last night i was sleeping and i woke up and there was a little blue object flying aroung in my room (no its wasent a lazer light)It flew around 4 a
few sec. then went through my wall
Well, maybe you were dreaming too. Maybe your eyes hadnt adjusted to the light. Maybe it was an alien. Maybe it was ball lightning. Maybe you had
food poisoning. Maybe it was an angel. Maybe it could have been anything. Who knows?
*punches self in face* maybe it was because you had just woken up. not everything you see is an alien or even something out of the normal. why not
look at the logical explanations first before jumping to conclusions?
Yes I was awake I was not dreaming
I heard a low humming noise
I did not just wake up
YEs it was 3D but it went through the wall really fast it dident leave a mark in the wall or anything
Sometimes answers are overlooked from looking to far into things. Like TheNeo said, dont let other people discredit what you saw. At the same time
dont let people guide you into believing something that wasnt true. Look for logical explanations first. Then only after all of those are ruled out.
Seek illogical answers.
It sounds to me like some type of energy ball, i used to see this red furry thing dash about the house all the time 'for atleast a year', it did no
harm but it bugged me. I remember being told to rebuke it once 'smirk' so i did and i nor any of my family members ever saw it again.
Was it anywhere near your computer? It could have been the RIAA fairy scanning for copyrighted music...
Seriously though, it sounds a lot like how ball lightning is described. I agree with Gazrok, you should do some research on the phenomenon and see if
it fits in with what you witnessed.
The most interesting part is it going through the wall. That means it was a pure energy form and or of a higher density/dimension.
It may have been a probe or an alien form that attempted to interact with you but because you were awake it decided to split. Always notice how the
aliens in many cases do not like humans to be conscious when they deal with them. This is especially true when you have resisted in the past as many
past abductees have reported in their own situations.