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MSNBC's Keith Olbermann blasts Bush and Fox News (video)

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posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 09:51 PM
A stinging 11 minute video Op-Ed from Keith Olberman of MSNBC.

Google Video Link

The nation's freedoms are under assault by an administration whose policies can do us as much damage as Al-Qaeda; the nation's "marketplace of ideas" is being poisoned, by a propaganda company so blatant that Tokyo Rose would've quit.

This intense commentary on the Bush Administration in regard to the War on Terrorism and 9/11 is as close to a mainstream summary of many sweeping conspiracy theory topics discussed here on ATS and throughout the "Truth Movement".

An interesting opinion piece from a cable network reporter.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:29 AM
He is in rare form and fuming mad!


Good for him.

Keith is a glimmer hope in a cesspool of msm sludge.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:05 AM
Suitable for framing classic news broadcast!

I sent an e-mail of thanks and support to MSNBC TV

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:20 AM
Wow. That's all I can say. I've never heard any non-Fox news broadcaster put his opinion out there so blatantly like that. I guess they got tired of Fox doing it so they decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. This is going to get messy. When reporterts start staking out sides publicly instead of just implied like usual, you know that something is gonna hit the fan soon. Lets hope it hits the right way this November.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:46 AM
Keith Olbermann in 08'

Seriously, this guy could very well be the greatest patriot we have right now. He is amazing for putting his thoughts out there. The thoughts of all of us. We don't want an Orwellian society.

Freedom. The Constitution. Thats what I stand for; Its what we all should be standing for.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by n1ghtwalker
Seriously, this guy could very well be the greatest patriot we have right now.

You know what, You say this but do you think about the other people who have come out about typical 9/11 things.

Charlie Sheen, Jesse Ventura, alot of people within the government foreign and domestic, people in the military, scholars, and so on.

The most we get about how someone comes out is they are a crackpot, or they are off their rocker.

It isn't just this guy, there is a whole slew of people coming out about 9/11. SO in this case we should give them all including this guy here congrats. All the same and all the people who are trying to find a clean answer about 9/11, Iraq, and so on thru all the garbage that is thrown upon us by others who do not want the truth.

[edit on 9/27/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Originally posted by n1ghtwalker
Seriously, this guy could very well be the greatest patriot we have right now.

You know what, You say this but do you think about the other people who have come out about typical 9/11 things.

Charlie Sheen, Jesse Ventura, alot of people within the government foreign and domestic, people in the military, scholars, and so on.

The most we get about how someone comes out is they are a crackpot, or they are off their rocker.

It isn't just this guy, there is a whole slew of people coming out about 9/11. SO in this case we should give them all including this guy here congrats. All the same and all the people who are trying to find a clean answer about 9/11, Iraq, and so on thru all the garbage that is thrown upon us by others who do not want the truth.

[edit on 9/27/2006 by ThichHeaded]

Yeah I know. And I fully appreciate them and give them all their credit too. The only reason Mr. Olbermann gets that status in my book personally is because he is one of the only mainstream media personalities who actually come out and talk. I know that Steven Jones, James Fetzer, Alex Jones, Charlie Sheen, etc.. Would all do the same. Unfortunately do to the control of the mainstream media, they don't get that oppurtunity.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:58 AM
Oh .. him again.

Didn't hear squat from him and then in the past 3 or 4 months he decides he's on a one-man lefty crusade. His show is failing in the ratings. Guess he had to come up with a gimmick or get fired.

'oh look at me .. I'm now a lefty .. I have a personality now ... hug me ... keep my paycheck flowing' ...

*note to Olberman ... ditch that dumb signature closing. Crumpled paper tossed at the camera? LAME!

Edited to add .. wonder if he has a book coming out and wants someone to actually buy it. Or perhaps he's vamping for a show like Hannity and Colmes has.

[edit on 9/27/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:59 AM
You people....PLEASE, get real. There are only two reasons this is even noteworthy:
1. Keith Olberbutt has just released his own book and needs to sell copies; and
2. His show is in last place in that specific time slot.

He's just an idiot blowhard for the left. Question:
Why is it that it is ok for these guys (that are obviously liberal) to spout their opinions, but it is NOT ok for (obviously conservative) peeps to spout their opinions?? Hmmm?

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by KnowItAll
You people....PLEASE, get real. There are only two reasons this is even noteworthy:
1. Keith Olberbutt has just released his own book and needs to sell copies; and
2. His show is in last place in that specific time slot.

He's just an idiot blowhard for the left. Question:
Why is it that it is ok for these guys (that are obviously liberal) to spout their opinions, but it is NOT ok for (obviously conservative) peeps to spout their opinions?? Hmmm?

Actually his ratings are up 30% in his timeslot, putting him VERY HIGH in the ratings... and let it be known O"Reily's ratings are down almost 45% for the same timeslot, against COUNTDOWN being RE-RUN on MSNBC.

But hey, you know everything right? It's cool.

P.S Sorry to admins/MODs for calling him out so bluntly.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:04 AM
Here's the link to little Keithy boy's book on Amazon;


Number 58 on Amazon. No wonder the dude is so pissed!!!

Probably needs to get back to ESPN and report curling.

[Mod Edit: Link format - Jak]

[edit on 27/9/06 by JAK]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by KnowItAll
1. Keith Olberbutt has just released his own book and needs to sell copies; and
2. His show is in last place in that specific time slot.

Ahhhhhhh ... A book. I figured it was something like that. He needed a gimmick. That lame signature closing of his wasn't doing it. Guess the left will gobble up his book now that he's 'one of them'.
I'm sure his banker will appreciate all the new support he has found since he's decided to blather leftisms.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:12 AM
Truth Seeker huh?
Yeah, tell the truth, you get that info off of a website called oreilly sucks!

Here's the deal:

5p: 6p: 7p: 8p: 9p: 10p: 11p:

FNC Gibson: Hume: Shep: O'Reilly: H&C: Greta: O'Reilly:
337 460 411 599 406 375 461

CNN Blitzer: Dobbs: Blitzer: Zahn: King: Cooper: Cooper:
156 285 262 215 311 204 254

MSNBC Matthews: Tucker: Matthews: Countdo.: Scarbo.: Special: Reports:
143 106 191 321 144 107 157

HLN HLN: Prime: Beck: Grace: Beck: Grace: Showbiz:
77 149 248 175 194 116

Yeah, right....Keithy boy is not even close! Yet another reason for him to be pissed.....

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:24 AM
[rant on]

What's the problem?? At least he is telling the truth about LYING FAUX News. That's the most despicable news station I have ever seen. Yes I said it.

They LIED about my country, they pushed heavy PROPAGANDA against my country a year ago. I don't care about what ratings they have. Ratings don't mean quality. Especially in this day and age where the whole American media is owned by a small group of companies.

Look at it this way. In the 2000's it's mainly the crappiest shows (reality shows) that have gotten the most ratings. Survivor, Big Brother, Marry a millionaire and all of that nonsense. Ratings mean only money for the shareholders and advertisers. NOTHING MORE!!! Ratings don't do a damn thing for any of us people. NOTHING!!

And I'll say it again. Fox news is despicable and is the most bigoted and worst news station I've seen. Fair and balanced?? Yeah right.

[/rant off]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:39 AM
Props to the ex-ESPN anchor! I've always loved Olbi.

The truth of the matter is that his rant will do more harm than good. Something like that will fire up the right and serve to even further divide Americans. Sometimes it's better to keep one's mouth shut and let Bush's record stand on it's own. Clinton doesn't need anyone to have his back, he proved so the other day.


[edit on 27-9-2006 by Dr Love]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:41 AM
How fascinating that this becomes a thread about whether Keith Olberman needs to make these comments to shore up his ratings, not whether they in themselves have any merit. Yes, it's that "this man has an agenda so we don't need to look at his reasoning" argument.


He's starting to say a lot of things that people are thinking but don't generally get said in the mainstream media. The Bush presidency is really dividing the establishment, obviously, and it seems that his free pass is coming to an end.

It was also encouraging that he mentioned torture in such stinging terms. I think that (albeit rather late in the day) some Americans are really starting to wake up to their country's slide towards fascism. The seeds are there and they're beginning to sprout, all they need is enough water. Let's hope a few more people like Olberman can come in with some Paraquat.

However, I think he retains a rather touching optimism and naivete when he refers to the 2008 election, in fact an almost innocent trust never found outside seventies porn films - "what, you mean I have to take off all my clothes for the time machine to work, professor? All right then..."

The plan for stealing the elections is already in place. The question is whether enough of the media will be persuaded that the new Republican candidate will be a pleasant change from Bush to allow them to ignore the stories of widespread election fraud.

That is, of course, if there are more elections.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:43 AM

Well certainly, you are entitled to your opinion. That's what makes this county so great!

However, I'd like to see proof of their bigotry and lies.

I'm betting that you like to watch the Communist News Network. The ratings only matter in that MOST people (this is borne out in ratings) don't particularly like to watch liberal leaning media. This is true in all forms of media (radio, print and television). Most are on to the culturally biased media, and don't like it.

All most can do is call names. (both sides). That's unfortunate. All I'm seeking to accomplish is most on this thread are praising good ole Keithy boy. You fell for it to....He's just trying to sell books, and not doing a very good job at that.
It's just all Plublicity my friend. Don't fall for the sales pitch.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:47 AM
Love/Rich et al....

Unfortunately you are all falling for it.....I can't even get to the merits of his rant because it is not genuine....

It's all schtik!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trying to boost his sagging pathetic show, and trying to sell books. NO MORE NO LESS!!!!

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:51 AM
Keith is stepping up to the plate and telling it like it is. I respect him for it. He better speak his mind now, because pretty soon this administration will be trying to label him an "enemy combatant." If I'm not mistaken, they probably already are.

I hope he has good security around him that he can trust, as well. His words are sure to put a bullseye squarely on his back.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Keith is stepping up to the plate and telling it like it is. I respect him for it. He better speak his mind now, because pretty soon this administration will be trying to label him an "enemy combatant." If I'm not mistaken, they probably already are.

I hope he has good security around him that he can trust, as well. His words are sure to put a bullseye squarely on his back.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by Icarus Rising]

Well I absolutely agree with you Icarus, ole Keithy boy IS stepping up to the plate.
YEP, stepping up to get more viewers and sell more books!!!!!

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