratic Party bashes the Bush administration. Wow, that's unusual huh?

He is every bit as much an attention grabbing buffoon as his arch rival O'Reilly. In fact, if not for his anti O'Reilly schtick, he's still be just another pretentious media moron.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:07 PM
It was a time when the media and newsmen were there to keep the people inform about what was going on with our nation and its politics.

Then the media became a circus, full of propaganda, butox and stiff hairdos.

The problem is that men like Olbermann used to be in great numbers within the media, is just that people do not remember anymore.

Perhaps we may see now a new breed raising up for the people, or just the last of them.

The problem many are having with Olbermann is . . . that he dare to tell the truth.

And many supporters of this administration lies and deception can not handle the truth when is no given by the ones like Fox.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:13 PM
Those of us who served in Vietnam know all about being lied to by Presidents..... Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon...... soldiers are a commodity, nothing more than that to a politician. All the glad handing, back slapping, good 'ole boy routine..... seen it all before.... numerous times. GI may mean "Government Issue"..... but a GI is a human being on planet earth.... and his or her life should not be used to further ones legacy or career. Sorry, they are ALL a bunch of idiots.

I once saw a shirt that pretty much sums up my feelings about it.... and will clean it up a bit......

If buttock holes could fly.... Washington would be a major airport.


Cam Ranh Bay 1968-69

Phan Rang 1969-70

Saigon 1970-71

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 04:47 AM
Just watched it..probably kind of on the late side a couple months? haha but yeah I don't know..I feel this should of been pushed out more..heck reptilian threads get more flags and is on the front page way more than this and check on ats everyday and at least 4-6 times at work and i didn't come upon this at all..found this video on my friends website and did the ats search and found only 2-3 threads about this..

feel like we "get" something and we ignore it or what's going on here?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by chinabean
Nice find, thanks for bumping this thread. I've never heard a rant like that from a left leaning media member.
I have but one question for the righties.

If the media leans so far the the left, why are there many more right leaning shows on radio? Rush dimbulb (sorry about that) and the like?

At least it seem like there are many more right leaning programs, maybe I'm wrong so enlighten me please.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I am elated any time I see the style of Edward R. Murrow revived. Had it not been for Edward R. Murrow, the Nazi regime replication of the McCarthy era never would have ended in the US. History always repeats itself when good, decent people do nothing to stop it before it gets out of hand.

Right on Keith Olbermann! He has had been hard pressing for the truth since Day One of 9/11/2001.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

Just one correction. JFK had nothing to do with Vietnam as you are implying he did. That was already done by his predecessors immediately after WWII. He was not going to esculate anything, and was going to bring home excess troops already there before he got elected. One of his actions that resulted in his murder by insiders of his own administration.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." -Edward R. Murrow

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
reply to post by chinabean
Nice find, thanks for bumping this thread. I've never heard a rant like that from a left leaning media member.
I have but one question for the righties.

If the media leans so far the the left, why are there many more right leaning shows on radio? Rush dimbulb (sorry about that) and the like?

At least it seem like there are many more right leaning programs, maybe I'm wrong so enlighten me please.

yeah I know, I was just like speechless after coming upon that video. and I think that's pretty good coming out from the media for a change; but I just wonder why it isn't getting more exposure than it has on here at least, only what? 2-3 threads and this one is the main one i guess..

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